DOS / System / Vertisoft Systems, Inc.
DoubleDisk 2.6
Installed copy of Vertisoft's Double Disk version 2.6 Microsoft licensed technology from Vertisoft to create MS-DOS 6.0 DoubleSpace and, after the Stac issue, they licensed DoubleDisk itself to create DriveSpace.
DOS / System / SoftLogic Solutions, Inc.
DoubleDOS (Installed) 4.02
This contains an installed copy (not the full installer) of DoubleDOS 4.02. DoubleDOS is a multitasking program that enables users to run two DOS programs at a time. This archive also includes some documentation.
DOS / System / unknown
DPMI 0.9
The DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) was defined to allow DOS programs to access the extended memory of PC architecture computers while maintaining system protection.
DOS / OS / Qualitas, Inc.
DPMIONE - DPMI 1.0 Host 0.91
DPMIONE -- A DPMI 1.0 Host -- Version 0.91 (C) Copyright 1990-2004 Qualitas, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Overview -------- The DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) Specification version 0.9 was created by the DPMI Committee in 1990, and extended to version 1.0 in 1991. From the introduction to the DPMI 1.0 spec, "The DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) allows DOS programmers to access the advanced features of 80286, 80386, and 80486-based PCs in a well-behaved, hardware-independent fashion that does not compromise system protection". With this spec, it becomes especially easy to write a program which enters Protected Mode (PM), and has access to all of the system's extended memory. DPMI 0.9 hosts are readily available, standalone or otherwise. Some DPMI 0.9 hosts implemented a handful of DPMI 1.0 features, but other than 386MAX, none of them did the whole spec. DPMIONE is, to my knowledge, the first publicly available standalone DPMI 1.0 host. This program is an outgrowth of the DPMI 1.0 host which first appeared in 386MAX from Qualitas, Inc. in 1992. As such, it has undergone extensive testing in that commercial product before being ported to this standalone program. Features -------- * Supports DPMI 1.0 (superset of DPMI 0.9) * Starts from either Real Mode or Virtual Mode (using VCPI) * Low DOS memory resident size is about 15KB * Extended memory resident size is about 300KB plus Page Tables (4KB per 4MB of physical memory) * Loads from command line or as device driver so subsequently loaded device drivers can use DPMI * Supports both 16-bit and 32-bit DPMI clients * Supports nested DPMI clients * Supports uncommitted memory (a very handy DPMI 1.0 feature) (See the file UNCOMMIT.TXT for details.) * Full DOS (INT 21h) & Mouse (INT 33h) translation services * Swapfile support * Compatible with 386SWAT for debugging DPMI clients System Requirements ------------------- * 80386 CPU or later * XMS driver (HIMEM.SYS or Memory Manager EMM386/QEMM/etc. -- 386MAX 7 and later versions already support DPMI 1.0)
DOS / Utility / GEE WIZ(tm) Software Company
DPROTECT may be used to write protect one or more diskettes and all fixed disks from Trojan Horse programs. DPROTECT may not be able of protecting any ram disk or external drives which do not resemble a standard IBM floppy disk or hard disk drive.
DR DOS 7.03
operating system DR-DOS 7.03; 5 disks img
DOS / OS / Microsoft
DR DOS ,MS DOS, PC DOS, IBM DOS multi-language pack
Caldera DR-DOS 7.02 5x1.4M* Caldera DR-DOS 7.03 5x1.4M* Caldera OpenDOS 7.01 5x1.4M* Datalight ROM-DOS 6.22 R4.20.1567SU 1x1.4M Datalight ROM-DOS 6.22 R4.20.1571SU 1x1.4M* Datalight ROM-DOS 6.22 R4.20.1588SU 1x1.4M* Datalight ROM-DOS 7.1 R4.20.1567SU 1x1.4M Datalight ROM-DOS 7.1 R4.20.1571SU 1x1.4M* Datalight ROM-DOS 7.1 R4.20.1588SU 1x1.4M* Digital Research Concurrent DOS/386 3.0 2x1.4M Digital Research DOS Plus 1.2 (Patched) 1x1.4M* Digital Research DOS Plus 2.1 (Patched) 1x1.4M Digital Research DR DOS 3.41 1x720K Digital Research DR DOS 6.0 6x360K General Software Embedded DOS-ROM 4.04 1x1.4M* IBM DOS 4.01 (reports 4.00) 2x720K IBM DOS 5.00 3x720K IBM DOS 5.00 (French) 3x720K IBM DOS 5.02 3x720K IBM PC-DOS 1.00 1x160K IBM PC-DOS 1.10 1x160K IBM PC DOS 2000 7.00.1 6x1.4M IBM PC DOS 2000 7.00.1 (German) 7x1.4M IBM PC DOS 2000 7.00.1C (Japanese) 11x1.4M IBM PC-DOS 2.00 1x360K IBM PC-DOS 2.00 (German) 1x180K IBM PC-DOS 2.10 2x180K** IBM PC-DOS 2.10 (German) 2x180K IBM PC-DOS 3.10 (German) 2x360K IBM PC-DOS 3.10 (Incomplete) 1x360K IBM PC-DOS 3.20 1x720K** IBM PC-DOS 3.30 2x360K IBM PC-DOS 3.30 (German) 2x360K IBM PC DOS 6.10 5x720K IBM PC DOS 6.10 (French) 5x720K IBM PC DOS 6.30 5x1.4M IBM PC DOS 6.30 (French) 5x1.4M IBM PC DOS 6.30 (German) 5x1.4M IBM PC DOS 6.30 (Spanish) 5x1.4M IBM PC DOS 7.00 1x1.4M+4xXDF (plus special copy utility) IBM PC DOS 7.10 1x1.4M* IMS Multiuser DOS 7.1 