Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft
Win32 subset 1.30c
Win32 subset was an partial implemetation of NT 3.x win32 API on windows 3.1, it allows you to run a lot of applications that won't run under windows 3.1 because of lack of support for 32 bit software. An example of this (I found this on internet maybe it's false) is that you can run 3D pinball space cadet.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Microsoft
Win32s 1.3
Win32s is a 32-bit application runtime environment for the Microsoft Windows 3.11 operating system. It allowed some 32-bit applications to run on the 16-bit operating system using call thunks.
Win32s 1.30c
The Installer is in english, the Win32s system messages are in german
Windows 3.x / OS / Microsoft
This let U run 100% programs for windows 3.1 and some porgrams for win9x. Comes with freecell.
BeOS / System / gpl
Win4Be 0.0.2c
This program will eventually allow a user to execute any MS Windows binary (.exe) from either a double click.
Windows 9x/ME / OS / Nathan C Lineback
Win95 Comctl fix 5.00.0910.1306
Windows 95 may not run Microsoft's latest application software, but many people including myself still use it. A while back I noticed my system resources would keep dropping after opening and closing lots of file folders and I would eventually have to reboot because of it. I tracked it down to the common control library version 5.80 (comctl32.dll) that some program had installed. I quickly switched back to version 4.72 and all was well again. Curious I tested this on numerous other Windows 95 systems and discovered the exact same thing. To reproduce this behavior on an affected system, just select a bunch of file folders somewhere and open them all at once. Close them (using ALT-F4 on the keyboard is faster). Repeat this a few dozen times and check your system resources. This affects both the classic and IE 4 webby desktop. Microsoft appears to have sabotaged their own operating system! This file (comctl32.dll 5.8x) is installed and required by many newer Windows 95 applications. As far as I can tell there is no newer version for Windows 95 that fixes the problem. Perhaps Microsoft did this to sell more copies of Windows 98? Luckily I don't have IE or any other programs that required that version of the DLL, but computers that have IE 5.x or various other programs must have the 5.x version. Just by chance I came across an early version of the comctl32.dll file, version 5.00.0910.1306 to be exact, which shipped with an early beta version of IE 5. This version does not have this "bug"! (I suppose it could have others, but I have not encountered any). If you are affected and want to make your Windows 95 machine stable again, download file below. Extract it, exit to DOS, rename the old file, and copy the new comctl32.dll. (Example, "rename c:\windows\system\comctl32.dll comctl32.old" and then "copy c:\temp\comctl32.dll c:\windows\system\comctl32.dll") Disclaimer: Try this at your own risk.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
Win98 SE Startup disk (HU) 4.10.2222A
Windows 98 Second Edition boot/startup disk, Hungarian version. Can be used on computers which cannot boot from CD.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / e-merge GmbH
WinACE Archiver v2.04
The main purpose of WinAce is the management of compressed files in different archive formats. Since this feature similar to most of the common file management programs, WinAce may as well replace your current file explorer. The support for archive files is not limited to the extremely efficient ACE format alone. WinAce also supports the most popular archive formats, so you won't need any other additional programs in order to create or edit Zipfiles or the likes.
Winamp 2.24
The ever-popular music player.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Nullsoft
WinAmp 2.79
Winamp is an all in one media player. It features a skinnable interface, support for all popular file formats and shoutcast web radio. Further, it has an equaliser, playlist editor and other, advanced features for turning your PC in to a home entertainment center.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Nullsoft, Inc
Winamp v. 3.0 3
Winamp3 is more than an excuse to have "mp3" built right into our product name. Winamp3 is our attempt to create a brand new methodology of complete customizability of the media playback experience via a system of component programming (which adds new functionality to the program) and a brand-new skinning system (to present the features of the program to you.) Another important reason for Winamp3 is portability. Wasabi currently runs on the win32 platform (Win95/98/NT/ME/2k/XP/etc).
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / T.Lichtenegger
WinArj v2.5
WinArj is a Windows-Shell for ARJ ARCHIVER, ver 2.50.sfxv has a buildin textfile viewer and can view and extract the following archives: ZOO, ZIP, LHA, ARC, PAK, TAR, SIT, PIT and Microsoft compressed files. This Version of WinArj lets you create variable size multivolum archives. Version 2.50.sfxv of WinArj supports Self-Extracting Multiple-Volume Archives. ARJ 2.50a, unregistered supports 360 k Multiple Volume Archives, if you like to create larger selfextracting multivolume archives, you need to register ARJ with Robert Jung.
Windows 3.x / Utility / BABEL Informática
WinBabel 4.0
WinBabel is an application translation utility for Windows 3.1 / 9x. It translates running applications between English and Spanish in real time. It also can be use to translate text, web pages, etc.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Ziff Davis
Winbar 1.2
WinBar is a highly configurable rendition of the Windows 95
Taskbar that runs under Windows 3.1. It can launch programs from
either its menu structure or directly from an icon on the bar.
WinBar can also be used as a replacement for the Windows 3.1 Program
Windows XP / Games / XBoard
Winboard v4.9.1 + Houdini 4 Pro 4.9.1
This is Winboard v4.9.1 + Houdini 4 Pro which the full package won't be released. Using Polyglot with 25 selected engines and additional board textures. Anyone who loved Chess must download this one! This should works fine on Windows 9x and above. Just extract the 7z file then run the Winboard491_Setup.exe file. (Note: Installer made to run on WinXP and above, you should extract it manually to use on Win9x).
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Not specified
WinBrick 96
Bei „WinBrick 96“ gilt es, einen Ball mit Hilfe eines Bretts so lange im Spielfeld zu halten, bis dieses leer geräumt ist. Dort befinden sich zahlreiche Mauersteine, die durch Berührung verschwinden. Doch achten Sie darauf, dass Sie Ihren Spielball nicht um unteren Rand herunterfallen lassen. Einige der Mauersteine halten zudem Boni und Items bereit, die Ihnen nützlich sein können und besondere Fähigkeiten verleihen. Ein Level-Editor ermöglicht das Erstellen eigener Levels. Das Spiel läuft auch unter NT/2000 und XP