Microsoft Works 3.0b [Hungarian]
Hungarian language version of Microsoft Works 3.0b integrated office suite for Microsoft Windows 3.1.
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Works 4.0
Microsoft Works is a discontinued office suite by Microsoft. Works is smaller, was less expensive, and has fewer features than Microsoft Office or other major office suites
Microsoft Works 4.0
Microsoft Works 4.0 para Windows 95 - En español
Microsoft Works 2.00 (de) 2.0
Disketten Namen: WORKS_200D Disk1 : Programm und Zubehör-Diskette Disk2 : Einrichtungs und Konvertierungs-Diskette Disk3 : Ducker-Diskette Disk4 : Rechtschreibung und Hilfsprogramm-Diskette Disk5 : Thesaurus-Diskette Disk6 : Lernprogramm-Diskette (Teil 1+2) Disk7 : Lernprogramm-Diskette (Teil 3+4)
DOS / Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Works 3.0 (Standard) 3.0
Microsoft Works fot DOS. Readed from an old floppy 720K. Works ok on an IBM convertible
DOS / Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Works for DOS 1.05
Microsoft Works is an all-in-one word processor, spreadsheet, and database. To install, write the images to floppy disks, or mount the files folder as drive A: and run setup. This archive contains 8 360k disk images.
Microsoft Works for DOS 2.0
Microsoft Works 2.0 (DOS) - Inclui processador de texto, planilha de cálculos, banco de dados e programa de comunicação. Microsoft Works 2.0 for DOS - Including text processor, spreadsheet, database and comm program.
DOS / Office / Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Works for DOS 3.0 FR Version 3.0
Version "réseau" : 3 répertoires pour environ 8 Mo Pour l'installation : cd works.300 cd install init ... Attention dans le répertoire de init.exe, le programme image.exe a fait planter ma VM !
Microsoft Works for Windows 3.0 3.0
Microsoft Works for Windows Multimedia Edition, version 3.0. For Windows 3.1. This is a ISO image of the original CD.
DOS / Other / "Gary Cooper"
MicroSoft's Undocumented Features 1.6
Some "undocumented features" kind of manual (for DOS 3.3, DOS 5.0 & DOS 6.0). Nice reading :)
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Chariot Software Group
MicroTest Pro
This is the last version of MicroTest Pro for Windows by Chariot Software Group. Simply run the Setup and when you run it for the first time be sure to start the serial number with "WT" and use any value for the rest of the serial and use the Manual activate option and just enter any number. These procedures are documented in the "ReadMe-1st.rtf" file included in the ZIP archive and displayed in the setup at least once.
Windows 3.x / System / Midiman
Midiman DMAN ISA sound card driver
This is the 2-disk DOS & Win3.1 driver for Midiman DMAN ISA sound card. The card has Crystal 4232 chip but regular 4232 based driver may not work with this card.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Midisoft
Midisoft Record Session 1.08 1.08
O melhor programa que j? conheci para uso de nota??o e sampler de usos gerais, uma pena n?o terem lan?ado algum aplicativo que imprimisse a partitura de musicas isso sim seria muito melhor, por?m eles pararam de fabricar produtos e abandonaram a produ??o de aplicativos de nota??o musical. Mas foram muito felizes com essa mesa de orquestra sinf?nica, um exemplo de quem nem sempre a microsoft ou a microprose foram as dominadoras do mundo, pelo menos no mundo da musica, eles foram muito melhores que muitos antigos, pois para esse aplicativo rodar at? hoje no sistema mais avan?ado como o XP ou o 2000, e suas vers?es isso foi muito bem feito e compat?vel com tudo que era usado na era dourada da inform?tica, e quanto ao Sr. Vetus, por favor, queira se recordar que o Brasil, n?o ? em Portugal, e no Brasil, se fala a lingua latina, Uma mistura de Tupi, Guarani, Espanhol, Franc?s, Ingl?s e Portugu?s de Portugal, s? que o Portugu?s do Brasil, n?o existe na sua apresenta??o de UPLOADS, quer corrigir isso por favor, j? que o Brasil existe sim t?. Grato Pela Aten??o e segue o programa.
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Midisoft Corporation
MIDISOFT Studio 4.0 4.0
Midisoft Studio 4.0 is a MIDI sequencer in a music studio environment, with both the piano roll and score view. You can write MIDI files and choose instruments, transpose, change key signatures, etc.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Midisoft
Midisoft Studio For windows 3.09.01-O
Midisoft studio 3,is a midi sequencer dont need installation, just unrar the directory and run studio3.exe
DOS / Office / KHK
Software für die Organisation von Mietkostenabrechnungen. (c) 1990 von KHK Software AG (heute Sage Group Plc.)
DOS / Other / Papp László
Mikrobi Homelab 4 / Brailab 4 Home Computer Emulator 3.0
This program emulates two Hungarian mid 80s home computers: Homelab 4 and its talking variant, Brailab 4. This package is not only for Hungarians, but for all retrocomputing and emulation fans. Detailed English and Hungarian docs are included, which give a lot of info about these once popular micros. More than 150 original Homelab programs are also included for running and studying. The software is for DOS and works with Dosbox and other PC emulators, see the docs for further details on running it. Ez a program ?leth?en emul?lja a Magyarorsz?gon a nyolcvanas ?vekben n?pszer? Homelab 4 ?s Brailab 4 mikrosz?m?t?g?peket, amik a Luk?cs fiv?rek ?s a KFKI kutat?csoportj?nak keze munk?j?t d?cs?rik. A csomagban r?szletes le?r?s van, amib?l t?bbet is megtudhatunk e remek g?pekr?l. M?g jobban ?t?lhetj?k ezt a korszakot, ha lefuttatunk n?h?nyat az emul?torban a mell?kelt t?bb, mint 150 program k?z?l. Az emul?tor DOS alatt fut, de kit?n?en m?k?dik Dosbox alatt, illetve m?s m?dokon is fel?leszthetj?k, err?l a dokument?ci? r?szletesen ?r.
Unix / Multimedia / gpl
MilkyTracker 0.90.80
open source multi-platform Fasttracker II compatible music tracker program