Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Sonic Foundry
Sound Forge 4.0c 4.0c
Sound Forge is a digital audio editing program which is aimed at the professional and semi-professional markets. This version is fully functional. It was tested on a system with the following configuration: Pentium II 300, 128MB Ram, Sound blaster 32 PnP; Windows 98 SE.
BeOS / System / Musclesoft
Soundblaster compatible audio device driver for BeOS 1.1
this driver is thought as a »last option« if you have a soundblaster or compatible and can’t get it to run with any of the available drivers. it has been optimized neither for efficiency nor for sound quality, but for maximum compatility.
DOS / Other / Paolo Pancheri
Soundblaster Programming
Sound Blaster progamming/detecting, CD-ROM progammming, Interrupt Handling, demo progams incl.
SoundPlay 4.9.3
SoundPlay was originally meant to be a replacement for Be's PlaySound (the predecessor to MediaPlayer).
Unix / Multimedia / Michael Krause
Soundtracker 0.6.7
Music tracking tool for Unix/X11 similar to FastTracker and ProTracker. Samples can be lined up on tracks and patterns which are then arranged to a song. Supported module formats are XM and MOD.
Soundtracker 0.6.8
Sources to compile on Linux and (probably) other systems ---
DOS / Communication / Galacticomm
Source Code for MajorBBS 6.25
This is some of the source code that I found for MajorBBS 6.25. This includes the Entertainment Addon, and the full version of PharLap 286 3.1
Sourcer 3.07
Powerful disassembler.
Sourcer 5.04
Reverse engineering tool. Takes an executable (com/exe/sys ...), thoroughly analyzes it, then produces assembler listing of it in several formats with some automatic commenting
DOS / Utility / V Communications Inc
Sourcer 8.01 8.01
Advanced Commenting Disassembler for DOS Instruction set support 8088, V20/V30, 80186, 80286, 80287, 80386, 80387, 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III (except SIMD).
Windows NT/2000 / OS / Citrix
South Beach 101
This is the South Beach Citrix beta, build 101. This is based around a beta version of Windows NT 3.5. Included in this version is support for async terminals, and text mode connections. The built in CD-ROM driver has issues with large transfers and will most likely fail to install. The best solution is to use the MS-DOS 'winnt /b' setup option.
BeOS / Multimedia / Ove Peter
SoX 12.17.8
SoX, the Sound eXchanger, is a command-line utility which converts between a huge number of audio formats. You can add effects and a lot of other useful processes to the audiodata.
DOS / Games / ReadySoft Incorporated
Space Ace
In early 1990s, Readysoft released a number of animated action games that became instant hits on the Laserdisc platform, although their PC counterparts suffered poor sales in comparison. This is by no means surprising: although these games boast very high production values and excellent animations which are created by Don Bluth Studios, their value as a game is sorely lacking. These game are little more than PC version of "choose-your-own-adventure" books, in which gameplay is boiled down to choosing an action from multiple choices. PC versions are, naturally, cut-down versions from Laserdisc originals, with many sequences missing altogether. It wasn't until the advent of CD-ROM that Readysoft (now sold to Digital Leisure) started making "deluxe" version of these games and put them on CD-ROM and later DVD. Treat the games as fun and humorous computer cartoons, but don't expect them to be involving games. If you like any of these disk-based versions, check out the deluxe DVD/CD-ROM versions at Digital Leisure's products page. Excerpt from Rob's original review at CW#3: "PC conversion of Don Bluth's classic Laserdisc arcade game. Space Ace lives from the same premise and problems as the related Dragon's Lair games. It has great graphics and animations for its time but suffers from short and very simplistic gameplay. The plot: The evil commander Borf has kidnapped Ace's girlfriend, the beautiful Kimberley, and is plotting to enslave the Earth using his dreaded "Infanto Ray", a weapon that changes everyone it blasts into a helpless baby. Armed with only a laser gun, Ace must find and destroy the Infanto Ray, rescue Kimberley and save the Earth." Review by HOTUD
DOS / Games / Not specified
Space Invaders
Released in 1978 by Taito, Space Invaders is one of the first and most well-known of modern computer games. Its popularity increased by leaps and bounds in the following few years after its initial release, when the game spread from Japan to invade the USA (published, under the same name, in the US by Midway). Space Invaders' popularity only continued to rise as its addictive gameplay started to infect the rest of the computer-gaming world. Rumor has it that the arcade version was such a big hit in its native country, Japan, that it caused a coin shortage. This lead to an unprecedented first in arcade gaming's history - the country's coin supply had to be quadrupled! Space Invaders' gameplay is deceptively simple. Your mission: To defeat ever massing waves of alien invaders, by controlling a small spaceship at the bottom of the screen, heavily outnumbered and shielded by only a few, destructible bases. In each stage there are five rows of invaders. As they move back and forth across the screen, gradually descending upon you with each sweep - one step closer with every change of direction - they start to move faster and faster. After a certain number of the invaders are destroyed, the rest also begin to move with increasing speed. Apart from moving, they also fire projectiles from time to time to make your life harder. But you are not entirely defenseless... You can protect your ship by hiding under one of the protective shields, but these - as mentioned - are destructible and after a time they will perish. One bad thing about these shields is that the aliens aren't the only ones who can make a hole in them - your shots will also create a tunnel through your protective bases! So be warned that, even though it can be useful to burrow through your bases, from which to shoot (having afforded some protection from alien projectiles), it can also lead to an easy invasion for the invaders as, "all your bases are belong to us!" Each and every successive stage becomes a little harder. Your shields and bases do not get repaired and the speed at which the invaders descend gradually increases. Sometimes another invading space ship appears and flies across the top of the screen - this one is different, however: it disappears at the edge of the screen rather than bouncing back like the standard waves and, should you destroy it, it gives you extra points. It is not as easy to destroy as the regular ships - especially when a lot of other aliens are still alive and slowly making their way down the screen. You should remember that only one of your projectiles can be on the screen at any one time, so if your shot doesn't hit its target you will not be able to shoot again until it leaves the screen - as though the shot goes wide of its mark, instead firing off into distant space. There isn't much to say about the game's technical detail. In 1978, graphics and sound weren't as important as the gameplay (unlike a lot of the games today) and contemporary hardware was, as always, a major limiting factor. The game looks as it does and always has - basic, elegant, and minimal - and the only sounds you will hear are the gunshots and explosions, and an alert when the lone alien spaceship zips its way across the top of the screen. The graphics and sound remain true to the original arcade classic, which is great. Instead of the clunky PC speaker effects, that many versions of this essential part of any retro-gamer's collection retain, we have Adlib quality sound. The increasing rhythm of the invader's approach adds a lot of atmosphere to the game and, even if the sound-effects are very simple - without these sounds, the game just wouldn't be the same. Controls are unchangeable and are not what you'd traditionally expect in this type of game: Left CTRL = Move left Left ALT = Move right Right SHIFT = Fire! Esc = Quit
DOS / System / Unknow
Space Maker
Space maker, utility per comprimere il disco e guadagnare spazio e velocita