1x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 1.25 (Generalized) 1x320K Microsoft MS-DOS 2.01 (Generalized) 1x360K Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 (Generalized) 1x360K** Microsoft MS-DOS 3.10 (Generalized, Incomplete) 1x360K Microsoft MS-DOS 3.20 (Generalized) 1x720K Microsoft MS-DOS 3.20 (Spanish) 1x720K Microsoft MS-DOS 3.21 (Generalized) 1x360K Microsoft MS-DOS 3.21 (Spanish) 1x360K Microsoft MS-DOS 3.30 2x360K Microsoft MS-DOS 3.30 (French) 2x720K Microsoft MS-DOS 3.31 (Generalized) 1x720K Microsoft MS-DOS 4.01 3x720K Microsoft MS-DOS 4.01 (French) 6x360K Microsoft MS-DOS 4.01 (Spanish) 1x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 5.00 2x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 5.00 (French) 2x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 5.00 (Portuguese) 3x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 5.00 (Spanish) 3x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.00 3x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.00 (French) 4x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.00 (Spanish) 4x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.20 3x1.4M** Microsoft MS-DOS 6.20 (German) 3x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.20 (Japanese, DOS/V) 6x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.20 (Spanish) 3x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.21 3x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.21 (Spanish) 3x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22 3x1.4M** Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22 (French) 4x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22 (German) 4x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22 (Italian) 3x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22 (Portuguese) 4x1.4M Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22 (Spanish) 4x1.4M Novell DOS 7.0 6x1.4M Novell DR Multiuser DOS 5.1 2x1.4M Wendin DOS 2.11 2x360K * acquired [semi-]legitimately ** was in possession of originals until they were damaged / had OEM
DOS / OS / Digital Research
dr dos 5.0 spanish 5.0
DR-DOS 5.0 en español, no tiene install, pero se puede instalar manualmente, incluye Viewmax y disco de booteo.
DOS / OS / Digital Research
DR DOS 6.0 (de) 6.0
DR DOS Installation Disks 6.0 german March 92 version 4 disk images raw format + Novell NetWare Lite 1 disk image raw format
DOS / OS / Digital Research
DR DOS 6.0 installation disks 6.0
Set of three .IMG files from original floppy diskettes to install DR DOS 6.0. Disk 1 is installation, Disk 2 is ViewMax, Disk 3 is DRBIOS and SKELBIOS.
DOS / OS / Novell, Inc.
Dr DOS 7.0 7.0
Was briefly renamed "Novel DOS" after the purchase of the company by Novel.
DOS / OS / Caldera
DR DOS 7.02 versions 7.02
Caldera DR DOS (or OpenDOS) 7.02 versions. There are 6 versions exist. I've repacked original or to .7z format. Sorry, I have not any IMAGE versions.
DOS / OS / Caldera
DR DOS 7.03 7.03
Caldera DR DOS 7.03. It is 7z-repacked dr703 archive.
DOS / OS / Digital Research
DR DOS 8.1 - Disk Images DR DOS 8.1
This is the Images that was missing from the other DR DOS 8.1 download.
DOS / OS / Novell, Inc.
DR Multi User DOs 5.1
Concur/Digital Research Multiuse DOS. Based on CP/M allows multi user access via serail port connected dumb terminals
DOS / OS / Caldrea
DR-DOS 7.03
Note: The .144 files are floppy images that can be written and read by WinImage.
DOS / OS / Digital Research
DR-DOS 3.41 3.41
Bootable image of Digital Research's DR-DOS 3.41. This image is from a floppy that was bundled with the Acorn Archimedes "PC Emulator" program.
DOS / OS / Digital Research Inc.
DR-DOS 5.0 deutsch inkl. ViewMAX 5.0
4 Disk-Images 720k (.img), IBM-kompatibles Betriebssystem ähnlich MS-DOS 5.0 einschließlich graphischer Benutzeroberfläche ViewMAX (vergleichbar mit Windows 1.0)
DOS / System / moriy
DR-DOS v7.05.70c 7.05
distributed at at PC-Life classic It's containes MS TCIP
DOS / OS / Digital Research
DR-DOS3.40 1.0
DR-DOS was developed by Digital Research and was originally used as an operating system on PCs. The full name of DR-DOS is Digital Research-Disk Operating System. Mainly supports IBM PC compatible machines. Starting with Windows 3.0 in 1990, when PCs were widely used, DOS systems were gradually replaced. By the time Windows 95 was fully adopted in 1995, the influence of DOS had waned, and DR-DOS was rapidly declining in the desktop market. DR-DOS has a small number of applications in single-tasking embedded devices, and a very small number of DOS enthusiasts are still studying or using DR-DOS. In 2004, DR-DOS version 8.0 was released, with only minor changes in functionality, supporting FAT32 and large hard drives, and was later withdrawn from the market for copyright reasons.