The complete list of software

Windows XP / Utility / eoredson


MORUTL v72.0a

The Set Of More DOS Utilities PD 2024.


Windows XP / Utility / eoredson


MORUTL64 v64.0

The set of more DOS utilities.


Windows XP / Utility / eoredson


Morutl65 v65.0a

The set of more DOS utilities PD 2020


Windows 3.x / Communication / NCSA


Mosaic 1.0

Mosaic was the first big Graphical Web Browser for Windows (Tim Berners-Lee's original Graphical Web Browser only worked on NeXTs). 1.0 is the first non-beta version.



Mosaic 2.0a

Mosaic was the first big Graphical Web Browser for Windows (Tim Berners-Lee's original Graphical Web Browser only worked on NeXTs). This is the second (and much more advanced) full version.


Windows 9x/ME / Communication / NCSA


Mosaic 2.1

Mosaic was the first big Graphical Web Browser for Windows (Tim Berners-Lee's original Graphical Web Browser only worked on NeXTs). 2.1 contains bugfixes of 2.0. 2.1 comes in 2 versions: 16 bit and 32 bit - this was the first version of Mosaic available in 32 bit.



Mosaic 3.0

Mosaic was the first big Graphical Web Browser for Windows (Tim Berners-Lee's original Graphical Web Browser only worked on NeXTs). This was the final version of Mosaic to be produced by NCSA - after this it was commercialised and produced by a variety of companies whose goals were more monetary orientated than those of NCSA.


Windows 3.x / Communication / NCSA


Mosaic Beta 0.6

Mosaic was the first big Graphical Web Browser for Windows (Tim Berners-Lee's original Graphical Web Browser only worked on NeXTs). This is 0.6 - the first widely available Beta version.


Windows 3.x / Communication / Mosaic Communications Corporation


Mosaic Netscape 0.9 beta

One of the first versions of this browser, pre FRAMES and JAVA.


DOS / Utility / Motorola


MoSlo MoSlo132

Program to slow down CPU to run older software


BeOS / Other / f3c


Mother Earth

Mother Earth is a set of two small GL/GLUT applications featuring a symbolic model of our planet.


Windows 3.x / Games / Not specified


Moto cross 98


Windows XP / Games / Microsoft Games


Motocross Madness 2


DOS / Utility / Motorola


Motorola MC68HC11 programming software and tools

This is a collection of software used to interface with Motorola MC68HC11 microcontrollers. Found on the HDD of an old 486 laptop I acquired recently (a Toshiba T1910). It's a self-extracting archive and can be extracted in DOS, but some of the programs require Win 3.x. Each program is in its own subfolder and has a readme, some documentation and software is in Spanish, the majority seems to be in English though. The programs included here are: AS11, BUFFALO, DL68, ICC11, PCBUG, SIM68, SMALLC and one simply named "TRABAJO" (Work in Spanish). LEE.ME is the main readme that explains this whole collection of software and what each one is for, it's in Spanish though. If anyone finds this useful I could translate every Spanish documentation into English btw, I just didn't want to modify anything, this is exactly how I found it, just added it to a Zip file to be able to upload it here.


DOS / Other / Motorola


Motorola RSS R08.01.00

Motorola RSS allows for programming Motorola handheld radios: GP300/P110/GP350/GP280/GP88 --- README.TXT --- HVN9128A Version R08.01.00 of the GP300/GP350 RSS now supports the new GP350 models. PEOPLE FINDER and RF LINKS are also supported. P110 models are not supported in this release. Please continue to use version R07.00.00 of the GP300 RSS for the P110 models. These GP350 radio models are supported: P93MGC00A1__ P94MGC00C1__ P93MGC00A2__ P94MGC00C2__ P93MGC00C1__ P94MGC00C3__ P93MGC00C2__ P94MGC00C4__ P93MGC20A1__ P94MGC20A2__ P93MGC20A2__ P94MGC20C1__ P93MGC20C1__ P94MGC20C2__ P93MGC20C2__ P94MGC20C3__ P94MGC00A2__ P94MGC20C4__ These GP300 radio models are supported: P93YPC00C2__ P93YPC20G2__ P94YPC20A2__ P93YPC00C3__ P94YPC00A1__ P94YPC20A3__ P93YPC00C4__ P94YPC00A2__ P94YPC20A4__ P93YPC00C8AA P94YPC00A3__ P94YPC20C1__ P93YPC00D1__ P94YPC00A4__ P94YPC20C2__ P93YPC00D2__ P94YPC00C1__ P94YPC20C3__ P93YPC00D3__ P94YPC00C2__ P94YPC20C4__ P93YPC00D4__ P94YPC00C3__ P94YPC20C5__ P93YPC20A1__ P94YPC00C3__ P94YPC20C6__ P93YPC20A2__ P94YPC00C4__ P94YPC20D1__ P93YPC20C1__ P94YPC00C5__ P94YPC20D2__ P93YPC20C2_F P94YPC00D1__ P94YPC20D3__ P93YPC20C2__ P94YPC00D2__ P94YPC20D4__ P93YPC20C8AA P94YPC00D3__ P94YPC20D5__ P93YPC20D1__ P94YPC00D4__ P94YPC20D6__ P93YPC20D2_F P94YPC00D5__ P94YPC20G2__ P93YPC20D2__ P94YPC20A1__


