Unix / Communication / Yuuki Ninomiya
Fast Webpage Exchanger 2.0.3a
Fast Webpage Exchanger (weex) is a utility designed to automate the task of remotely maintaining a web page or other FTP archive.
DOS / Utility / Fifth Generation Systems
Fastback Plus 1.00
Fastback Plus, by Fifth Generation Systems, Inc, is a backup utility for DOS. Its key feature is that it can read and write both a floppy disk and hard disk at the same time by making use of dual-channel DMA. Archive includes one 5.25 360k floppy disk image and pdf manual.
Fastback Plus 1.01
Fastback Plus, by Fifth Generation Systems, Inc, is a backup utility for DOS. Its key feature is that it can read and write both a floppy disk and hard disk at the same time by making use of dual-channel DMA. Archive includes one 5.25 360k floppy disk image.
Windows NT/2000 / System / Not specified
Fastfat32 is a file system driver that enables reading and writing FAT32 partitions on NT 3.51 and NT 4. To use, copy fastfat.sys and fs_rec.sys in %systemroot%\system32\drivers and reboot. If you use the Windows 2000 boot loader, it is even possible to boot NT 4 from a pure fat32 drive. From: http://ashedel.chat.ru/fat32/
DOS / Communication / FastLynx
fastlynx 1.01
Simple file transfer program. Uses parallel or serial cables. It can download itself from one computer to another. Split screen makes it easy to use, and copy selectively.
DOS / Multimedia / Not specified
Fasttracker 2 2.09
FastTracker 2 was one of the most widely used trackers, created by Fredrik "Mr. H" Huss and Magnus "Vogue" H?gdahl, two members of the demogroup Triton (who later founded Starbreeze Studios) which set about releasing their own tracker after breaking into the scene in 1992 and winning several demo competitions. The source code of FastTracker 2 is written in Pascal using Borland Pascal 7 and TASM.
DOS / OS / Fastwel
Fastwel DOS 6.22-2001
This is a Fastwel DOS boot disk, it's a MS-DOS compatible OS that is used in embedded systems, looks like a modified PC-DOS, read \FDOS\FDOS.DOC to configure.
Fastwel DOS 6.22-2005
This is a Fastwel DOS boot disk, it's a MS-DOS compatible OS that is used in embedded systems, looks like a modified PC-DOS, read \FDOS\FDOS.pdf to configure.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Gremlin
Fatal Racing
Fatal Racing,also known as Whiplash in the USA, is a 3D stunt car racing game developed by Gremlin Interactive and published in 1995 for the MS-DOS OS but also runs in Windows 9x. Fatal Racing can be considered to be a hybrid of Stunts and Destruction Derby. The player picks among a broad selection of cars and drives through tracks with loops, corkscrews and insane jumps while trying to smash into other cars to destroy them and at the same time cross the finish line first. There is a variety of different camera views available in the game, "in-car", chase-cam, etc. Multiplayer is supported by IPX/SPX network and modem, in addition a split screen option is also available. Fatal Racing supports graphics resolutions of 320?200 and 640?480, the latter being very demanding on the hardware available at the time of the game's release. The names displayed for drivers of cars in the race not controlled by human players all come from famous robot or computer characters from science fiction movies and television (Kryten from Red Dwarf, Slave from Blake's 7, Robby from Forbidden Planet, etc.), though this can be changed within the game's options.
