DOS / OS / Seattle Computer Products
86-DOS 1.14
86-DOS 1.14 [SCP OEM] [SCP Tarbell] (12-11-1981) (8 inch SSSD) Released in 1981 by Seattle Computer Products For SCP S-100 with Tarbell disk controller This version announces that 86-DOS has been purchased by Microsoft, and calls Microsoft's version "MS-DOS". 86-DOS 1.14 would be roughly on par with IBM PC-DOS 1.00. This archive contains a bootable disk image in ImageDisk format. The image is for 256 KB 8-inch Single Sided, Single Density floppy disk media (77 tracks, 1 head, 26 sectors per track, 128 bytes per sector FM) Important: This disk is NOT for IBM PC compatible hardware or IBM PC emulators. SCP 86 DOS Version 1.1 - Tarbell DD Serial #1023/1.1 Copyright 1980, 1981 by Seattle Computer Products, Inc Source is Bitsavers:
DOS / OS / Seattle Computer Products
86-DOS 1.14 1.14
This is the Seattle Computer Products 86-DOS "1.14" release, on which PC/MS-DOS was based. It is specifically for the 8086 SCP S-100 system with Cromemco 4FDC disk controller.
DOS / Other / Nicolay Mausz
86to68 Sourcecode-Converter 1.01
80x86 to 68000 Sourcecode-Converter /// Up to now, if you had to tranfer an assembler program to an another computer, we had to write a complete new source-code. To reduce this grievance I wrote a converter which translates 80x86 code into 68000 code (e.g. for AMIGA). I set more value on an optimized code than on a 100 % correct translation of the commands. The translated program should have the same speed (I mean the translated code should be more of practical use than of academical benifit). The translated code shoudn't have more lines than the original program.
Windows 9x/ME / System / Nathan C Lineback
98Lite 2.06
Some people have been asking about older versions of 98lite, so here is one. This is 98Lite version 2.06 shareware. Be sure to check the readme, I'm mentioned in there! For the latest version of 98Lite (As of this writing, version 4.7) go to
Windows 9x/ME / OS / LitePC
98Lite 4.5 4.5
Version 4.5 of the 98Lite Shell-Swapp Utility. Allows for the removal of the bloated Internet Explorer-"enhanced" desktop shell introduced in Windows 98. This version supports Windows Me in addition to Windows 98/98SE
Windows 3.x / Utility / Ernest Logan Jr
A great Windows UUEncoder/UUdecoder 486 version
It really is a great UUDecoder and UUEncoder For Windows. Fast and small, but fully cooperative. Won't tie up your system. No need to strip headers and trailers from files when decoding. Supports more than one encoded file per input file, and files in unlimited number of segments, etc. Optionally verifies file size and checksums. With preferences dialogs for controlling launch of decoded file, output directory, and whether to encode using table, size record, and backquotes instead of spaces.
DOS / System / Apple
A Guided Tour of MacWrite and MacPaint May 1984
This is a software and audio cassette demonstration of Apple MacWrite and MacPaint. It visually guides you through the use of the applications. To use this software, boot this disk in an emulator or on a real Macintosh and begin playing the included cassette tape audio file.
DOS / Games / Infocom
A Mind Forever Voyaging
Welcome to the year 2031 - a world on the brink of chaos. With civilization collapsing around them, the world's leaders have in desparation proposed the Plan to restore sanity to the world order. Untried, the Plan could save the world, or plunge it into a thousand years of darkness. You are PRISM, the world's first sentient computer. Your task is to test the Plan is a simulated world of tomorrow. Will the Plan work, or will it spell death for humanity? The world awaits your decision; the future of mankind rests in your hands.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / DevTech Corporation
A Small World (Video Game) 1.00
This is the complete file of A SMALL WORLD, an original video game created by DevTech Corporation. Please send any questions and/or bug reports to
DOS / Games / DynamiX
A-10 Tank Killer 1.1
This game is simulation of "A-10 Thunderbolt II". It includes 3.5" 720KB 3 disks (Disk Image) and files.
DOS / Games / DynamiX
A-10 Tank Killer 1.5/1.51 version 1.5 / 1.51
This game is simulation of "A-10 Thunderbolt II". It includes 3.5" 720KB 4 disks (Disk Image) and files. Version is both 1.5 and 1.51. The difference between 1.5 and 1.51 is INSTALL,EXE file. Except it, Disk 2 - 4 are same.
DOS / Other / A-Flow Development Team
A-Flow - Software Applications Visual Designer 2.1.2
A-Flow is an easy-to-use and powerful general-purpose software development and authoring tool suitable for creating a wide range of Windows™ applications, which comprises, but is not confined to: Presentation and multimedia applications. Computer-based training and testing applications. Dynamic gaming applications (such as "brick" game). Interactive database applications. System utilities, shells and integrated end-user environments. And many others... A-Flow completely visualizes applications under development. You do not write application code but rather draw it by using a point-and-click approach. A-Flow also provides interoperability with other software, even when developed by other means and running under other operating platforms in a distributed computing environment. The result from using A-Flow are freely distributable standalone Windows applications, which may run outside the A-Flow development environment. A-Flow is itself a native 32-bit Windows application. SUPPORTED INTERFACES AND STANDARDS Supported interfaces and standards include: Microsoft MCI. A simple, but quite flexible support for multimedia applications is provided. WinSock 1.1. A support for managing client-side sockets is provided. A-Flow Out-Of-Process Plug-ins. A support for linking to user code developed with other tools is also provided.
DOS / OS / Apple
A/UX 0.7
This is the old 'source code' archive of A/UX revitalized and configured in an emulator. Amazingly it runs! It's Unix SYSVr2 for the Macintosh II. Hardware support is VERY limited, but it runs fine under emulation. There is no UI, it's all text based. Other than historical interest, nobody will want this, unless you are a diehard Unix fanboy.
A/UX 1.1.1
An early version of A/UX that has more limited Toolbox support than later versions
A/UX 2.0
Apple's SYSVr2 UNIX, A/UX! It's notoriously picky about what hardware it will run on, and provides mediocre System 6 compatibility.. I've included a ROM and /Unix file suitable for the new shoebill emulator.
A/UX 3.0.0
An ISO of the A/UX 3.0.0 install CD. Suitable for installation in Shoebill
DOS / OS / Apple
A/UX Source Code 0.7
This is the base OS source code. This is enough to boot up to a text mode SYS V bare port on a Mac II. Includes no UI elements, it's a basic UNIX port.
Windows NT/2000 / Games / Caltrox Educational Software
A1 HangWord 2, 2.0
Works on ALL windows platforms except VISTA. A1 Hangword is a simple hangman game in its traditional style, specially designed for children, to help them learn new words, improve spelling and have a great time doing so. As in the classic hangman, the game consists of completing the mysterious word, before we run out of guesses, otherwise the man will be hung.
A10 Tank Killer 1
A-10 Tank Killer is a flight simulation computer game for Amiga and DOS platforms. The game features an A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft. There was a 1.0 release and a 1.5 release in 1991.
A86 Assembler 4.05
A86 Assembler & D86 Debugger
DOS / Utility / Eric Isaacson
A86/D86 version 3.22 and AFIX 1.00 3.22
A86 and D86 assembler/diassembler for ibm pc's also encludes AFIX ver 1.00 which is used too modify MASM to A86 code with the prefix .8 and .fix
DOS / Other / Stephen L. Moshier
AA (Astronomical Almanac) 5.4
Precise astronomical ephemeris calculator (input to aa.exe is by single line responses to programmed prompts). Edit "AA.INI" for local circunstancies.