Windows 3.x / Games / TMA
Lander 1.1
Lander is a real-time simulation of a Lunar Excursion Module on its final approach to the lunar surface. As the pilot of the lander, you must control the vertical and horizontal rockets to guide your craft to a safe landing. (from README)
DOS / Utility / Landmark
Landmark Speed Test v0.99 0.99
A very early version of Landmark's CPU speed test. Version 0.99.
DOS / Other / APS
Language Teacher 1.0
Language Teacher contains Spanish, French, German and Italian language tutorials to increase your working vocabulary and perfect the use of the conjunction forms. Features language-to-English or English-to-language combinations, practise drills, multiple choice tests, retests on misses, and full quizzes. All words, phrases and verb conjugations are selected randomly. You can also use the program as a dictionary by entering words, and an equivalent match will be searched for. Edit any of the vocabulary or phrases, or create your own word lists.
DOS / OS / D-Link Corp.
LANsmart Operating System v3.30L v3.30L
Sistema operativo de redes para DOS y Win3x (en inglés)
DOS / System / Artisoft
Lantastic 7 for DOS 7
LANTastic allows sharing files, printers, CD-ROMs, and other hardware over multiple operating system platforms.
Windows 9x/ME / System / Artisoft Inc.
Lantastic 7.0 for Win95 7.0
LANTA7CH Lantastic v7.0 CoSession Host Addon (remote control) /Win95. LANTA7OD Lantastic v7.0 one-disk network install /Win95. LANTA70 Lantastic v7.0 /Win95 LANTA7IP Lantastic v7.0 NTS TCP Pro, allows TCP/IP control /DOS/Win95. LANTA7SP Lantastic v7.0 SPRYNET Addon /Win95
OS/2 / System / Artisoft
LANtastic for OS/2 V1.0
LANtastic for OS/2 is a native port of LANtastic to the OS/2 operating system. It can communicate with Lantastic clients and servers on other operating systems.
DOS / Communication / Artisoft, Inc.
LANtastic Network 4.0
LANtastic is a peer-to-peer local area network (LAN) operating system for DOS, Microsoft Windows and OS/2. LANtastic supports Ethernet, ARCNET and Token Ring adapters as well as its original twisted-pair adapter at 2 Mbit/s. Its multi-platform support allows a LANtastic client station to access any combination of Windows or DOS operating systems, and its interconnectivity allows sharing of files, printers, CD-ROMs and applications throughout an enterprise.
Windows 3.x / OS / Artisoft
LANtastic Network Software 6.0
LANtastic es un sistema operativo de red punto a punto para DOS, Windows y OS/2. LANtastic soporta tarjetas de red Ethernet, ARCNET, Token Ring y un adaptador propietario (ahora obsoleto) de 2 Mbits/segundo. LANtastic experimentó su mayor período de popularidad poco antes de la llegada de Windows 95, con su sistema propio (y sin costo adicional) de red punto a punto. La última versión del sistema es LANtastic 8.0, que, con algunas restricciones, funciona incluso con Windows XP.
DOS / Communication / Artisoft, Inc.
LANtastic Network Software 8.0
7-Zip of directory contents of LANtastic Network Software 8.0 CD-ROM. Windows NT 4.0, 98, 95, 3.x and DOS Included.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Lantern Corporation
Lantern's MOVIE Animation Utility Win3.11 4.0
The new version of MOVIE offers the following features: -Records frames from any window or the entire screen. Snap each frame with a simple keystroke or click of the mouse. * Automatically record the changes in a window or the screen every n seconds or each time a window refreshes its contents. * Compact device independent file format can display 16, 256 or more colors. * Script language allows you to create self-running demonstrations including simple slide shows and animated sequences.
DOS / Utility / peter norton
Las Utilidades Norton, Edición Avanzada 4.50
Installation dump of Norton Utilities Advanced Edition 4.50, in Spanish (Spain). Edición Avanzada 4.50. Copyright (C), Peter Norton 1987-1988. Diseñado y Escrito por Brad Kingsbury. Traducción Castellano, Copyright (C) 1989 ANAYA Multimedia, S.A.
DOS / Other / vtech
Laser 128 Technical Reference Manual 1986
This is the technical manual for the early revision Laser 128 Apple II clone. Includes programing information and schematics.