Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 (for DOSBox) 3.1
This is a preinstalled, ready to boot image of Windows 3.1 for DOSBox. To mount it, in DOSBox, type mount c: (directory you unzipped the zip folder) and press ENTER/RETURN. DOSBox doesn't recognise the windows directory, so type "c:\windows\win" without the quotation marks. C:\Win DOES NOT WORK! Oh, and by the way, if it ever asks for the setup disks, browse to c:\win3set and that directory has all the setup files (no need to change disks). Enjoy!
Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 + DOS 7.1 for VMWare Player 3.1
This was made and used in VMWare Player 5.0.1 build-894247. Extract it in to My Documents\Virtual Machines.
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 256 colors display driver 3.1
Super VGA 640x480 256 colors or Super VGA 800x600 256 Large fonts or Super VGA 800x600 256 Small fonts or Super VGA 1024x768 256 Large fonts or Super VGA 1024x768 256 Small fonts.
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 DDK (Device Development Kit) 3.1
Documentation, header files, and sample source code for Windows 3.1 driver development. Includes source code for many Microsoft drivers provided with Windows 3.1.
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 Driver Library (Audio Disk 1 Microsoft Windows Drive 1.0
Additional libraries of drivers designed to broaden the base drivers Win3x support new audio devices. ___ Дополнительные библиотеки драйверов предназначенные расширить базу драйверов Win3x поддержкой новых аудио устройств.
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 Driver Library (Display Disk 1,2 Windows Driver Lib 1.0
Additional libraries of drivers designed to broaden the base driver support Win3x for new devices. ___ Дополнительные библиотеки драйверов предназначенные расширить базу драйверов Win3x поддержкой новых устройств.
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 Driver Library (Misc. Disk 1,2 Microsoft Windows Dri 1.0
Additional libraries of drivers designed to broaden the base driver support Win3x for new devices. ___ Дополнительные библиотеки драйверов предназначенные расширить базу драйверов Win3x поддержкой новых устройств.
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 Driver Library (Printer Disk 1 Microsoft Windows Dri 1.0
Additional libraries of drivers designed to broaden the base drivers Win3x support for new printers. ___ Дополнительные библиотеки драйверов предназначенные расширить базу драйверов Win3x поддержкой новых принтеров.
Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 en Español 3.1
Windows 3.1 Original Cantidad de imagenes: 06 Castellano Imagenes creadas con UltraISO Ver. Ninguna imagen alterada o manipulada
Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 Installation Disks 3.1
For those not wanting to torrent, here are the 7 installation disks for Windows 3.1 in .IMA format. Simply unzip the images and use them either for virtualisation, or you can burn the images to floppy if you want to be really nostalgic. Enjoy :)
Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 Japanese Version 3.1
Japanese version of Windows 3.1 This program is from the April, 1994 Microsoft Developement Network CD#4. 9 files arj archived in the zip. To extract use Arj.exe Example: arj x -v -y win31jap.arj c:\win31 will extract the files to the c: drive win31 directory. Use the SETUP program to install the Japanese version of Windows 3.1 after the archive is uncompressed.
Windows 3.x / OS /
Windows 3.1 PE Builder 1.0
Here is my windows 3.1 Pre-installed environment builder, you can make a bootable cd or floppy disk with windows 3.1, there is 2 versions one is the full version and the other one is the mini version. Just extract the 7-zip file and open config32.bat file there is a youtube video comming soon theres a link in the 7-zip file that will be available shortly
Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 runs off of a floppy disk 3.1
This is my bootable windows 3.1 that runs off a single floppy disk. Its based off of Windows 9x/Me setup program where microsoft kept a secret miniaturized version of windows 3.1, they called it Mini-Windows as you would see in the WIN.INI file stored in the MINI.CAB file. It cant run MS-DOS programs while running windows, but its amazing on its file size. Its my special version of Windows PE. The download includes the floppy version and the CD-ROM Version.
Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 Simplified Chinese 3.1
A Simplified Chinese version of Microsoft Windows 3.1. This is an iso archive repacked by UltraISO.
Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 virtual machine
A virtual machine of Windows 3.1 installed on MS-DOS 6.22. works with virtual PC 2004/2007
Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
Windows 3.10 and MSDOS 6.22 VHD 3.10
A Virtual Hard Disk, to use with VirtualBox, with Windows 3.10 and MS-DOS 6.22. To start Windows, type win at C:\>. It is a 7z file: uncompress with 7zip or WinRar
Windows 3.11 (no WFW) 3.11
Italian install disk for Windows 3.11 (no Windows for Workgroup)
DOS / OS / Microsoft
Windows 3.11 for Workgroups Spanish 3.11
Microsoft Windows 3.11 for Workgroups Spanish Language. 9xIMA original retail floppy disk set dated 01-NOV-1993.
Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
Windows 3.11 Live Floppy 3.11
The disk image contains a bootable Windows 3.11 operating system. You can use it as a Live Floppy to experience most of the Windows 3.11 features.
Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
Windows 3.1x T?rk?e 3.1x
Windows 3.1x'in T?rk?e s?r?m? kar??n?zda. Her yerde bulamayaca??n?z bu s?r?m Vetusware'de ?imdi T?rk?e olarak da sunulmakta.