The complete list of software

DOS / System / Digital


Digital PATHWORKS for Windows 95

PATHWORKS is a network client suite that enables PCs to communicate with VMS and Ultrix systems from Digital Equipment Corporation. This version is for Windows 95 clients only. PATHWORKS 95 provides a Windows 95 native protected mode DECnet network transport. Also include Pathworks Mosaic, Terminal Emulator, documentation, and network monitoring tools.



Digital PATHWORKS Version 6.0 for DOS and Windows

PATHWORKS is a network client suite that enables PCs to communicate with VMS and Ultrix systems from Digital Equipment Corporation. This version is for DOS and Windows 3.1 clients. For Windows 95, use PATHWORKS for Windows 95. Version 6.0 provides a Lan Manager compatible client that operates over DECNet, TCP/IP, or Novell IPX. 6.0 also includes Directory Assistant, Password Assistant, Pathworks Mosaic, Protected Mode Transports for WFWG, Pathworks Remote, Network Connect, ManageWorks, Transport and Management Utilities, Terminal Emulation, RoamAbout Mobile IP DECmessageQ, and Object Broker.


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Panasonic


Digital Photoshot 5.0.2

Panasonic Camcord Driver and Software - Digital Photoshot for edit images from NV-VJ83PN Palmcorder


DOS / System / Digital Research, Inc


Digital Research ASMT86 - MT+86 Assembler 3.3


DOS / System / Digital Research


Digital Research C

Digital Research C is a compiler developed for use with Digital Research's CP/M systems. It was also ported to DOS.


DOS / System / Digital Research, Inc


Digital Research C 1.1


DOS / System / Digital Research, Inc


Digital Research C for CP/M-86 1.11


DOS / System / Digital Research, Inc.


Digital Research CB-86 CBASIC Compiler v2.0 2.0


DOS / Other / Digital Research, Inc


Digital Research CBasic 86 1.3 for CP/M 86

Digital Research Cbasic 86 for CP/M86, Concurrent CPM/86, Concurren DOS, Multiuser DOS


DOS / OS / Digital Research


Digital Research Concurrent CP/M-86 2.5 [DEC Rainbow]

Digital Research Concurrent CP/M-86 for the DEC Rainbow includes the following disks: ccpmgsx - GSX Graphics Library Support Disk ccpmsys - Concurrent CPM-86 2.5 Boot Disk ccpmutil - Concurrent CPM-86 2.5 Utilities Disk Important: This disk will not work on an IBM PC or compatible. The DEC Rainbow used a very non-standard 400K single sided, 80 tack, 5.25" format. Use IMGDISK 1.18 to write it to a floppy disk. To write these you must use a double density (360k) disk in a high density 1.2mb drive. This archive also includes Teledisk images.


DOS / OS / Digital Research


Digital Research Concurrent DOS 4.1

A multitasking DOS based on CP/M for the 8086 CPU. (Two slightly different copies of the same version)


DOS / OS / Digital Research


Digital Research Concurrent DOS 386 2.0

This is a true multiuser/multitasking environment. Slaves are connected through serial ports. Server can have up to 4 DOS sessions running in a windowed environment.



Digital Research Concurrent DOS 386 3.01

A true multiuser/multitasking environment from Digital Research


DOS / OS / Digital Research


Digital Research Concurrent DOS XM 6.0

Concurrent DOS "XM" is a later version of the original Concurrent DOS for the 8088/8086/286. On a 386 you would use Concurrent DOS 386 instead.



Digital Research Concurrent DOS XM 6.01

Concurrent DOS "XM" is a later version of the original Concurrent DOS for the 8088/8086/286. On a 386 you would use Concurrent DOS 386 instead.



Digital Research Concurrent DOS XM 6.21

Concurrent DOS "XM" is a later version of the original Concurrent DOS for the 8088/8086/286. On a 386 you would use Concurrent DOS 386 instead.


