Windows 3.x / OS / Calmira Online
Calmira II 3.3
Calmira is a complete 16-bit shell that lets you manage files, launch applications and control tasks. It brings Windows 3.1 up to date with some of the advanced user interface enhancements from the Windows world, and for most people, provides welcome relief from the awkwardness of File Manager.
Windows 3.x / System / VVS Berlin
Calmira II D 3.101.d
Diese Vrsion ist in deutscher Sprache (fast?) vollständig dukumentiert. Diese Dokumentation liegt im HTML-Format vor und kann aus dem Internet unter "" abgerufen werden.
Windows 3.x / Other / Not specified
Calmira LFN 3.32
A Windows 95-like program manager/file manager replacement for Windows 3.1x. This version has support for long file names.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Abandoned Zone
Calmira XP 4.0 Beta
The beta version of Calmira XP 4.0, the last release of a great program that gives to Windows 3.x the look of Windows XP, and adds some new features (like Recycle Bin) to Windows 3.x.
DOS / Utility / Paul Vojta
Calvin Editor 2.2
Calvin is a screen text editor written for the IBM PC. It implements a subset of the Unix screen editor vi(1). Users familiar with Unix can skip to the command summary at the end of this file. (Unix is a trademark of Bell Laboratories.)
Windows 9x/ME / Communication / Cam DeBuck Software
Cam-Mail 1.10
Cam-Mail v1.10 Multi-Lingual, Multi-Node. The best ShareWare .QWK Door for PCBoard 14.5. Supports Duplicate CRC checking, NetWorking, Internal Protocols, Updating of Mail Waiting Flags,command line stacking in the Door and via PCBoard, Forcing of Scanning Conferences and NetWorks Config. Supports non standard comports and more. Truly the BEST!!
DOS / Other / Grecco Systems
CAM1000 Mill and Lathe V12-G 12-G
CAM and CAD Software for Mill and Lathe for MS-DOS systems, can do 3D DXF drawings and generate CNC G-Code. Needs a crack or Key Dongle to save files, but i have included a copy of bobwire v14 EXE that has the same CAD interface and can save drawings.
DOS / Utility / Swami Anand Devendra
Camera ,a Utility to photograph a page so it can be recalled as an image .this utility was constructed to be used with dos 3.20 but works fine in dos 5 .this is a fantastic bit of software to use .go to the doc file first to learn how to use this software. I have it installed in a camera directory but can be used from a floppy disc .once again great.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / CD-International LTD
Se trata de las aventuras que inicia desde la ciudad de México hasta Quintana Roo. Puede ser continuo e Interactivo, en el continuo ahí se narra sin parar pasando todas las fotos. Incluye juegos como rompecabezas, sopa de letras, identificación de fotos.
Windows 3.x / Other / INRIA, Charles W Sandmann
Caml Light 0.74, Windows (3.1, 95 and NT) version. 0.74
Caml Light is a small, portable implementation of the ML language, that runs on Unix machines, on the PC under Windows and DOS (in 32-bit protected mode), and on the Macintosh.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / MetaCreations Inc.
Canoma 1.0
Metacreations Canoma 1.0 - MetaCreations Inc. Win-MAC Hybrid ISO May 04, 1999 This is a hybrid ISO, meaning it contains both the Windows and Macintosh installations. - AppleSeed -
DOS / OS / Canon
Canon Design Essentials
Discos de sistema para Canon Navigator.
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Canon Inc
Canon Design Essentials 1.31
The Design Essentials application provides a Template approach to document design. Templates are professionally designed business brochures, leaflets and reports. Other examples of Templates are variations of greeting cards and invitations or menus.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / DENEBA SOFTWARE
CANVAS 3.5.2
serial.txt on disk1 Support for all technologies including QuickTime, next-generation open architecture, font conversion to Bezier curves, object combinations, text on a curve, advanced typographic features, SmartMouse, SmartLines, vector gradients and much more.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Capella Software AG
Capella 2.1
First stable version of Capella for Windows, a musical notation program from the German company Capella Software AG. This upload is in the Dutch language. The first disk is the installation of Capella 2.1, disk 2 let you upgrade the program to version 2.11, the third floppy (Service Disk 7) comes with beta version 2.2 and let you install some templates.
DOS / Games / ERE Informatique
Captain Blood 1.0
The fractal based game Captain Blood! Fly across the universe, talk to strange aliens, kill them and hunt down your duplicates!
DOS / Games / Not specified
Captain Comic II - Fractured Reality
In this sequel to the original Captain Comic, you play a comic book-hero-like space ship captain who "beams down" to a strange planet to save its inhabitant. Your only weapon is your blaster, which can fire a varying number of shots depending on how many blastola colas you've collected. Other items you can find include the pickaxe, jet pack, magic wand and other little trinkets.
DOS / Games / Carr Software
Capture the Flag 3.1
CAPTURE THE FLAG! v3.1 New Play by E-Mail! "This wilderness version of hide-and-seek remains the most exquisite shareware strategy game for the PC. What makes it so great? Maybe it's the artful melding of high detail and ease of use... Or Maybe it's the lovely artwork. This game is so intriguing that you won't want to stop playing." ELECTRONIC ENTERTAINMENT pg 63, Oct 94. 640K, VGA, & 286+
DOS / Games / Looking Glass Technologies / Electronic Arts
Car & Driver
Car and Driver is a computer racing game, developed by Lerner Research and published by Electronic Arts in 1992. Runs in DOSBOX. Came on 5 floppies. To install you need to mount one disk at a time (copy and replace contents of each disk on a USB stick and press ctrl+F4 in DOSBOX to update the conents of the mounted drive every time you replace a disk).
Windows 3.x / Communication / Microcon
Carbon Copy 2.5
Communication / Remote Access for DOS/Windows This can only be installed in Win3x (not guarantee in 95/98/me/xp but..) SETUP.INF modified to install it entirely fom HD see this for drivers'replacement.
DOS / Other / Business Simulations Ltd
Cardbox 1.00
Card box was one of the first flat form database programs. This version was originally written for the CPM operating system and ported to DOS circa 1982.
Windows 3.x / Office / Microsoft
Cardfile (16-bit) 3.11
En español. Cardfile estuvo disponible en toda la gama 3.x pero no en la 9x. Siendo una aplicación de 16 bits, es compatible con 9x/Me. (2000,XP,Vista,7 [32 Bits])