Windows 9x/ME / System / Adobe Systems
Adobe Type Manager Deluxe 4.1
* Install, uninstall, and manage Type 1, OpenType, and TrueType fonts * Group, activate, deactivate, and export font sets * Preview and print font samples for active or inactive fonts * Create Multiple Master font instances * Font substitution of missing fonts to preserve line breaks and general document appearance * Smoother on-screen viewing of Type 1 fonts * Includes 15 Adobe fonts, Acrobat Reader, ATM Pocket Guide, and Adobe PS Printer Driver NOTE: Will work, but is not needed in Windows XP (Type 1 support is already there). Also included documents/util on manually removing/disabling ATM.
Windows 3.x / Office / Adobe
Adobe TypeAlign 2.1
Adobe TypeAlign is a tool for modifying the shape of text. You can use this to produce various visual effects such as warping or twisting. You can then export the results to vector files that you can import in to numerous other applications. This software requires Adobe Type Manager to run. Install Adobe Type Manager 2.02 (Windows 3.0) or 3.x (Windows 3.1) before using this program.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia /
adplay 1.1
AdPlay is AdPlug's MS-DOS based frontend. Sporting an exclusively programmed textmode interface, it provides a convenient playback experience. AdPlay requires an installed OPL2 audio board for song replay. No emulated playback is supported.
DOS / System / Allen L. Wyatt/ Que Pub.
Advanced Assembly Language (companion disk)
Programming. Companion disk (.ima) from Allen Wyatt's book (published 1992). System requirements: "IBM-compatible PC; DOS; Microsoft Macro Assembler 6.0."
DOS / DBMS / Stoneware Inc./Macon Software Inc.
Advanced DB Master 3.0 3.0
DB Master is a powerful and flexible database for early personal computers. It was produced by Stoneware Inc., and in 1986 it switched ownership to Macon Software Inc. Advanced DB Master 3.0 was the first native MS-DOS release of the ADB/DB Master series products. Prior releases ran on the Apple II and IBM PC under the UCSD Pascal operating system. Note: You must install ANSI.SYS in your CONFIG.SYS to use this program.
Advanced Disk Catalogue 1.51
Creating catalogues of your disks.
DOS / Games / SST Inc.
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons: Secrets of The Silver Blade 1.0
From original 5.25" floppies.
DOS / Other / Ray Duncan - Microsoft Press
Advanced MS-DOS Programming 2nd Edition
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Advanced MS-DOS Programming The Microsoft(R) Guide for Assembly Language and C Programmers By Ray Duncan ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
DOS / Other / Scroll Systems Inc.
Advanced Trace86 2.0
Advanced Trace86 is a full screen debugger tool that lets users visually trace through execution of 8086 machine code. Archive includes one 360k floppy disk image.
Windows NT/2000 / Other / Microsoft Press
Advanced Windows hird Edition
This is the CD that accompanies the book Advanced Windows Third Edition. It contains the source code for the sample applications, 100MB of multimedia demos for the sample applications, and binaries for Intel as well as non-Intel Windows NT-based platforms.
DOS / Games / Electronic Arts
Adventure Construction Set IBM
Adventure Construction Set (ACS) is a program written by Stuart Smith that is used to construct tile-based graphical adventure games. ACS was originally published by Electronic Arts (EA)
Adventure Games for Windows
Adventure Games for Windows. I'm going through my archive of old floppies and posting them to this site.
DOS / Games / Ken and Roberta Williams
Adventure In Serenia
When you load this game on your computer, you are magically transported to the land of Serenia, where the evil Wizard Harlin has made off with the beautiful Princess Priscilla. It has been rumored that the Wizard has taken the Princess to his castle beyond the mountains to the North. It is your task in this game to rescue Princess Priscilla and return her safely to the village where you originally began your adventure. Adventure In Serenia is a "booter" game for the IBM PC. It is an IBM port of "Wizard and the Princess". Put the 160K image on floppy, or put it as "A" on an emulator and boot it. IBM Part number: 6024038
DOS / Games / Paul Panks
Adventure XT 1.0
A fantasy text adventure written for the 13th Annual Interactive Fiction Contest.
DOS / System / AdTec
AFD Pro (Advanced Fullscreen Debug Pro) v2.0
Лучший полно-экранный ассемблер/отладчик для ДОС. Маленький, простой и очень эффективный. Только для 86 и 286 процессоров. Отличный инструмент для обучения. ___________ The best Fullscreen Assembler/Debugger for DOS. Small, simple and very effective. Covers 86 and 286 only. An excellent learning tool.
DOS / Games / Sega
After Burner 1.0
A classic flight simulator, this is the PC conversion.
Windows 3.x / Games / Sierra
After Dark Classic unknown
This is disk 3 of 3 of the Riders perpetual radio service manuals, I only have disk 3
Windows 3.x / Other / Berkeley Systems
After Dark Star Trek The Screen Saver
This is a version of After Dark 2.0b dedicated to the original Star Trek television series. Called "After Dark: The Star Trek Edition," it features 14 Star Trek themed screen savers that include flying brain cells, communication messages with custom message, trivia test, a tease of the Star Trek TV theme, Horta chasing Starfleet security guards, an atlas of Federation planets, schematics of Federation tech, displays of Enterprise control panels, a bio bed display with Dr. McCoy's comments, Federation ships flying in space, Spock enacting various episode scenes (and sometimes singing), Captain Kirk on the Bridge giving orders (and sometimes greeted by Tribbles or Nomad!), Tholian ships creating a "web" around the Enterprise, and Tribbles filling the screen with a Klingon occassionally looking in, which makes the tribbles screech.