MS-DOS 6.22
Nederlandstalig. Dutch language.
Communication program and terminal emulation. Supports serial ports as well as network cards. Can have multiple telnet sessions open. VT340 terminal emulation, including Tek 4014 graphics. (Limited support for sixel graphics). Tons of localization features for different languages. This was the last version that appears to have been officially packaged as a ZIP file. However, the source code indicates that the true final version of Kermit for DOS was version 3.16 in 1999.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS 5.0 PT-BR Portugues Brasil 5.0
Este são discos de imagens do MS-DOS 5.00 em português. O disco de imagem disk1 é inicializável e contém os seguintes arquivos: Fdisk.exe Autoexec.bat Config.sys O disco de imagem disk2 contém os seguintes arquivos: Dos.exe OBS: Este arquivo é a pasta do DOS que vêm junto com a versão 5.0, ela está zipada. porém ela foi transformada de forma executável pelo programa ZIP2EXE. Com estes arquivos de imagem é possível gavar um disquete de inicialização do sistena, assim como um pendrive de inicialização através do programa RUFUS. Para instalar em um HD físico siga as seguintes orientações: 1.Com o disquete ou pendrive já gravado com a imagem disk1, inicialize o PC, dando boot no sistema por ele. 2.Em seguida Utilize o Fdisk para criar uma unidade lógica e primária no disco C: 3.Formate o disco C: com o comando: format c: 4.Instale o sistema manualmente com o comando: sys c: 5.Copie o arquivo Dos.exe e os arquivos Autoexec.bat e Config.sys para unidade C: 6.Na unidade C: descompacte a pasta DOS executando o comando: Dos.exe 7.Reinicie o PC e configure a bios para iniciar pelo disco rígido. Pronto! o MS-DOS 5.0 em português está instalado no pc.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS (HP version with P.A.M.) v3.2
MS-DOS 3.2 for HP Vectra computers. Comes with a DOS shell program called PAM (Personal Application Manager).
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS - All Versions 3.2 - 6.22
All versions of MS-DOS from 3.2 to 6.22. Full installs, not boot disks only. Tested with VirtualBox. See included README for details. Bonus: includes full version of MS's Multitasking DOS v4.0.
DOS / OS / 1983
MS-DOS 1.25 (Commodore CBM B Series OEM) 1.25
This is a port of MS-DOS 1.25 for the CBM B Series computer with an 8088 co-processor board. This port of DOS never made it to production. This archive contains one 520k disk image (2083 256 byte sectors) in ".d80" format. Note that this is a non-standard disk format, and this software will not work with IBM PCs or emulators. See the included instructions on how to make a disk image. Source: More info:
DOS / OS / Microsoft/COMPAQ Computer Corp
MS-DOS 1.25 (Compaq OEM r1.12) 1.25/1.12
This is an early version of MS-DOS for Compaq, rebranded as "The COMPAQ Personal Computer DOS Version 1.12" This disk contains DOS, Basic, and demo programs for the Compaq Computer. This archive contains one 320k disk image in raw and ImageDisk disk format. Note that because it is formatted for DOS 1.x, WinImage may not work with it.
DOS / OS / Microsoft/Corona Data Systems
MS-DOS 1.25 (Corona OEM R1.03) 1.25/R1.03
This is the Corona OEM version of MS-DOS 1.25 customized for use with the Corona PC. This archive contains one 320k disk image in raw and ImageDisk format. Note that WinImage may not work with DOS 1.x formatted disks.
DOS / OS / Microsoft/Seattle Computer Products
MS-DOS 1.25 (SCP S-100) 1.25
This is a Seattle Computer Products OEM version of MS-DOS 1.25 for the 8086 SCP Gazelle with Cromemco 16FDC Disk Controller. This archive contains the original setup disk, and a work disk in ImageDisk format. The images are for 1.2mb 8-inch floppy disk media (77 tracks, 2 heads, 8 sectors per track, 1024 bytes per sector MFM) It also includes Basic-86 Rev 5.27 8-nov-82 and Perfect Writer (must be configured first). Important: These disks are NOT for IBM PC compatible hardware or IBM PC emulators. For your convenience, an Altair emulator is included, which emulates the appropriate 8086 CPU and FDC cards. Start the emulator with the configuration file, then press enter several times to get to the monitor, then enter uppercase "B" to boot DOS. Source:
DOS / OS / Zenith/Microsoft
MS-DOS 1.25 (Zenith OEM Z-DOS 1.19) 1.25/1.19
Z-DOS was the operating system provided with Heath/Zenith Z-100 series computers. Z-DOS release 1.19 (a later 1983/84 release) is based on a heavily modified MS-DOS 1.25 core. This archive contains one 360k disk (yes, odd for DOS 1.x, but there it is) in raw, ImageDisk, Teledisk, and CopyIIPC+Snatchit format. Surprisingly, this image is bootable on an IBM PC, or an IBM PC emulator. Some of the utilities on the disk, however, are specific to Zenith hardware.
