Windows XP / Utility /
File Splitter with Parity 1.2
My file splitter with parity. Works like RAID except its with files instead of drives. I made some changes to it. Now it can copy the splitted fils to set of drives/paths that you can set in the settings. You can also change the program that were the audio/video files stream with. A new tutorial video is comming soon.
DOS / Utility / Antal Dénes Gulyás
File Wizard 1.35 (w/source code) 1.35
A polished, dual pane, text mode file manager with pulldown menus and mouse support. Quick, efficient navigation reminiscent of NC. Some features which distinguish File Wizard: Can display/edit file descriptions (FILES.BBS or DESCRIPT.ION). Also displays titles of HTML files and mp3-TAGs. Movable, customizable, and sizable directory panels. Just pull on a pane to see more information (e.g., file descriptions). Supports VESA text modes. Customize colors for file extension groups. Reads popular archive formats as directories. Reads contents of ZIP, RAR, ARJ, and ACE archives. Easy on-screen configuration of archiver parameters. Drag and drop COPY, MOVE, and DELETE operations (between archives too). Good file finding function. Extension associations. Win9x and Win2000 LFN support. Full featured integrated CD player. Integrated text editor w/ mouse and Win clipboard support (you can even edit archived files – File Wizard will update the archive) MP3 viewer / editor. TEXT/HEX viewer. Unique built-in screen savers (with screen "hot spot"). Good built-in help. Source code available.
DOS / Utility / Falk Data Systems
Peruse an ascii and binary file reader .copy both exe files into into a directory name peruse click on and first exe file will unravel do same for second exe file .then read files to run .
Windows 9x/ME / DBMS / FileMaker Inc.
FileMaker 4.0v3
FileMaker Pro is a cross-platform relational database application from FileMaker Inc., formerly Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Inc. It integrates a database engine with a GUI-based interface, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms.
Windows XP / Utility / Claris Corporation
FileMaker Developer v6
FileMaker Developer 6 is the tool of choice for creating custom FileMaker solutions for deployment across workgroups, distribution as royalty-free runtime applications, or sharing on the Web. Along with the benefits of FileMaker Pro 6, FileMaker Developer 6 includes updated time-saving development tools. Test and verify your scripts steps with the Script Debugger. Document the schema of your FileMaker solutions with the Database Design Report. Use the Developer Tool to protect your solutions from modification and limit user controls, or to deploy your solutions in Kiosk mode or as a stand-alone application. Whether you are developing commercial or corporate solutions, FileMaker Developer 6 is the indispensable tool for creating, customizing and deploying FileMaker solutions.
Windows 3.x / DBMS / Claris Corporation
FileMaker Pro 2.1Fv3
FileMaker Pro is a cross-platform relational database application from FileMaker Inc., formerly Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Inc.. It integrates a database engine with a GUI-based interface, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms.
Windows 9x/ME / DBMS / Claris Corporation
FileMaker Pro 3.0Bv3
FileMaker Pro is a cross-platform relational database application from FileMaker Inc., formerly Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Inc. It integrates a database engine with a GUI-based interface, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms. Crash under XP but work fine under Seven.
FileMaker Pro 3.0Fv5
FileMaker Pro is a cross-platform relational database application from FileMaker Inc., formerly Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Inc. It integrates a database engine with a GUI-based interface, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms. ==> Crash under Windows XP but work fine under Seven.
Windows 3.x / DBMS / Claris Corporation
FileMaker Pro 3.0v1
FileMaker Pro is a cross-platform relational database application from FileMaker Inc., formerly Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Inc.. It integrates a database engine with a GUI-based interface, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms.
Windows 9x/ME / Office / FiuleMaker
Filemaker Pro 4.0
FileMaker Pro 4.0 est le moyen le plus simple de gérer les informations à partir de votre bureau, via un réseau local ou via Internet. En utilisant la fonction HTTP intégrée, vous pouvez créer des annuaires d'entreprise, des catalogues produits et autres bases de données FileMaker Pro visualisables à partir des navigateurs Web usuels ;
DOS / Utility / C.E. Software
A simple file manager vaguely similar to the Norton-Commander. Two directories can be displayed side by side.
DOS / Office / Chang Labs
FilePlan 1.04
FilePlan is a personal filing system database that resembles a spreadsheet. You enter fields that make up records, and you can define different data type for each field. Supports incremental fields and sorting. Supports both a form and worksheet mode for working with data. There were version of this software for CP/M and DOS.
DOS / DBMS / Starcom Computer Corporation
Files and Folders 1.16
Files and Folders, from Starcom Computer Corporation, is a database and data management tool that places a heavy focus on the files/folders/boxes paradigm. It supports sorting, mailing labels, math functions, and reporting. Important: This software is copy protected, and no unprotect is known to exist. Protection type: Intentionally bad sector on track 39 head 0.
