Visual Basic 3.0 Pro 3.0 Pro
This is a working copy of VB3 Pro. 9 zipped disks. Works in WinXP also, that's what I use it for...
Windows NT/2000 / Utility / Microsoft
Visual Basic 5 Control Creation Edition CCE 5.0
Contains 3 files: A) VB5CCEIN.EXE: Visual Basic 5 Control Creation Edition (CCE). Fully functional development suite; yet it cannot produce standalone executables. Once freely distributed by Microsoft. B) MSVBVM50.EXE: Visual Basic 5.0 runtime (msvbvm50.dll). Signed by MS July 2002 C) VB5AYUDA.EXE : Visual Basic 5 HELP FILES (distributed seperately).
Windows 9x/ME / System / Microsoft
Visual Basic 5 Pro 5.0
Visual Basic 5 is a 32-bit programming language for Windows 95, NT 3.51, and NT 4. Previous versions supported Windows 3.1, but this one does not.
DOS / System / Microsoft
Visual Basic For DOS Standard Edition 1.00
Microsoft Visual Basic for DOS is a DOS version of Microsoft's Visual Basic development environment. This is the smaller Standard Edition. This archive contains nine 360k disk images in raw/winimage format.
DOS / Other / Microsoft
Visual Basic Pro Dos 1.00
The visual basic 1.00 programing langauge and tools for ms-dos. This is the full professional version, and non-windows software is for dos only. Or Real Dos, and not XP, Nt, or 2k dos. 7 1.44mb install disk
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Visual Basic Professional 3.0
WinImage images produced from the original diskettes from my own archives. A rare find. Enjoy the multiple formats. :-)
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Visual Basic Professional Edition 3.0
This is a copy of my original nine (9) disks of Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition version 3.0 for Windows. There are other postings of VB3 Pro but these files are from my original MS 3.5" diskettes i.e., SETUP.EXE, etc. I also scanned (PDF) the back of the VB3 Pro box and a few Quick References from the back of the manuals; for your use. I have compressed nine (9) folders that represent the nine (9) 3.5" disks; uncompress saving the directory structure and read the "PROREADM.TXT" file at the root and load per your local Windows setup needs i.e., nine (9) 3.5" disks, etc. Have fun!
DOS / Utility / Microsoft
Visual Basic Professional for DOS 1.00
Full professional version including all 7 diskettes and a convenient folder to install the entire product from in one shot without diskettes.
Windows 3.x / Other / Microsoft
Visual Basic Standard 3.0
Visual Basic 3.0 Standard Edition programming environment for Windows 3.x, German version. It comes on four 1.44MB floppy disk images (that's right, one more than the English version).
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Visual C++ 2
CD Image of Visual C++ 2.0 Microsoft's first 32-bit compiler. Includes Visual C++ 1.5 their last 16-bit compiler
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Visual C++ (16bit) 1.0
Visual C++ 1.0 for Windows 3.1, includes MFC, Pen for Windows and support for building MS-DOS executables.
Windows NT/2000 / System / Microsoft
Visual C++ (Dec Alpha) 4.0
This is Visual C++ 4.0 for the Dec Alpha. This is for Windows NT, and brings a lot of Windows 95 programming tools to the Dec Alpha!
Windows NT/2000 / System / Microsoft
Visual C++ (i386) 2.0
This is the Visual C++ 2.0 This includes the 32bit build environment for Windows NT, along with support for Win32s. Also included on the CD is Visual C++ 1.52 for developing Windows 3.1 and MS-DOS. Also included is a 16bit 286|DOS-Extender allowing you to write 16bit protected mode MS-DOS based programs.
Windows NT/2000 / System / Microsoft
Visual C++ (MIPS) 2.0
This is Visual C++ 2.0 for the MIPS procesosr. This brings the build environment up to parity with the Windows NT 3.5 SDK. Included is a visual debugger, along with online help. This is a comparitively light weight environment compared to the Visual C++ 4.0 compiler
Visual C++ (MIPS) 4.0
This is Visual C++ 4.0 for Windows NT machines using the MIPS processor. If you actually have a MIPS machine, or are using QEMU to run Windows NT MIPS, you'll want this, as it's the only way to port any program to NT MIPS.
Windows NT/2000 / System / Microsoft
Visual C++ (PowerPC) 4.0
This is Visual C++ for the PowerPC processors running Windows NT. This brings a lot of Windows 95 controls to Windows NT. This won't work on Macintosh computers but rather the few PowerPC machines that can run Windows NT.
Windows NT/2000 / Other / Microsoft
Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition (EN) 2005
ISO of the Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, English version. There is no need of a S/N, the compiler installs fine on Windows 2000.
Windows 3.x / Other / Numera Software
Visual CADD v1.2
Visual CADD is a computer aided design program that brings the usability of the earlier DOS based Generic CADD into the Windows environment.
Windows 9x/ME / DBMS / Borland International, Inc.
Visual dBASE 7.0 7.0
Visual dBase Professional v7.0 is next generation in dBASE development includes many new productivity-enhancing features, including: - Native 32-bit development - 32-bit Visual dBASE Compiler - Integrated native Visual dBASE Report Writer - Visual Project Explorer - Enhanced Visual Designers - Live Two-Way Tools - Powerful Source editor with TreeView control - Programmable Grid control - ActiveX integration - Rich set of new Database components - New DBF 7 Format - Automatic field lookup and fill-in - SQL Designer - New language elements. This is the Full-CD Version, so u can install all components! To run under XP and up use emulator or Virtual Machine Software supporting Windows 9x/NT OS environments.
Windows 3.x / DBMS / Microsoft
Visual FoxPro 3.0 Professional Edition
This was the first "Visual" version of FoxPro, which reduced platform support to only Macintosh and Windows.
Windows 9x/ME / DBMS / Microsoft
Visual FoxPro 3.0b Professional Edition
It's similar to Visual FoxPro 3.0, but with the old "vertically-stretched serif" font scrapped in favor of the new "sans-serif block" style, many bug fixes and support for double-byte character sets.
Visual FoxPro 5.0
Administrador de Base de DAtos y lenguaje de programacion. IDE en Lenguaje Portugues.
Windows XP / DBMS / Microsoft
visual foxpro 7 7.0 Professional SP1
This is PORTABLE VFP 7. You can make PROJECT and EXE. Just extract the RAR and run VFP.EXE. If you want to distribute the EXE just copy the DLL ( VFP7R, VFP7RENU and VFP7T ) in the same folder with the EXE -- OR -- copy the DLL in SYSTEM32 folder. You can run it with OS Win98 up to Win7. Good Luck ! (SugaR)
Windows 9x/ME / DBMS / Microsoft
Visual FoxPro 7.0 Professional 7.0 SP1
This is INSTALLED COPY of VFP 7. You can make PROJECT and EXE. Just extract the ZIP file and run VFP7.EXE. If you want to distribute the EXE just copy the DLL ( VFP7R, VFP7RENU and VFP7T ) in the same folder with the EXE file -- OR -- copy the DLL files in SYSTEM32 folder. You can run it with MS Win98 up to Win8. Good Luck ! (SugaR)