Windows 9x/ME / Other / Microsoft
HTML Help Workshop 1.2
Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (CHM) Authoring Tool, previous version (current version is 1.3 was released in 1999-2000 and still can be downloaded from MS official web site)
BeOS / Utility / Freeware
HTML TIDY 22oct99
To build for BeOS, open a Terminal, cd to the installation directory, and type: "make"; when the compile finishes, type: "mv tidy ~/config/bin"; Usage notes are in the HTML files in the installation directory. (I included my compiled file).
DOS / Games / Serendipity Software
Hubie 1.0 Full
Hubie is a cute puzzle game where you control a small alien. Your goal is reaching the exit door in every level using rocks, vines, corks, TNT, iron blocks, diamonds, etc. to help you.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / JJB
Huevito 1
Huevito es un "huevo" que habla y reproduce todo lo que escribes. Los ojos siguen el mouse, y habla. Para instalarlo, descomprimir y usar Install.exe. Funciona en Win98 y Win XP. Basado en MSAPI 4.Para Niños entre 4 y 10 años.
DOS / Games / Graham Cluley
Humbug 5.0
Humbug is a text-based adventure computer game game written by British programmer Graham Cluley in 1990. The game is set at Christmas, and features the character of Sidney Widdershins as he arrives as his Grandad's mansion for the winter school holidays. ***Uploaded by endingman***
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Samsung Electronics
Hunmin Office 2000
Hunmin Office 2000 was developed and distributed by Samsung Electronics in 1999. This copy is a bundle edition and was included with newly purchased PC. This software is in ISO format and contains Hunmin Word 2000(like Microsoft Word) and Hunmin Sheet 2000(like Microsoft Excel).
HWiNFO 3.06
Hardware information tool and benchmark. Shareware. IBM XT+
DOS / System / Realix
HWiNFO 5.5.2
Hardware detection and diagnostic software. 80386 or better CPU required.
BeOS / Multimedia / unknown
HybridDivx (Codec) 1.3
Combination of different solutions to interpret DivX on BeOS, to maximize compatibility and performance, where possible. The decoders come from the default BeOS install (Personal Edition), from the divx codecs available on bebits (bedivx), and from a newer version of the decoders based on ffmpeg known as ffdecoders (beshare).
Unix / Multimedia /
Hydrogen 0.9.7
Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux, Mac and Windows. It's main goal is to bring professional yet simple and intuitive pattern-based drum programming.
DOS / System / General Computer Corp.
HyperNet 1.00 for Macintosh
Hypernet is a multi-user file sharing tool for early Macintosh computers that lets one or more Macintosh act as a file server connecting to multiple clients. Version 1 can only be used with General Computer's Hyperdrive internal hard drives. Version 2 does not have that restriction. Hypernet includes an update to the Hyperdrive system software.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / hyperOsSystems
hyperOs 2pcs 4 PCs 10pcs 10pcs
For win 98 maybe windows 10 Other version's found here 2pcs 4pcs 10pcs 100pcs trial versions
DOS / Communication / IQ Technologies, Inc.
Hyperpad 2.037
Similar in concept to the Macintosh's HyperCard, HyperPAD is a professional productivity tool that allows you to organize and link information together in almost any imaginable manner. You create screens of information, called pages, and link them together to form a pad. Buttons that you add to various pages in the pad can link them together or be used to launch other programs. ==> HyperPAD v. 2.3 + HyperPAD Developer's Kit
DOS / Games / MicroProse Software
Hyperspeed 1.0
Hyperspeed is a space trading and combat simulation game, and a follow-up to Lightspeed. It includes 3EA of 3.5" 720KB Floppy Disk Image.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Roger Wagner Publishing
HyperStudio 4.5 4.5
A spinoff of HyperCard, this program is used for creating interactive multimedia "stacks". This is the last revision of the 4.x series. Works for certain in Windows 95/NT4 up to XP and maybe later versions, as well as Mac OS 8.5 through 9.2. Registration code is HST629ZHS439272
BeOS / Communication / Matthew Allen
i.Scribe 1.0
i.Scribe is a basic email client written for several operating systems. It was designed to be simple and elegant without being bloated and slow.
Windows NT/2000 / System / Dell Corporation
i4usb406 4.06
Update: July 2007 Get i4usb406.exe from Driver version 4.06 March 2006. NOTE: It might be safer to install Intea01i.exe from first. I have NOT tested, but may support USB 2.0. Running fine on NT4 SP6a.
DOS / System / Prodigy Technologies
IAMS Instant Access Menu System Version 2.8
The Instant Access Menu System (IAMS) is a program that allows you to organize your software in a centralized fashion. From there, you may "order" which program you want to run, much like you'd order what you wish to eat from a restaurants menu. IAMS was designed for anyway who wants to get the most out of their computer programs with the least amount of work, hassle and wasted time. IAMS is both an organizational and productivity tool. It's interface allows for easier, and quicker, access to any program on your hard disk.
DOS / System / IBM
IBM - Diagnostics 1.00
The IBM Personal Computer DIAGNOSTICS 1.00 (Part number 6172230) is the original diagnostic disk supplied with IBM PC computers alongside DOS 1.00.
IBM - Diagnostics 2.02
This is the diagnostics disk for the IBM Personal Computer. The IBM Hardware Reference Library includes this disk. This software is intended for use only on genuine IBM PCs, not clones. This archive contains one 160k (8-sector) image in both raw and ImageDisk formats.
IBM - Diagnostics 2.05
This is the 2.05 diagnostics disk for the IBM Personal Computer. The IBM Hardware Reference Library includes this disk. This software is intended for use only on genuine IBM PCs, not clones. This archive contains one 180k (9-sector) image in both raw and ImageDisk formats.