DOS / OS / Seattle Computer Products
MS-DOS 1.25 [Seattle Computer Products OEM with Tarbell FDC]
This is a Seattle Computer Products OEM version of MS-DOS 1.25 for the 8086 SCP Gazelle with a Tarbell Disk Controller. This archive contains the original setup disk, and a work disk in ImageDisk format. The images are for 250k 8-inch floppy disk media (77 tracks, 1 head, 26 sectors per track, 128 bytes per sector FM) It also includes Basic-86 Rev 5.21 11-nov-81 and Perfect Writer (must be configured first). Important: These disks are NOT for IBM PC compatible hardware or IBM PC emulators. Source: Note that the Altair emulator does not emulate Tarbell controllers.
DOS / OS / Microsoft/Texas Instruments
MS-DOS 1.25 [TI Professional Computer OEM r1.13] 1.25/1.13
Labeled as "MS-DOS Operating System version 1.13", This is the special OEM version of MS-DOS 1.x needed to operate a Texas Instruments Professional Computer. It contains IO.SYS 1.13, MSDOS.SYS 1.25, COMMAND.COM 1.17, and support utilities. Important: This disk will ONLY boot on a TI Professional Computer. It will NOT boot on an IBM PC, IBM hardware compatible PC, or a PC emulator. This archive contains one 5.25 320k (DSDD 8 sector) floppy disk image in ImageDisk format. Use ImageDisk to write this to a floppy disk. TI Professional Disks are formatted with an interleave of 1:2 instead of 1:1. If you use a different tool to write the disk image, you must make sure the tracks are formatted appropriately.
DOS / OS / Seattle Computer Products
MS-DOS 2.00 [Seattle Computer Products OEM with Tarbell FDC] 2.00
This is a Seattle Computer Products OEM version of MS-DOS 2.00 for the 8086 SCP Gazelle with a Tarbell Disk Controller. This archive contains the original setup disk, and a work disk in ImageDisk format. The images are for 250k 8-inch floppy disk media (77 tracks, 1 head, 26 sectors per track, 128 bytes per sector FM) It also includes Basic-86 Rev 5.27 8-nov-82. Important: These disks are NOT for IBM PC compatible hardware or IBM PC emulators. Source: Note that the Altair emulator does not emulate Tarbell controllers.
DOS / OS / Microsoft/Digital Equipment Corporation
MS-DOS 2.05 for the DEC Rainbow 2.05
This archive contains a 400k disk image of MS-DOS 2.05 for the DEC Rainbow. Important: This disk will not work on an IBM PC or compatible. The DEC Rainbow used a very non-standard 400K single sided, 80 tack, 5.25" format. Use IMGDISK 1.18 to write it to a floppy disk. To write these you must use a double density (360k) disk in a high density 1.2mb drive.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS 2.1 2.1
To use: start up the first disk image; run FDISK, pressing 1 for the first option and whatever you feel like for the second; format the C: drive, type "sys c:", then copy all the files on the first disk over to the hard drive (type "copy *.* c:"). Then insert the second disk image and do the same thing. Remove all disks, reboot, and there you go.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS 2.10 2.10
The Microsoft disk operating system is a disk operating system provided by Microsoft Corporation of the United States. Before Microsoft introduced Windows 1.0, Windows 3.0, and Windows 95, which was launched on August 24, 1995, the disk operating system was the most basic device in IBM PCs and compatible machines, while MS-DOS was a personal computer. One of the most commonly used disk operating systems.
MS-DOS 2.10 - Wang OEM 2.10
This is a WANG OEM version of MS-DOS 2.10. The archive contains three 360K floppy disk images.
MS-DOS 2.11 - AT&T 6300 OEM 2.11
This is release 2 of the OEM version of MS-DOS 2.11 customized for the AT&T 6300 PC. This archive contains a single 360K floppy disk image.
DOS / OS / Kaypro
MS-DOS 2.11 - Kaypro OEM 2.11
Kaypro 2000 System disks - includes MS-DOS 2.11, MITE communications program, STARBURST, WORDSTAR, MAILMRGE, TRAVELING EXPENSE MANAGER, and INFOSTAR PLUS. This archive contains three 720K floppy disk images. This version of MS-DOS is customized for the 1984/85 Kaypro 2000 to support 3.5" 720K floppy disks (which later became standard).
DOS / OS / Microsoft/Otrona
MS-DOS 2.11 for Otrona Attache 2.11
This is the special version of DOS required to run DOS programs on the Otrona Attache 8:16. The Otrona Attache was an early portable computer designed to run 8-bit CP/M. With the 8086 expansion, it could run DOS, but was not IBM PC compatible. Contains 360k disk image in Imagedisk and Teledisk format. IMPORTANT: This disk will not boot on an IBM PC or emulator. Source:
DOS / OS / Tandy Corp.