DOS / OS / Digital Research


Digital Research Concurrent PC DOS 3.2

Concurrent PC DOS 3.2 is the immediate successor to Concurrent CP/M-86 3.1. Concurrent PC DOS 3.2 is essentially Concurrent CP/M-86 with a DOS compatibility module that was previously optional in Concurrent CP/M-86 3.1. Note: The first disk is a 320k CP/M-86 formatted disk, and will not open in tools like WinImage.



Digital Research Concurrent PC DOS 3.2 Maintenance Release.7z

This release is a minor maintenance release update with file dates of 11/28/1984. Note: Disk 1 is a 320K CP/M-86 formatted disk.


DOS / OS / Digital Research


Digital Research CP/M-8680 2.1

CP/M-8680 is a hybrid version of CP/M for the Digital DEC Rainbow computer that can run software designed for both CP/M-80 and CP/M-86. This is possible because the DEC Rainbow includes an 8-bit Z80 co-processor in addition to its more powerful 16-bit Intel 8086. This archive contains a 400k disk image of CPM-8680 2.1 for the DEC Rainbow. Important: This disk will not work on an IBM PC or compatible. The DEC Rainbow used a very non-standard 400K single sided, 80 tack, 5.25" format. Use IMGDISK 1.18 to write it to a floppy disk. To write these you must use a double density (360k) disk in a high density 1.2mb drive. This archive also includes a Teledisk image.


DOS / OS / Digital Equipment Corporation


Digital Research CP/M-8680 2.0 for the Dec Rainbow 2.0

This archive contains a 400k disk image of CP/M-8680 2.0 for the DEC Rainbow. Important: This disk will not work on an IBM PC or compatible. The DEC Rainbow used a very non-standard 400K single sided, 80 tack, 5.25" format. Use IMGDISK 1.18 to write it to a floppy disk. To write these you must use a double density (360k) disk in a high density 1.2mb drive.


DOS / Multimedia / Digital Research


Digital Research DRAW for DOS 1

Ancient DR Draw, drawing program for DOS using the GSX drivers. Give it a try to see how things started 25 years ago!


DOS / System / Digital Research, Inc


Digital Research FORTRAN-77 for CP/M-86 4.0


DOS / OS / Digital Research


Digital Research GEM 1.2 1.2

Digital Research GEM 1.2


DOS / OS / Digital Research GEM 2.1


Digital Research GEM 2.1 2.1

Digital Research GEM 1.2


DOS / OS / Digital Research


Digital Research GEM 3.11 3.11

Digital Research GEM 3.11


DOS / OS / Digital Research


Digital Research GEM 3.13 3.13

Digital Research GEM (Graphical Environment Manager) for dos, latest version 3.13.


DOS / System / Digital Research


Digital Research GEM Desktop 1.1

GEM is a graphical application environment that runs on top of MS/PC-DOS. It was built on the technology of Digital Research's GSX portable runtime (Used in DR Draw and DR Graph ) . Notably, a port of GEM and CP/M was used as the primary GUI on the M68k based Atari ST. GEM was also bundled with Amstrad computers.


DOS / System / Digital Research, Inc


Digital Research PASCAL/MT+86 Compiler 3.1.1


DOS / System / Digital Research, Inc


Digital Research PASCAL/MT+86 Compiler for CP/M-86 3.1.1


DOS / System / Digital Research, Inc


Digital Research PL/I-86 Compiler for CP/M-86 1.0


DOS / System / Digital Research, Inc


Digital Research RASM-86 Assembler 1.4a


DOS / System / Digital Research, Inc


Digital Research RASM-86 Relocating Assembler 1.3


Unix / OS / DEC Corp.


Digital UNIX 4.0E

This is the last release to have the 'Digital UNIX' banner and not the 'Compcrap TRU64' banner at login screen. Also includes Digital Unix OSF Base License Key.


Unix / OS / DEC Corp.


