DOS / Other / Markt and Technik Verlag AG
Diskettes attached to book „Peter Norton's Assemblerbuch” 2.0
Diskettes attached to book „Peter Norton's Assemblerbuch” (M&T Verlag, 1988) — programming examples and source code and DSKPATCH program. Begleitdisketten zum Buch „Peter Norton's Assemblerbuch” (M&T Verlag, 1988) — Programmbeispiele und source code, also DSKPATCH programm.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / H.J. Hagedoorn
Disktective 2.2
Disktective is a freeware program, can be used without any limitations and can be distributed freely. However no-one other than the programmer of this product can claim commercial/legal ownership. Only the author of this program is allowed to change or adapt it. If you want to sell it, you must contact the programmer.
Windows XP / Utility / TEALTECH
Disktest PRO is a Windows (32Bits) program to analyze, repair or modify 3.5" Double Sided High Density floppy disks on first floppy drive (A:).
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Andrew Fawcett
DiskWrite 1.02
DiskWrite is a utility for writing floppy disk images within Windows 95, 98, NT4 and Windows 2000. DiskWrite is useful for creating bootdisks for installing Linux, FreeBSD or any other operating system. It is an ideal alternative to the MS-DOS - based rawrite.exe and fdimage.exe, both in ease of use and OS compatibility.
DOS / Utility / Kzin
Diskzero program to erase hard disk drive with Windows ME plain dos prompt boot disk.
Windows XP / Games / Disney Software / Westwood Studios
Disney's Extremely Goofy Skateboarding Preview Alpha
Minimum System Configuration: If your system does not meet any one of the following minimum system requirements, Disney's Extremely Goofy Skateboarding Preview will not run properly. Microsoft® Windows 95/98/Me DirectX 8 (included) Pentium™ class processor, 233 MHz or faster 32MB RAM or greater 60MB free uncompressed hard disk space 4X speed CD-ROM drive 16-bit DirectX-compatible sound card 640x480 16-bit color, DirectX 8 compatible 8MB video card with 3D acceleration Optional: DirectX-compatible Gamepad Optional: Java-compatible Web Browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator versions 4.0 or later)
Windows XP / Utility / SergeCpp
Display Off Nano-Utility 1
Nano-Utility (size is 25 bytes) turns off display (by switching it to sleep mode) and will turn display on only on Esc-key pressing (no any other keypressing or mouse-movement turns display on, like standard sleep mode). Works in OS-es up to (including) Windows XP (works fullscreen in Windows).
OS/2 / Office / IBM
DisplayWrite 4 r2.0 for OS/2
DisplayWrite is a word processor for the PC that uses the same user interface as IBM's Displaywriter System 6580. This version is for IBM OS/2 1.x
DOS / Office / IBM
DisplayWrite 5
DisplayWrite is a word processor for the IBM PC that was based on their earlier DisplayWrite hardware system. This contains 1.44mb 3.5" floppy disk images.
DOS / Office / IBM
Displaywrite 5 1.00
This is as installed and not a copy of the installtion discs. You will need 286 / 386 with 1.44 floppy drive, Microsoft Serial Mouse on COM 1 for R/H operation. You will need to add FILES=30 in your Config.sys file. DW5 set up for the Quietwriter III printer on LPT1 (no other printers will work with this as not set up for them). You can use basic character set, but DW5 set up for Quietwiter III extended PC character font (Cartridge) set as well. - Font set 1 Courier 10,12,15,17. Font set 2 Courier 12 Italic. Font set 3 Prestige Pica 10, Elite 12,17. Note when printing with extended PC character set all of these specified fonts must be available. Graphics printing option not installed as this takes up 5Mb.Copy files to Hard drive and type in DW5 at the C prompt.Set up was working on a 286 with 7Mb extended ram 1mb expanded ram on 11-07-09
DOS / Office / IBM
DisplayWrite Graphics Import Utility (DWIMPORT)
The DisplayWrite Graphics Import Utility (DWIMPORT) converts files from other applications to a Revisable Form Text (RFT) format which can then be used by DisplayWrite 5 (DW5). It will accept the following formats: 1. Freelance Plus (version 2.01) - .GMF 2. Harvard Graphics (version 2.10) - .CGM 3. Lotus 1-2-3 (version 2.01) - .PIC Check READ.ME for color and font conversion
DOS / System / Scheneider
Disquetes Scheneider EuroPC 1.0
Imágenes de los discos originales que acompañaban al Schneider EuroPC en español: * MS-DOS 3.30 + GWBASIC * Microsoft Works 1.0 * Disquete de controladores (EGA, EMS, ...)
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Diva Chix
Diva Chix Flash Dress-up games 1.0
Diva Chix is an online fashion community targeted to the female demographic. These are the free Flash games that used to be available from the site before Flash was discontinued in January 1st 2021, and before the site got modernized using HTML5. These games are freely redistributed (in accordance to the site's guidelines) as compiled Adobe Flash 9 projectors in a Hybrid ISO Image created using Roxio Toast Titanium 6 and ImgBurn
DOS / Utility / DJGPP
djgpp unzip32.exe 2.3
this is djgpp build of linux unzip32.exe. it is better than pkunzip. I have uploaded this specificly for my sql307 (sqlite). Try it you'll like it !! just rename to unzip32.exe.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Not specified
Dkill95 2.1b
Programm gegen das Shareware-Zeit-Limit (war eine Zeit lang aus dem Internet verbannt); funktioniert mit Homesite-Versionen vor 5 + FineReader 4 und einer Menge anderer Programme; du kannst es via WINE starten, weitere Nutzungsm?glichkeiten sind nicht erforscht ...
DOS / Games / eoredson
DNDBBS v5.0a r2.0a
The Dungeons And Dragons Bulletin Board Service Text Adventure System Tweak Kit
DNDBBS v5.0a r2.0a t3.0a
The Dungeons And Dragons Bulletin Board Text Adventure System
DNDBBS v5.0a r2.0a t4.0a
The Dungeons And Dragons Text Adventure System PD 2023.
DNDBBS v5.0a r2.0a t5.0a
The DnDbbs Text Adventure System PD 2024.