DOS / DBMS / Fox Software
EN 2.00
This is a clone of Dbase-III Plus, as one commentator stated. This is a set of installation disks and SN and activation codes for Demo and Unrestricted use are included.
DOS / Utility / Three D Graphics
FoxGraph Version 1.0 December 1988 (c) 1988 by Three D Graphics ***RUSSIFIED*** Foxgraph was an application originally sold by Fox Software in the days before they were taken over by Microsoft. It was a business graph system which was callable from within Foxplus or Foxpro. System requirements: *Computer:IBM XT,AT or eq., Toshiba 3100, AT&T 6300, 512K min, DOS 2.0 min. *Graphics card for IBM or eq.:CGA, EGA,"Super" EGA, VGA, Herc. Mono, or eq. *Disk: Hard disk with approximately 1.3Mb available. 1. Must use teledisk 2.11 - any other version wouldn't handle these images. 2. Converted those to standard IMG format. 3. Unpacked the files to a DIR off root like so: C:\FSRC, then ran install from there. Didn't work! 4. Created a virtual floppy drive and installed - SUCCESS! There's a English README.DOC which gives some excellent info, but the program has been russified (somewhat). The russifying is done in messages.3ds keytext.3ds help.3ds CONENTS: There are the original Teledisk images, another set converted to standard IMG, yet one more of a 1.2meg floppy with all files (which is what I eventually used to perform an installation under XP), and finally, a RARed archive of the completed installation that you can unpack and run directly. See the text files included in the archive; they contain additional information to get this running on your hardware. AppleSeed '96 ***RUSSIFIED***
FoxPro 1.02
FoxPro was a dBASE clone.
FoxPro 1.02 (European Version)
This is the European version of the FoxPro 1.02 database software. It is missing a serial and activation key. If anyone has that, please post it below.
Windows 9x/ME / DBMS / Microsoft
FoxPro 2.5b
Microsoft FoxPro for Windows Version 2.5b. Run SETUP to install and select NO when prompted to change your existing language. Run ALLUNPAK.BAT in the FOXPROW\GOODIES subdirectory.
DOS / DBMS / Microsoft
foxpro 2.5 2.5
"a text-based procedurally oriented programming language and database management system (DBMS), and it is also an object-oriented programming language, originally published by Fox Software and later by Microsoft, for MS-DOS..." (Wikipedia)
DOS / DBMS / Microsoft
FoxPro 2.6 DK For Dos 2.6
All three (3) disks are in .7z file and are in .IMG format.
DOS / DBMS / Microsoft
Foxpro Distribution Kit for FPD26 v.1
The Professional Edition of FoxPro 2.6 includes the following kits: Distribution Kit Connectivity Kit Library Construction Kit WorkGroup Extensions (FoxPro for Windows only) To install the Professional Edition of FoxPro, first install the main FoxPro product, then follow the installation instructions included with each individual kit. The order in which the kits are installed does not matter.
DOS / DBMS / Microsoft
FoxPro DOS 2.6
IDE de Programacion del lenguaje xbase, en español, crea ejecutables y apps.
DOS / DBMS / Microsoft
fpd 2.6 2.6
You can create EXE with FoxPro(R) Version 2.6 Professional Edition Distribution Kit for MS-DOS(R). The Professional Edition of FoxPro 2.6 includes the following kits: Distribution Kit, Connectivity Kit, Library Construction Kit. Have a greate day !