DOS / Utility / Mountain Computer
Filesafe5-MT 5.0
This is the DOS-based backup software package which Mountain sold with their cartridge-style (DC6xx) tape drives. It should support at least QIC-02 and QIC-36 tape subsystems.
OS/2 / Utility / gpl
FileStar2 3.05.00 3
Good Filemaneger for OS/2 1.First install "warpin-1-0-26.exe" 2.Next install "FileStar2_3-05-00.wpi" 3.Done!
DOS / Other / Burr-Brown Corporation
FilterPro 1.1
FilterPro (TM) BURR-BROWN FILTER DESIGN PROGRAMS (c) Copyright 1991 Burr-Brown Corporation This disk contains three DOS-compatible programs to aid in active filter design. The programs are not Burr-Brown products, but application information intended to aid in using our components. All three are easy to use, incorporating helpful on-screen prompts. Just try them! FILTER1 aids in the design of unity-gain Sallen-Key low-pass filters. This program is foolproof and very easy to use, however the FILTER2 program has more flexibility. FILTER2 designs both Multiple-Feedback and Sallen-Key low-pass filters. It provides a number of enhancements over the popular FILTER1 program, including plotting, gain entry and sensitivity analysis. FILTER42 designs a wide variety of filters using Burr-Brown's UAF42 Universal Active Filter IC. Low-pass, High-pass, band-pass and notch filters can be designed.
BeOS / System / Ramshankar
FilWip 0.1
FilWip is the successor of the BeOS Clean Manager. It fixes several long time issues. Its fully customizable and expandible. FilWip is basically a disk maintainance utility just like BeOS Clean-Up Manager and helps you keep your hard-disk clean of outdated and unwanted info. Its has both GUI and command-line support.
FilWip 0.2
Successor of BeOS Clean-Up Manager, a better, customizable disk cleanup utlity for the BeOS.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Coda Music Tecnology
Finale 3.5.0r2
Finale is the flagship program of a series of proprietary music notation software developed and released by MakeMusic for the Microsoft Windows and macOS operating systems. First released in 1988. Original serial number missing, but "MFNR105017" works.
Finale 3.5.1
Coda Music Technology - Finale The Art Of Music Notation Software Requires: 4MB RAM (8MB recommended); 5MB hard drive space; Windows 3.1 in Enhanced mode List Price: $749 (theological and academic pricing available) Finale, the world standard for music notation software, lets you compose, arrange, notate, and print engraver-quality sheet music.
DOS / Office / Genesis Software
Finance Manager 3.0 Evaluation Copy
Finance Manager is a personal/small business general ledger system for the IBM PC and PC/XT. This software is a menu driven double entry bookeeping system which is suitable for personal or small business use. It is easy to use, but you must understand double entry (debits & credits) bookeeping.
DOS / Office / Hooper International
FINANCE MANAGER II - General Ledger 1987
Finance Manager - General Ledger is a small business/personal double-entry bookkeeping system that is easy to use and understand. Designed for the IBM PC/XT/AT and compatibles, this system is user friendly and reliable. Menu driven, easy setup, complete reports, budgets, graphs, simple inputs, demo files and complete documentation on disk. Track your income, expenses, assets and liabilities. Know your net worth at all times. Many users prefer Finance Manager's ease of use over commercial packages. This is an evaluation version of the program. It is fully functional except for graphics capabilities. Registration gets a free update and optional pre-printed 102 page manual.
DOS / Utility / Horst Schaeffer
FIND 2.3
Includes XFIND and T(ext)FIND. "XFIND scans files for a string (optionally in all subdirectories), and reports all files where the string was found. Example: XFIND "anything" C:\some\where\*.TXT *.DOC *.ASC /s > result.txt)."
Windows 3.x / Office / Microsoft
Fine Artist & Creative Writer
Fine Artist e Creative Writer em português. Inclui os arquivos dos disquetes originais, bem como a pasta MSKIDS, com os programas já descompactados.
Windows NT/2000 / Utility / Fine Print
FinePrint 2000 Windows NT, 2000 & XP
The finest print management utility for Win NT & XP. I have told it works quite well on Windows 7 too but did not test it. Printing many pages on one sheet, different orientation, place the printing on both sheet's sides... it ia s useful and very well working tool that enhance and enrich any printer's software.
DOS / Office / Logitech
Finesse 3.1 3.1
Logitech Finesse is a DTP for GEM (2.2). There are 7 720KB images created with DSKIMAGE (included). More informations in teh readme file.
DOS / Utility / Arno Schaefer
FIPS 1.1
Non-destructive splitting of harddisk partition (only works on primary partitions that are formatted using the FAT filesystem).
DOS / Games / Sierra On-Line, Inc.
Fire Hawk: Thexder The Second Contact
Fire Hawk: Thexder - The Second Contact, also known as Firehawk: Thexder 2, Firehawk or Thexder II, is a video game developed and published by Game Arts for the MSX2, MS-DOS and PC-8801 in 1989 as a sequel to Thexder only in Japan. The MS-DOS version was later released by Sierra On-Line.