MS-DOS 2.11 for Tandy 2000 02.02.00
This is a later update of MS-DOS 2.11 for the Tandy 2000 computer. MSDOS.SYS version 2.11.03 IO.SYS version 02.02.00 Important: The Tandy 2000 uses a non-standard 96TPI (80 track) double-density 5.25" 720k disk format. To correctly recreate a floppy disk, use ImageDisk 1.18 to write T2KDS211.imd to a 5.25" DSDD (360K) disk in a 1.2MB drive. Be sure to disable double stepping, and do not use a 1.2mb high density disk.
DOS / OS / Microsoft/Texas Instruments
MS-DOS 2.11 [TI Professional Computer OEM r2.11] 2.11
This is the special OEM version of MS-DOS needed to operate a Texas Instruments Professional Computer. It contains IO.SYS 2.11, MS-DOS.SYS 2.11, COMMAND.COM 2.11, and support utilities. Important: This disk will ONLY boot on a TI Professional Computer. It will NOT boot on an IBM PC, IBM hardware compatible PC, or a PC emulator. This archive contains one 5.25 360k floppy disk image in ImageDisk format. Use Imagedisk to write this to a floppy disk. TI Professional Disks are formatted with an interleave of 1:2 instead of 1:1. If you use a different tool to write the disk image, you must make sure the tracks are formatted appropriately.
DOS / OS / Microsoft/Texas Instruments
MS-DOS 2.11 [TI Professional Computer OEM r2.13] 2.11/2.13
This is the special OEM version of MS-DOS needed to operate a Texas Instruments Professional Computer. This version is labled "MS-DOS 2 version 2.13". It contains IO.SYS 2.13, MSDOS.SYS 2.11, COMMAND.COM 2.11, and support utilities. The 2.13 update includes support for 80-track drives, hard disk utilities, and numerous bug fixes to the support tools. Important: This disk will ONLY boot on a TI Professional Computer. It will NOT boot on an IBM PC, IBM hardware compatible PC, or a PC emulator. This archive contains one 5.25 360k floppy disk image in ImageDisk format. Use Imagedisk to write this to a floppy disk. TI Professional Disks are formatted with an interleave of 1:2 instead of 1:1. If you use a different tool to write the disk image, you must make sure the tracks are formatted appropriately.
DOS / System / Microsoft Corperation / Packard Bell
MS-DOS 3.3 3.3
Microsoft Corperation & Packard Bell's MS-DOS 3.3 complete with SYSTEM & UTILITIES (Disk 1), GW-BASIC & SUPPLEMENT (Disk 2), and DIAGNOSTIC (Disk 3) disks and they are all compiled into one Commpressed (zipped) Folder with an information file.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS 3.3 Spanish 3.3
Spanish version of MS-DOS 3.30, released April 1988. Uses a 3.5"/720k floppy disk.
DOS / System / OEM [NEC]
MS-DOS 3.30 3.30
MS-DOS 3.30 HP version. It is on one 1.44 boot disk. The file has ima extension but can be install under VMWare.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS 3.30 3.30
Disquete (3.5" - 720KB) con el MS-DOS 3.30 en español. Para instalarlo en un disco duro (previamente bien particionado mediante FDISK) usar "format c: /s" y después copiar el disquete entero en la unidad C.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS 3.30 (with install instructions)
MS-DOS 3.30 === There are 3 floppy images prepared to be recorded in a 3.5" conventional floppy disk (WinImage is the program that opens these images). Two of them are the MS-DOS 3.30 itself, the other image is the boot disk, which is essential. A README file is also included with all the installation instructions. Send an e-mail if you have any doubts to:
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS 3.30a French [Triumph Adler OEM] 3.30a
Original unmodified disks for Triumph Adler PC (two 720K disks). First disk contains everything except GW Basic, which is on the second disk, along diagnostic utilities.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS 3.30a Italian (Olivetti) 3.30a
It includes 2 bootable floppies, utilities and GWBasic.
DOS / OS / Microsoft/AT&T
MS-DOS 3.30a [AT&T OEM] 3.30a
This is an AT&T OEM of MS-DOS 3.30a on four 360k floppy disk images. For AT&T PCs including the AT&T 6300.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS 3.31 3.31
The Microsoft disk operating system is a disk operating system provided by Microsoft Corporation of the United States. Before Microsoft introduced Windows 1.0, Windows 3.0, and Windows 95, which was launched on August 24, 1995, the disk operating system was the most basic device in IBM PCs and compatible machines, while MS-DOS was a personal computer. One of the most commonly used disk operating systems.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS 3.31 ROM-Version, Emerson 8800 PC XT 3.31
Found on forum. Thought, it would be useful for some people.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MS-DOS 4.01 4.01
This is a .ZIP file containing all disk images required for installing MS-DOS 4.01 on a virtual machine, including a blank disk used as "SELECT COPY". Note: During the installation procedure, when it asks to switch out the "INSTALL" disk for the "SELECT COPY" disk, it does this many times and it might seem like there's an error of some sort. Just keep going, keep switching them out, it should get there eventually.