BeOS / Other / GNU
FPSE 0.08
*FREE* PlayStation Emulator - for BeOS. Its not very compatible and only runs a handfull of demos. Not really that usefull, but nice for hobby purposes. (Requires PSX BIOS image to run)
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Fractal Design Corporation
Fractal Design Dabbler 1.0
Fractal Design Dabbler 1.0 - FRACTAL Design Corp. March 28, 1994 $99.00 Title from disk label. "The art school inside your computer" Dabbler by Fractal Design was released as a cut down version of Painter, and later re-branded as "Art Dabbler" (when Fractal Design merged with MetaCreations). "Dabbler is an easy-to-use entry-level draw and paint application that features an educational approach to computer art. It offers an easy interface, visual tutorials, sixteen-bit color for minimal system requirements, fifty-four drawing tools and twenty paper textures, as well as photo retouching tools including soften, sharpen and equalize." Fractal Design Dabbler 1.0 S/N: 5014788-4960 S/N: 5019229-6978 S/N: 5011380-8195 S/N: 5011440-0287 - AppleSeed 2017 -
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Fractal Design
For 3D illustrations and animations -- from photorealistic to fantastic -- nothing beats the cutting-edge power and acclaimed ease-of-use of Ray Dream Studio. Its advanced animation features, powerful modeler and huge library of Dream Models make it the most complete 3D illustration and animation package you can get. Whether you're a graphics professional or budding digital artist, Ray Dream Studio will let you create awe-inspiring 3D illustrations, dramatic animations for multimedia, and exciting virtual reality environments and graphics for the World Wide Web. Designed for the creative individual, Ray Dream Studio opens a whole new world of 3D for artists who want to expand their capabilities to stay ahead in a competitive environment. Ray Dream Studio has everything you need to leap into 3D - Modeling and Scene Wizards, Dream Models, a B‚zier-based spline modeler, ray tracing rendering, 350 shaders and a shader editor to create your own shaders, unlimited lights and cameras, and more. Plus a unique integrated Perspective window view that allows you to be an artist instead of a CAD engineer! Ray Dream Studio also includes high-end features unheard of on the desktop - Inverse Kinematics, Geometry Buffers, Extensions for added capabilities like Boolean modeling, volumetric lighting and more! ³ System Requirements: ³ 486 or Pentium-based computer running Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or Windows NT (Windows 95 recommended). Studio is a 32-bit native application. Minimum 12 MB RAM (16 MB or more recommended for optimized performance) - 20 MB hard drive space for program files, plus 20 MB free disk space.
DOS / Games / Ceader Software
FractalVision for Windows 1.04 1.04
FractalVision for Windows 1.04 is an interactive fractal drawing program. Using a mouse or the keyboard you can manipulate geometric Seed Shapes and create amazing pictures of coastlines, clouds, trees, leaves snowflakes, spirals and practically anything imaginable. Images can be saved in PCX, BMP, and GIF format. Several example templates are included to help get you started. This is an excellent introduction in to the fascinating world of fractal geometry.
DOS / Other / Stone Soup Group
Fractint 20.0
FRACTINT 20.0, DOS-based fractal generator. Generate Mandelbrot, Julia, IFS, and many more fractals in 2D and 3D, including those you design yourself. Version 20 now supports images larger than 2048x2048, adds evolver, and adds enhanced sound. Copyrighted freeware.
Fractint 20.4
Fractint is a fractal generator created for IBMPC's.
FrameMaker 4.02
FrameMaker is a professional document system for creating large, complex documents with highly structured layout. This is a 16-bit Windows 3.1 application. Serial# 00-0-01-01-4-005CF-90DEDC
Framework II
Framework II contains a larger, faster and more powerful spreadsheet and an advanced word processor that includes an 80,000-word spell checker, visible page breaks and a built-in mailmerge capability. The two primary functions are supported by fully-integrated telecommunications, database, outlining and graphics modules in addition to an expanded and well-documented programming language. Framework II retains a consistent command structure throughout all functions, providing users with unparalleled ease of learning.
Framework II 1.1
Originally created by Forefront Corporation for Ashton-Tate and first released in 1984, Framework was an early integrated office suite for DOS. It has a built in word processor, spreadsheet, database, outliner, graphing, and telecommunications.
Framework III
Originally created by Forefront Corporation for Ashton-Tate and first released in 1984, Framework was an early integrated office suite for DOS. It has a built in word processor, spreadsheet, database, outliner, graphing, and telecommunications. Framework provides a text-based "gui", including windowing and menus. All of the different components behave in similar, consistent ways. Archive includes ten 360K 5.25" floppy disk images.
Framework 4 4.0
Framework 4 integrated office package for text. spreadsheet, database and communication running on DOS. Decompress the *.rar archive an you will get 12 floppy image files in winimage format. You will need 720K DOS formattet floppys to generate installtion floppy - set.