Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Delrina
Intermision for Windows 4.0 4.0
... Canadian Company - Delrina (acquired by American firm Symantec in 1995) produced a lot of excellent software. It also produced a set of screensavers, including one that resulted in a well-publicized lawsuit for copyright and trademark infringement (Berkeley Systems Inc. v. Delrina). The case set a precedent in American law whereby satiric commercial software products are not subject to the same First Amendment exemptions as parodic cartoons or literature ...
Windows 3.x / System / John Ridges
Internal Speaker Driver for Windows 3.1 and Multimedia Windows 1.0
This Internal Speaker driver plays exclusively, so Windows will not run programs or respond to the user while sounds are playing. Unlike the Microsoft driver, interrupts are not disabled, so you don't have to worry about losing COMM port data or network connections. Even though it sounds OK with the interrupts enabled, if you do anything that causes a lot of interrupts (such as moving the mouse) the sound quality will suffer.
Internet Explorer 1.0
Internet Explorer 1.0 English. It's an rare thing and need to be tested.
Internet Explorer 3.01
Internet Explorer, abbreviated IE or MSIE, is a proprietary graphical web browser made by Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems.
Internet Explorer 3.02
IE 3.02 Instalacion completa para Windows 95.
Internet Explorer 3.0a
Internet Explorer Version 3.0a für Windows 3.x. Enthält einen TCP/IP Stack sowie einen Modem-Dialer der genauso aussieht wie das DFÜ-Netzwerk in Windows 95
Internet Explorer 5.0
Internet Explorer Version 5 für Windows 3.x. Enthält einen TCP/IP Stack, einen Modem-Dialer der genauso aussieht wie das DFÜ-Netzwerk in Windows 95, eine Java Laufzeitumgebung sowie das E-Mail Programm Outlook Express. Dies ist die letzte Version die noch unter Windows 3.x läuft
Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2
Navegador de Microsoft Versión 5.5 con la actualizacion a Service Pack 2
Internet Explorer 5.50
This is the last version of Internet Explorer you can use on Windows 95, but we highly recommand to install Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2 since it has the Active-desktop update
Windows 9x/ME / Communication / Microsoft
Internet Explorer 6 Full Package
Internet Explorer 6. Last version to work on Windows 98/ME/NT4. Also works on 2000, preinstalled on XP. Comes with all required setup files, so no "active" download is needed.
Windows NT/2000 / Communication / Microsoft
Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Full Setup
Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows XP, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows 2000, Windows 98 and Windows NT® 4.0 Service Pack 6a. Windows Desktop Update (aka Active Desktop) for Windows NT 4.0 included, but not installed by default. To do it, add: Shell_Integration=1 to iesetup.ini.
Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Paquete Completo
Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) es la versión más reciente de las tecnologías principales de Internet Explorer 6 de Windows® XP Home Edition y Windows XP Professional. Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 ofrece una exploración privada, de confianza y flexible y la libertad de experimentar lo mejor de Internet a los usuarios de Windows XP, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows 2000, Windows 98 y Windows NT® 4.0 Service Pack 6a.
Windows NT/2000 / Communication / Microsoft Corporation
Internet Explorer 6 SP1
7zip-compressed folder containing the full offline installation files of Internet Explorer 6 SP1 Italian for Windows 2000 and XP SP0/SP1 (XP SP2/SP3 include newer versions of IE6). I don't know if these installation files works with earlier Windows versions too.
Internet Explorer 3 3.0
16-bit Internet Explorer for Windows 3.1
Windows 3.x / Other / Microsoft
Internet Explorer 3.0 3.0
Internet Explorer 3 was the first major browser with CSS support. It also introduced support for ActiveX controls, Java applets, inline multimedia, and the Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) system for content metadata.