Windows 3.x / Office / Golden Software
Grapher 1.06
An efficient and powerful graphing program for all of your most complex graphing needs. Ideal for scientists, engineers, and business professionals!
DOS / Multimedia / PHOTODEX
Like CSHOW & VPIC, but far better! Shows, CATALOGS, converts, flips, rotates,crops, scales, dithers, GIF,JPG,PCX,TIF,IFF,LBM, HAM,BMP,RLE,TGA,MAC,WPG,CUT,ANSI & TXT. Supports nearly all SVGAs. QUICK, EASY & MOUSE DRIVEN, complete hypertext help and prints 98 page manual
Windows 3.x / Office / Autodesk
Graphic Impact 2.0
Graphic Impact is an easy to use charting and presentation tool from Autodesk. It features easy and quick creation of professional looking presentations, a split data entry / chart viewing screen, a slide sorter, templates, clip art, spell checker, transition effects, the ability to create speaker notes and handouts, and supports importing a variety of formats including those used by Autodesk products.
DOS / Multimedia / Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
Graphic Workshop
Graphic Workshop is a program for working with bitmapped graphic files. It will handle most of the popular formats.- View them. - Convert between any two formats (with a few restrictions). - Print them to any LaserJet Plus compatible or PostScript laser and most dot matrix printers. Graphic Workshop can print colour pictures to colour PostScript and inkjet printers. - Dither and threshold the colour ones to black and white. - Reverse them. - Rotate and flip them. - Scale them. - Reduce the number of colours in them and do colour dithering. - Sharpen, soften and otherwise wreak special effects on them. - Crop them down to smaller files - Create catalogs of a collection of images. - Adjust the brightness, contrast and colour balance of the colour ones. - Capture your screen to a PCX file in most of the popular VGA and super VGA text and graphic modes.
Graphic Workshop 7.0f
Well-known grafix viewer/converter for DOS
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Advanced Software Technologies
Graphics Design Pro v2.0a
GDPro is a Visual OO Designing Tool, which gives the code developers the ability to create object-oriented software designs. It was awarded the prestigious Best New Development Product award at Object World East '97. GDPro's feature: support for collaborative multi-user development design class diagrams graphically generate source code from class diagrams reverse engineer source code and produce detailed design diagrams supports the reuse of software components multi-platform support (Windows NT/95/98, Solaris)
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Not specified
GraphicWorks for Windows 3.0
Impressive drawing software with plotter support. Can be run from CD-ROM. Sold under the label Data Becker Goldene Serie, whose titles were available as cheap, but quality alternatives to big names for each $15–25 (30-50 DM), and were popular in Germany.
DOS / Utility / Vadim Dubinin
Graver 2.21
Diskette verification utility with graphical display (VGA mode), shows where the errors are located on physical media.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Private Developer
Gravity Strike 1.02
This is an updated version of the Amiga 500 game Gravity Force written by a private developer. The developer claims that it runs on all windows versions from 95 to ME. Note that the windows version is reportedly buggy by the developer. Also, to run this version you will need the normal version. Also, the dos version is reported to run in a Windows 95-ME terminal.
DOS / Other / Educational Testing Services
GRE Test Preparation 2.1
GRE Test Preparation is a software program that aids one in practicing taking the GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) general test. This software is notable because it is written for Windows 2.1, and bundles a Windows 2.11 runtime. This archive contains eight 720k disk images.
Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
Great Greetings for Microsoft BOB 1.0a
Great Greetings is a greeting card creation program that runs within the Microsoft BOB environment. It is unique in that it was the only retail product produced for Microsoft BOB. Installation: Microsoft BOB must already be installed, and you must run setup from within BOB.
DOS / Utility / Nigel Salt
GREPFV 7 of 23 February 1994
GREPFV is a text string searching utility with a difference. It searches for regular expressions in text files, archived files, and executable files. The syntax for grepfv is grepfv "regexp" filepattern[+] tempdir
GRiD DOS 3.3
Microsoft Compatible DOS for GRiD 1500 series
Windows NT/2000 / Office / Novell, Inc.
GroupWise 5.1
Novell's messaging and collaboration platform. Included is two disc ISOs. One is the server and client software, and the other includes just the client (broken into folders for creating floppy disks). Server component requires an existing NetWare server (4.x) to install. Client will run on Windows 9x or NT.
DOS / Utility / Micro Consulting Associates
GSETUP is a generic SETUP program for the IBM-PC/AT Personal Computer and all TRUE compatibles. The program is designed to allow you to set/modify CMOS ram values to tell the system what the time, date, type and number of floppy disk drives and hard disks, monitor type, etc., are for your personal computer. Author: Juan Jimenez
BeOS / Other / GNU
GTK+ 1.2-10
GIMP Toolkit, a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces.
Unix / Other / GNU
GTK+ 1.2.2
Gimp ToolKit is a library for creating graphical user interfaces for the X Window System.
Windows XP / Other / ProjectPluto
GUIDE9 9.1
GUIDE: Probably the most powerful and accurate astronomy planetarium programs ever created. ProjectPluto/Bill Gray - Already Installed and updated. 1) Extract zipped files to c:\guide9 ; 2) Edit (with any text editor) file "startup.mar" (in guide9 folder) - line 18 (location of DVD or extracted files from DVD). The files can be extrated to USB, SDCard, etc. (You will need GUIDE DVD - Runs flawlessly on modern systems, incl. Linux (under Wine compatibility layer)
Windows XP / Games / Microprose
"Gunship" is a legendary name in the flight-sim community. The original game was designed by Sid Meier and Andy Hollis and was released by MicroProse way back in 1986. Five years later, MicroProse released Gunship 2000. Both sims were quite advanced for their time and took flight simulation to new levels. The new Gunship! was originally entitled Gunship III, but despite its name, the game preserves little of the spirit of its predecessors. For a game that's supposed to be the final installment of a venerable series, it's about as anticlimactic as possible. While Gunship! is nominally a flight simulator, it's really a flight action game. +++no installation needed. Just click on gunship.exe. Works perfectly on Windows 7 x64+++I can't get the sound running+++click on the .reg file if needed+++Manual is included+++
DOS / DBMS / Micro Data Base Systems, Inc.
Guru 1.00 Demo
Guru is an "Artificial Intelligence" system used to build expert system databases. This interactive demo provides a limited functionality version of the software, and sample applications that you can try.
DOS / Utility / Johan Zwiekhorst
GUS "General Unpack Shell" 1.95
GUS v1.95 handles 15 archive types and their self-extractors (ARC ARC+ ARJ DWC HA HAP HPK HYP LZH PAK RAR SQZ UC2 ZIP ZOO & SFXs)
GUS "General Unpack Shell" Version 1.7
Program shell for unpacking different types of archived files.