The complete list of software

OS/2 / OS / IBM / Microsoft


OS/2 Extended Edition 1.30

Boot from install disk


OS/2 / System / IBM


OS/2 Programmer's Toolkit 1.3

The Toolkit for OS/2 1.3 Presentation Manager programming. Installs headers, libraries, docs and tools. Integrates into IBM C/2 and other installed languages. Disk images ready for VirtualPC/VBox+Co. Insert disks and use "INSTAID" in your OS/2 folder to install it (tested on OS/2 1.3 and 2.0). Includes all the information you need to write the next killer office/2 app for your IBM AT 5160 ;)


OS/2 / Other / IBM / Microsoft


OS/2 Programming Tools and Information 1.20/1.30


OS/2 / OS / Ibm Corp.


OS/2 v.2.1 para Windows 3.1 set 1 de 3 2.1

Cada disquete est? en formato IMG (abrir con Power-ISO o Winimage, o desde la disquetera virtual de VirtualPC) Estos son las imagenes de los disquetes de OS/2 v.2.1 para Windows 3.1. El disquete Install0 es el primero. Para instalar el Multimedia Presentation Manager (MMP2), insertar en la disquetera el disquete correspondiente a la imagen MMPM2-01.img y tipear MINSTALL


OS/2 / OS / Ibm Corp.


OS/2 v.2.1 para Windows 3.1 set 2 de 3 2.1

Segunda parte de la descarga.


OS/2 / OS / Ibm Corp.


OS/2 v.2.1 para Windows 3.1 set 2b de 3 2.1

Tercera parte de esta descarga. No puedo subir en menos archivos porque no carga la p?gina.


OS/2 / OS / Ibm Corp.


OS/2 v.2.1 para Windows 3.1 set 3 de 3 2.1

Cuarta y ?ltima parte de la descarga. Ver la descripci?n de la primera parte para la instalaci?n sobre win 3.1


OS/2 / OS / IBM Corporation


OS/2 v2.1

The OS/2 v2.1 comes with its display driver(S3).2 Installation disks and 1 driver disk.


OS/2 / OS / IBM Corporation


OS/2 Warp 3 3.0

OS/2 CD-ROM Installazione


OS/2 / OS / IBM


OS/2 Warp 3 BLUE Spanish CDROM 3.0 3.0

OS/2 Warp 3 BLUE Spanish CD-ROM version (with Win-OS/2).


OS/2 / OS / IBM


OS/2 Warp 3 Connect BonusPak 3.0

OS/2 Warp 3.0 BonusPak, you will need this for complete installation OS/2 Warp Connect 3.0, it comes in 8 *.rar files, extract to iso-image burn it to CD or mount it, have fun !


OS/2 / OS / IBM


OS/2 Warp 3 RED Spanish CDROM 3.0

OS/2 Warp 3 RED Spanish CD-ROM version.


OS/2 / OS / IBM


OS/2 warp 3 server beta II 3.0 beta II

This is OS/2 warp 3.0 beta II server edition ripped from original CDROM. Create diskettes then boot on diskette0, follow instructions and insert warp 3 cdrom.


OS/2 / System / IBM


OS/2 Warp 4 4

IBM OS/2 Warp 4 Includes the 3 Boot Disks and CD Image


OS/2 / OS / Ibm Corp.


OS/2 Warp 4 4



OS/2 Warp 4 4.51


OS/2 / System / IBM


OS/2 Warp 4 updated boot disks 4.52

OS/2 Warp 4.52 updated boot disks (with large disk support).


OS/2 / System / Microsoft


OS/2 Warp 4.0 Printer Symobl Install floppys

5 *.DSK floppy disk images


OS/2 / OS / IBM


OS/2 Warp 4.52 .52 Final Fixes (to rev 1.06) 1.06

Final fixes for Warp 4.52 CP2. See the enclosed readme file, and apply the fixes as listed. This will take you to internal revision 1.06 with the last available updates.