Windows 3.x / Games / Exponential Media, LLC


Mott's Presents The Prince And The Prankster The Quest For The M

Get clues and solve word puzzles to solve this adventure based on Mott's fruit products.


DOS / Other / Mouin


Mouin Adlib sound card included disk

Driver/Software disk that came with the Moulin Sound card. Which was a Chinse clone of the Adlib sound card.


DOS / OS / Paragon


Mount Everything Professional 3.5

Paragon Mount Everything Professional 3.5 PTS-DOS Boot Floppy Disk - 1 Floppy Disk Creator


DOS / System / Mountain Computer


Mountain Computer Hard Disk Utils 6.0

A set of hard drive utilities and drivers for DOS. Appears to require DOS 2.0 or higher, yet the disk image is 320k (WinImage will not open that, you will have to use a different tool - files are already extracted)


DOS / System / Microsoft


Mouse 9.01

Microsoft Mouse Version 9.01 for DOS and Windows.


DOS / Other / MS


Mouse Driver


DOS / System / Not specified


Mouse Driver 1.1

A mouse driver for DOS, Windows 3.x, and Windows 95. May work on later versions of Windows.


DOS / System / Mitsumi


Mouse Driver 6.0

Mouse Driver


DOS / Utility / Logitech


Mouse Driver 6.43

Generic serial port DOS mouse driver for IBM PC,XT,AT,PS/2 & Compatibles


DOS / System / Qtronix


Mouse Driver 7.0

Qtronix Mouse Driver 7.0 on a 3.5" DD (720K) floppy disk (image). It supports all mice and trackballs with the following protocols: Microsoft, Mouse Systems and PS/2. It also adds pop-up menu support to office software of that time. It features a "UltraRes" mode, which virtually increases mouse resolution for more accurate drawing in CAD software. Friendly installer.


DOS / System / Not specified


Mouse Driver & Utilities 8.20

Mouse Driver & Utilities, Insert into Drive A, Type A:Install


DOS / System / Unknown/generic


Mouse driver for DOS/Windows

5.25" floppy I found with a mouse driver.


DOS / System / IMouse


Mouse driver V8.20h for XT/AT/PC 8.20h

IMouse universal mouse driver for PC/XT/AT and PS/2. Works great on all systems from 8086 to Pentium-I. Comes with some test programs and multi-language manual. 720k disk image .IMA .


Windows 3.x / System / Mouse Systems Corporation


Mouse Power 9.0

This diskette provides you with the following: 1) DOS & Windows drivers setup program. 2) DOS drivers and DOS Control Panel. 3) Windows drivers and Windows Control Panel(Mouse Power).


DOS / Utility / E-Chain Intl,Co,Ltd


Mouse Testing Program 3.0.3

Test mouse


DOS / Utility / Jason Hood


MouseClip 1.10

Resident program (TSR) that uses the mouse to copy and paste in DOS text modes.


Windows 9x/ME / System / Genius


MouseMate 98

Genius MouseMate98 driver package for Window NT 4.x/95/98 and DOS. Supports scroll wheel (also under Win95).


DOS / System / Logitech




Windows 3.x / Utility / Toogle Booleans


MouseWarp 2.0a

MouseWarp enables you to control mouse via keyboard, change cursors type and size (Ideal for laptops)


Windows XP / Games / DJB Soft


Move your brain 1.0

DOS memory game which is adapted to run under DOSBox on modern Windowses.


DOS / Utility / ImagiSOFT, Inc


Movies to go

A movie guide to 5,176 movies. List actor's, year movie was made, and search for actors, year, director, or pacific word and it will show all shows related to your search. A great program for you movie fans.


DOS / System / Mozart


Mozart Soundsystem 1820T/1820U

DOS driver for Mozart Soundcard 1820T/1820U (OAK Oti601). Zip file contin the 'Installation Disk', 'Impression Disk', 'Recording Disk' and 'Animation Works Disk (3). All images are 1,44MByte floppy images created with Linux dd.