DOS / Games / Fatetek
Fate 0.2
Fate is a simulated hacking challenge, there is no ranking system, and the simulation is run entirely from your own computer. Quite a number of years ago, the game Fate was created to teach people basic security under Linux, since it is infact a Linux Simulation. It was named so because of the way inwhich the player is forced into following a specific route, yet is given options on the way to complete it. A site was made to include tutorials and help. Ive included the sourcecode as availeble on their website wich is now gone. The archive has their site backedup. https://web.archive.org/web/20050420084559/http://www.fatetek.net:80/training.shtml Runs best under DOSBOX on windows7 or higher. fate.exe is compiled in 2001, but distributed in 2002. the site is made public in 2005.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Fauve Software
Fauve Matisse 1.2.5
Fauve Matisse v1.2.5 for Windows - Fauve Software January 15, 1994 Price: $149.00 Serials: Fauve Matisse v1.2x for Windows : 1733762 Fauve matisse v1.24 for Windows : 1733920 Fauve matisse v1.25 for Windows : 1733999 Fauve Matisse v1.27 for Windows : 1733767 or s/n: 1733920 System requirements: DOS 3.1 or higher, Windows 3.1 and higher. 386 or higher (coprocessor recommended), 4Mb RAM 4Mb hard disk space NOTE: The minimum serious system is a 486DX with 16Mb RAM. Fauve Software was founded in 1992 by brothers Fred and Richard Krueger. It developed Matisse, a natural medium paint program, and XRes, a high-end image- manipulation program that was the basis for Macromedia Fireworks. It was acquired by Macromedia in 1995. "Fauve Matisse was an extremely slick and powerful natural media paint and image manipulation program. It sold for a fraction of the price of the market leader Fractal Design Painter, and had a number of more powerful features like floating layers in its early versions. Matisse (and Fauve Software) died when the two brothers who owned it bet the farm on a high-end image-manipulation program called X-res - and lost. Ironically, X-res (and Matisse)was acquired by Macromedia.,While X-res continued to be published by Macromedia, Matisse was allowed to slip into a quiet grave." (NOTE: And Macromedia was in turn bought out by Adobe). Prior to Adobe Photoshop 3.0, this paint program was the only software that supported multiple free-floating layers of images. - AppleSeed 2017 -
Windows 3.x / Communication / SoftNet Inc
FaxWorks 3.0
A faxing application for Packard Bell systems. First, make sure to put the file VR_PHN.DLL from FWCCAMSP2.zip in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM if you do not have it. To install extract/copy ALL files from both archives and run SETUP.EXE.
Flow Chart creator/editor for C++/PASCAL/FML Languages.
BeOS / Multimedia / f3c
FCrop Development 3
MediaKit add-on to crop video to some smaller size --- http://f3c.com/software/FMedia/FCrop/
BeOS / Multimedia / f3c
FDifference Alpha
MediaKit add-on for motion detection --- http://f3c.com/software/FMedia/FDifference/
DOS / System / TSC Inc.
The first operating system written by Technical Systems Consultants for the SWTPc6800 computer and its DF-68 floppy system. Also called miniflex, but this name confusingly was also used for the first version of FLEX (Flex 1.0, very different disk structure!).The FDOS system disk has been tried on a SWTPc6800 with MP-A motherboard, MC-2 disk controller and the MF-68 dual drive system. The format is SS SD 35tr, 10 sectors/tr, 256 bytes/sect. Interleave =1, gaps are G1 =7 G2 =13 (as given by Imagedisk)
Unix / Communication / Free Ware
FFADO 2.0.1-6.3
The FFADO (Free Firewire Audio Driver O...?) project aims to provide a generic, open-source solution for the support of FireWire based audio devices for the Linux platform. It is the successor of the FreeBoB project.
BeOS / Multimedia / f3c
FGranularVideo Development 2
The core component of Otogranulator --- http://f3c.com/software/FMedia/FGranularVideo/
DOS / Communication / T. Jennings
Fido and FidoNet System Version 10a
FidoNet is a system that could send mail messages across BBSes. Includes versions for IBM PC and DEC Rainbow.
DOS / System / Forth interest group
Fig Forth 1.0
Fig-Forth 1.0 for 8086/8088. MS-DOS version 1.10 or 1.25. Modified for MS-DOS and documented by J.E. Smith, U. of Penn./Dept.of Chem 1983
File Express Version 6
DOS database management program.