OS/2 / Other / IBM


OS/2 Warp BonusPak 1.0

From BonusPak readme file: The BonusPak for OS/2 contains the following applications, all of which can be installed from diskettes or CD-ROM: Compuserve** Information Manager for OS/2 FaxWorks** for OS/2 HyperACCESS Lite** for OS/2 IBM* Internet Connection for OS/2 IBM Works* and Personal Information Manager Multimedia Viewer Person to Person System Information Tool Video IN for OS/2


OS/2 / OS / IBM


OS/2 Warp PowerPC Edition

PowerPC release of OS/2 Warp supports IBM Personal Power Series desktops and Power Series Thinkpads


OS/2 / OS / Microsoft Corp./IBM


OS/2 Warp versión 3 - Español - Caja Roja 3.0 Caja roja, .DSK

IBM OS/2 WARP 3.0, version disquettes, en español, sin bonus pack (venia en otro juego de discos) imagenes en formato .DSK. Para usar WIN-OS/2, se necesitan los discos de windows 3.1x. La caja azul ya tenia incorporados los discos de windows, la roja no los tiene.


OS/2 / OS / Ibm Corp.


OS/2 Warp3 with WIN-OS/2 3


DOS / OS / Ergo Computing Inc.


OS/286 DOS Extender by Ergo Computing Inc. 2.1.A6

This particular version of the DOS Extender was custom tailored for people who were running The MajorBBS v5.31 by Galacticomm. It may be useful with other software, but at the very least, if you were running The MajorBBS v5.31, this is the program you needed to allow your BBS to operate beyond the 640k DOS memory barrier. A personal note: I have not been successful in getting The MajorBBS v5.31 to run under DOSBOX, VMware, or VirtualBox on modern systems. I have also tried reviving my old BBS on an old AMD K6-2 500MHz computer running DOS 6.22 natively, and it still fails due to the fact that it can't run this OS286 DOS Extender properly. I guess I need an old 486 to make this work. ****************************************************************************** VI. GALACTICOMM ENHANCEMENTS FOR VERSION 2.1.A6 ****************************************************************************** This version of Ergo's OS2/286 DOS Extender has been specially prepared for use with The Major BBS by Galacticomm. The following is a list of differences that can be found with this release: *** Support for Borland C++ has been added. Although patches for both Large and Huge memory model are included on the disk, Galacticomm only will support Huge memory model. *** Galacticomm has included its own custom GALUP.EXE. For details on how to use it, please refer to Galacticomm documentation. Two flavors of GALUP are located on this disk. One for use with versions of The Major BBS prior to V5.31 and one for use with The Major BBS V5.31. The appropriate file is copied to your computer based on a question during installation. Should you copy the wrong file you can manually correct the problem. In the OS286 directory on this disk is GALUP530.EXE and GALUP531.EXE. GALUP530.EXE is for any protected mode version of the BBS prior to V5.31. GALUP531.EXE is for version 5.31 of the BBS. *** MODLINK.EXE is now included on this disk. This utility will patch Borland's TLINK.EXE Version 4.0 to break the DOS 1 MEG relocation table limit. See Galacticomm documentation for instructions on how to use it.


DOS / System / John Poole


OS/5 Desktop 1.0

OS/5 Desktop 1.0 is a DOS shell program which operates similar to the OS/2 or Windows desktop. It includes a file manager, interface for most popular DOS commands, a checkbook register, simple drawing program, calculator, chart and graph creator, and time display. (John Poole) (Reg.Fee: $23)



OS/5 Desktop 1.1

A fast and easy to use multi-tasking environment program for the home and office. OS/5 Desktop's user-friendly interface enables you to handle and organize your DOS system more efficiently. Desktop has everything from a calculator to a clock and helpful tools to assist in your everyday computing life. Full interface program with many special features and functions, that only programs, such as Geoworks Ensemble, DeskMate and Windows can offer.


DOS / OS / Digital


OS/8 8

OS/8 for PDP-8 processors. PDP simulator included


OS/2 / OS / IBM


OS2 1.1 1.1

OS/2 1.1 16-Bit, with graphical user interface Presentation Manager (PM)


OS/2 / OS / IBM Corporation


OS2 3.0 Boot Disc 3.0

2 Floppies


OS/2 / OS / IBM


OS2 Warp 3.0 Connect 3.0

OS/2 version 3.0



OS2 Warp 3.0 Connect Warp 3.0 Conect

A complete set of 1.44 me install disks for OS/2 Warp 3.0 Connect in Zip format.