Digital UNIX 4.0E Associated Products - Volume 1 4.0E

Alternative Compiler, CDE Video, DEC Ada RTL, DEC C++ RTL, DEC Cobol RTL, DECevent, DEC Fortran RTL, DEC Pascal RTL, DEC Sort RTL, DECtalk Runtime, INTERSOLV DataDirect, GNU Source for DIGITAL UNIX, Multimedia Services V2.4B, Netscape FastTrack V3.01, PanoramiX ADK, Porting Assistant, Program Analyzers and Worldwide Language Support


Unix / OS / DEC Corp.


Digital UNIX 4.0E Associated Products - Volume 2 4.0E

Advanced File System Advanced Utilities, Advanced Server V4.0A, Digital NetWorker, DEC Open3D V4.9A, Performance Manager, SCSI CAM Layered Components, System V Environment and DIGITAL UNIX TruCluster Software V1.5


Unix / OS / DEC Corp.


Digital UNIX 4.0E Documentation 4.0E

Documentation Disc Digital UNIX 4.0E


Windows 9x/ME / Other / David John Barker


Digital Works 2.0

Software for designing electrical circuits.


DOS / Other / Digitalk


Digitalk Smalltalk V 1.2 1.2

Digitalk Smalltalk. Learn object oriented programming with the best language for this... Smalltalk!


DOS / System / Digitalk Inc.


Digitalk Smalltalk-V 1.2

This was probably the first widely distributed version of Smalltalk now we have Squeak but it is worthwhile to see the smalltalk decompiler included in here. Also included are 2 articles by Alan Kay on the early history of Smalltalk - 1 saving you the $15 to buy for JSTOR or the ACM - splitters!!


Windows XP / Other / Not specified



A digital/futuristic looking font. Very hard to read.


Windows 3.x / Other / DayBreak Software, Inc


Dilbert Break-A-Day DayBreak Software, Inc

Break A Day is a calendar that shows a different Dilbert comic every day. Includes a 16-bit Windows 3.1 version, 32-bit Windows 9x/NT version, and a Mac version.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / ULF WASCHBUSCH


Diligence Encounter97 Beta B5

Sound Editor


DOS / Utility / Ray Arachelian


DIM - The Disk Image Archiver 1.4a

DIM is a tool for work w/ images files


DOS / Other / Ediciones SM - Idealogic


Dinámica II - Impulso y Choques 1

Colección física y química. Software educativo en acción. Tercera ley de la dinámica, cantidad de movimiento, choques elásticos e inelásticos.


Windows NT/2000 / Multimedia / Hardata


Dinesat 4.5 4.5 release 7

Uno de los viejos Dinesat, este ya era compatible con MP3. La llave solo funciona en Winows 2000 o en Windows XP cuando instalan Dinesat 8...


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Dinesys


Dinesys 3 3.0

Dinesys fue el predecesor del automatizador de radios, por esas cosas de la vida pude acceder a una copia del programa y ahora se los comparto!!!


DOS / Games / AMWA


Dino Ball 1

Dino Balls gives you a lesson in dinosouri history. Playing the game reminds me of bubble bobble. After shooting the ball into pieces small objects are falling which you can pick up and use...


Windows 9x/ME / Games / DynoTech


Dino Numbers (shareware) 4.0

A 2D maze-like game for kids.


DOS / Games / MECC


DinoPark Tycoon

This is not your ordinary amusement park but a dinosaur park. You start off with $5000 which is borrowed from the bank. The game doesn't just limit itself to buying a few dinosaurs, but also having to buy land (there are three types of land on wich you can build your park), fence it properly (there is even an option to buy electrical fences) and hire maintenance men since you don't want your dinos to escape. You also have to buy food for your over-sized attractions. There are dinosaurs that eat only meat, and there are others who eat only vegetables. Luckily the game comes with an encyclopaedia of all the dinosaurs available, which comes in pretty handy. Your task will be to buy dinosaurs and facilities, maintain them properly, and keep the visitors entertained for the cheapest possible entrance price.


DOS / Games / Knowledge Adventure


Dinosaur Adventure 1.0


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