Windows XP / Communication / Mozilla


Mozilla Firefox 1.0 1.0

Mozilla Firefox 1.0 - The first non-beta release of the popular Web Browser


DOS / OS / Digital Research


MP M-86 2.1

This is a collection of three disks containing binaries of MP/M-86 2.1 (20 July 1982). Some files also contain a version string "MP/M-86 2.0 10/5/81", which lets me assume that v. 2.1 was just a minor update. (I highly recommend using WinImage to convert the three floppy disks to the .Img format.)


DOS / OS / Digital Research


MP M-86 for PC 2.0

This is a somewhat unusual release so pay attention! This 7zipped package contains a number of teledisk disk images and files from floppies for MP/M 86. These can be used to build bootable floppies but I do not have the expertise to do so. I wrote the teledisk image in "Altos MPM86 Teledisk image" to a real 5.25 inch floppy and it booted an IBM PC XT however. Good luck. Dumper's notes: "I used 22disk to transfer the files to DOS when possible. 22Disk renames CP/M .COM files to .CPM. "



MP M-86 for PC 2.1

Clone of the CP/M for the Intel 8086 microcomputers. Souce Code is included. Disks are in .ima format. I have also included the MPM 86 User and Programmer guide.


DOS / Other / Petrosyan Alexander



Development software (assembler, linker, debugger) for Angstrem KR1806VE1 4-bit MCU.


DOS / OS / Digital Research


MP/M-86 2.1

The archive contains binaries of 3 disks from the MP/M 2.1 Version for the PC. With the tools provided, it should be possible to rebuild a bootdisk.


DOS / OS / Digital Research


MP/M-86 Source Code 2

MP/M-86 2.0 SOURCES : 560K It contains the contents of 11 8" SSSD disks labeled 01 through 11. These are from Digital Research original disks. The first 6 disks are labeled as being able to compile on micro and the last 5 are to be compiled on "the VAX". All diskettes, though originally from DRI, have hand written labels, i.e. they are probably work disks.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / MP3hC


MP3 Compressor 0.9e

MP3 Compressor by MP3hC : Release on july 15, 1997. v0.9e. This program is completely FREEWARE... enjoy ! MP3 Compressor, is a STANDALONE 32bit program for compressing audio files with MPEG Layer 3 on Windows 95. 3 times faster than previous DOS program ! This program should work on WinNT but has not been tested on this platform. (My NT partition has been deleted, and I have not installed it again at present) Give me your feedback on using MP3 Compressor on this platform. MPEG Layer 3 is a efficient coding technique that produce a great data reduction on audio data. With a 44100Hz frequency coding, the original sound data from a audio CD is skrink down by a factor 12 without losing sound quality. Factors of 24 and even more still maintain a sound quality that is significantly better than what you get by just reducing the sampling rate and the resolution of your samples. Basically, this is realized by "perceptual coding" techniques adressing the perception of sound waves by the human ear. Avantages to the dos L3ENC.EXE : * freeware * produce compressed wav file that can be read with the Win95 recorder or multimedia viewer. * full 32 bit program about 3 times faster ! * better sound quality because it is based on the lastest MPEG Layer 3 algorithm from Fraunhafer Institut IIS. * priority of the compression progress adjustable in real-time * remaining time and end time displayed on the fly * multi file compression * easy window interface * include a player for the compressed and non compressed wav files


DOS / Multimedia / Micosyen


MP3 Jukebox Player

The DOS decoder is designed to run on low-end systems. 64Kbps files can be played on a 486DX-50 and 80Kbps files on a 486DX2-66. Higher bit rates require more computer. A 4/586 in the 100 MHz range or a Pentium 60 may or may not play the highest bit rate files. The limits of each marginal computer must be determined empirically. A 586-133 should play any MP3 with power to spare.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Not specified


MP3 Tag Editor


Windows XP / Multimedia / Not specified


MP3 trim 2.13

A usfull tool for cutting and ajusting the volume of mp3 files


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Not specified



MP3 Encoder, Playlist-Erzeuger und Player. Hiermit kann man unter Windows/WfW 3.1x aus Audio CDs MP3 Dateien erstellen. Ausserdem kann man Playlists erstellen. Das Programm enthält den MP3 Player WinPlay3, der neben MP3 auch Playlist-Dateien abspielen kann. Um MP3 Dateien zu erzeugen ist ein 486er mit 100MHz und 8MB RAM oder höher erforderlich. Es funktioniert auch mit weniger als 8MB, aber dann dauert das Enkodieren extrem lang. Für das Abspielen genügt ein 486er mit 66MHz und 4MB RAM.


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / VVS Berlin


MP3CODER 2.30b

MP3CODER - CD-Ripper & MP3 Konvertierer - Enthält ausserdem den MP3 Player WinPlay3 komplett in deutsch


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