OS/2 / OS / IBM


Os2-2.10_with_WinOS2-3.1_en_US_on_14_IMA1440_Diskette_Files 2.10

IBM OS/2 Version 2.10 for i386 with WinOS2 version 3.1 included. US English. Contains boot disk, seventeen installation diskettes, two display and two printer driver disks. All files are IMA 1440 disk images, ready to be used with VirtualBox (tested with VirtualBox 6.1.16 r140961). The disk images can also be open with WinImage, burned to 3 1⁄2-inch 1.44MB disks or converted to other formats as well.


OS/2 / OS / IBM


OS2/Warp 3.5

This is an OEM version of OS2/Warp from 1994. To install you first have to run one of two of the "*.bat" files in the root folder to create two start disks to install from CD-ROM or a set of installation disks, respectively, to install the eitire system from these disks.


DOS / OS / Hidemi Kawai




Unix / OS / DEC Corp.


OSF/1 Source Code 1.0

This is the source tree for the "OSF/1 Release 1.0" Operating System component.


DOS / OS / DEC Corp.


OSF/1 Source Code 1.10

Back when AT&T and SUN were doing their SYSV unification thing, OSF/1 was the answer from DEC/IBM/HP. This is the 1.0 version to the MIPS processor workstation that was later quickly killed for the DEC Alpha. OSF/1 used the Mach microkernel, a popular fad of the early 1990s.


DOS / OS / DEC Corp.


OSF/1 Source Code 1.10 1.10

This is the source tree for the "OSF/1 Release 1.10" Operating System component.


DOS / Utility /


OSL2000 9.23 - Platinum Edition

Boot Manager, up to 100 operating systems.


DOS / Utility / OsoSoft


OsoSoft's Fonter 5.0

Windows 3.x lets you use fonts quickly and easily, both on the screen and in your printed documents. Using Windows 3.1's TrueType fonts, or fonts automatically scaled by programs like Adobe Type Manger, Bitstream FaceLift, and others, you can have access to thousands of typefaces, all of which will work in any Windows program. But there's a problem. It's often difficult to choose just the right font for the job. That's where Fonter comes in. It lets you view any Windows font on the screen, in several ways. Even better, Fonter lets you create printed lists of all your fonts, with a text sample of each font. You can also print sample sheets showing your font in all of its variations, and a character set chart which will help you discover just what characters are in every font. Requires VBRUN100.DLL


DOS / Utility / Owen Rudge


OSPlus Disk Imager 1.4 1.4

The OSPlus Disk Imager is a utility that lets you read floppy disks and create images of them on your hard disk. These can then be written to a CD, zipped and e-mailed or uploaded to the Internet. The Disk Imager also lets you write these images back to a floppy disk. Be warned that any existing data on the floppy will be DESTROYED when writing an image.


BeOS / Multimedia / f3c


Otogranulator 1.0

a simple VJing tool using video granulation ("FCrop", "FDifference" and "FGranularVideo" included) ---


DOS / Games / Wizardworks


Outdoor Soccer


Windows 9x/ME / Games / LucasArts Entertainment


Outlaws 1.0

BIN/CUE files of the US release of Outlaws. Includes all official patches, plus the unofficial installer for newer versions of Windows.


Windows 3.x / Office / Microsoft


Outlook 97 for Windows 3.1 97

This is the 16-bit Microsoft Outlook 97 for Windows 3.1. Note that unlike "Outlook Express", this version is only intended for use with Microsoft Exchange Servers.


Windows 9x/ME / Communication / Microsoft


Outlook Express Unknown

Outlook express for Windows


Windows 9x/ME / Games / sierra online


Outpost ???

Space RTS, somewhat similar to C&C or Dune. Runs well in an XP vm.


Windows XP / Games / Sierra On-Line, Inc.


Outpost 2 - Divided Destiny

Sequel to Outpost. Space RTS.


DOS / Games / Sega Entertainment



Racing game, fun!


DOS / Games / Sega




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