DOS / System / Vendex
Headstart LX CD Disc 1 AND SOftware CD Disc 4 Headstart Software Part no.: 6047190-01
Headstart (R) Menustruktuur en Software Well basicly, this contains everything you need on the C drive to install a Dutch Headstart LX CD. Copy the entire content of this CD to a bootable hard drive and voilà you've got the HOT menu system and everything.
DOS / Other / Vendex
Headstart LX CD Disc 2 Headstart(R) Software CD Part no.: 6047192-01
Contains: PC Globe(R); CD Guide Optical Edition(tm); Games The games are not localised for as far as I know, so the games are in English.
DOS / Other / Vendex
Headstart LX CD Disc 3 Microsoft(R) Software CD Part no.: 6047193-01
Microsoft(R) Bookshelf(tm) Version 1.0; Microsoft(R) Small Business Consultant(tm) Version 1.0 I do not think these are localised actually. But I'm not sure, I haven't got the system running as of yet. :)
DOS / Games / xLand Games
"In Heartlight, you guide a cute little elf named Percival through puzzles similar in style to the classic Boulderdash."
DOS / Utility / (few)
Hebrew support for DOS
IBM KEYBHE.COM to enable Hebrew language edit in dos applications. Plus few more files that loads VGA Hebrew fonts to screen.
Helios 1.71 Beta 2
multilingual burning suite
DOS / Office / Orion Software
Hello Charlie 1984
Hello Charlie is a suite of home-oriented rudimentary office products for the IBM PC. It includes a spreadsheet, database, word processor, drawing program, and a typing tutor.
DOS / Utility / David Jurgens
HelpPC 2.10
This program and accompanying databases are designed for the intermediate to advanced programmer that knows what he's doing,but just can't remember specific information necessary to program advanced features of the PC or PS/2. The default distribution is comprised of a collection of information found in manufacturer technical reference manuals, various commercial books, technical topics discussed on CompuServe's technical forums, public domain articles and my own snooping, all organized in a single database. The help topics include BIOS interrupts, DOS interrupts, DOS functions, EMS and Mouse functions, BIOS and DOS data structures,diagnostic codes, DOS commands,80x86 assembler instructions, Standard and vendor specific C functions and various hardware specifications. The program can also be used as a quick reference utility for any collection of text.
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Hercules driver for windows 3.x
HERCULES driver monitor installed in the system installation. ___ Драйвер HERCULES монитора устанавливается в папку инсталляции системы.
DOS / Utility / -/-
Hercules EGA Utility -/-
Utility for Hercules cards to chance the Ega screen resolution. 1x 5.25" Floppyimage made with WinImage
DOS / System / Hercules
Hercules Graphics Plus Drivers and RAMFont 1986
Lotus 123, Symphony, and Word for DOS 3.0 drivers and utilities for the Hercules Graphics Plus video card.
DOS / Games / id Software
Heretic Demo 1.2
Heretic is a supernatural blastfest that is one of the most realistic, action-packed, fantasy combat computer games available for the PC. Heretic adds new levels of play and graphic wonder to the tried-and-true "Doom" gaming environment.
DOS / Other / Heathkit
HERO Robot Model ET-18 Manuals 1983
HERO Robot documentation, schematics, voice manual, and ROM for Heathkit HERO-1 robot model ET-18.
hex edit v8.0a rK.0a
The Hex Editor for Windows in QB64 PD source.
hex edit v8.0a rL.0a
The Windows Hexeditor for QB64.
Windows 3.x / Utility / BreakPoint Software, Inc
Hex Workshop for Windows 2.20
Hex Workshop for Windows Version:2.20 Breakpoint Software Date: August 03, 1996 System: Windows 3.1, WFW 3.11, W95 Serial: SY000CB4 Serial: JN11mARQ Hex Workshop v2.20, the Professional Hex Editor It is a file and disk editor which allows you to edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste hex. Additional features include goto, find, replace, file compare, and checksum calculation. You also get a Base Converter, for converting hex, decimal, and binary, and a Hex Calculator. Enter serial at first start, or go to Help/About. Install tested in a VM running Windows 98 SE. AppleSeed 2023
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / BreakPoint Software, Inc
Hex Workshop for Windows 2.20
Hex Workshop for Windows Version:2.20 Breakpoint Software Date: August 03, 1996 System: Windows 95, NT Serial: SY000CB4 Serial: JN11mARQ Hex Workshop v2.20, the Professional Hex Editor It is a file and disk editor which allows you to edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste hex. Additional features include goto, find, replace, file compare, and checksum calculation. You also get a Base Converter, for converting hex, decimal, and binary, and a Hex Calculator. Enter serial at first start, or go to Help/About. Install tested in a VM running Windows 98 SE. AppleSeed 2023
HexEdit v8.0 rC.0a
The Hexeditor For Windows QB64 PD.