DOS / Utility / McAfee Associates
McAfee Associates VIRUSCAN V3.5V63
VIRUSCAN scans diskettes or entire systems and identifies any pre-existing PC virus infection. SCAN version 3.5V63 can identify all 97 known virus strains and 167 virus sub-strains (varieties). The 167 viruses include the ten most common viruses which account for over 95% of all reported PC infections.
McAfee Associates VIRUSCAN V7.6V80
Early version of McAfee Associates VIRUSCAN V7.6V80 from 1991. Detected all known viruses at the time (a whopping 681).
DOS / Utility / McAfee Associates
McAfee Associates VirusScan v0.6V39
VIRUSCAN version 0.6V39 can identify 39 major virus strains and numerous sub-varieties for each strain. The 39 viruses include the twelve most common viruses which account for over 90% of all reported PC infections. These common viruses include: - Pakistani Brain - Jerusalem - Alameda - Cascade (1701/1704) - Ping Pong - Stoned - Lehigh - Den Zuk - Datacrime (Columbus Day/October 12th) - Fu Manchu - Vienna (DOS 62) - April First Viruscan can also identify the 3066 virus (Traceback), the Icelandic virus, the 405 virus, the Datacrime-2 virus, Disk Killer and other viruses that have been reported in Europe but have not caused significant problems in the U.S. as yet.
DOS / System / McAfee, Inc.
McAfee VirusScan for DOS 2.5.4
VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses. Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 2.5.4 (9702) 02-03-97 -- This is a DOS based virus scanner that is useful when dealing with vintage PCs. This is the last of the 2.x.x series that I could find.
McAfee VirusScan for DOS 3.0.3
VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 3.0.3 (3007) 07-15-97 -- This is a DOS based virus scanner that is useful when dealing with vintage PCs. This is the last for DOS 3.x/4.x. Later versions require DOS 5.0 or up.
DOS / System / Network Associates, Inc.
McAfee VirusScan for DOS 3.2.2
McAfee VirusScan for DOS by Network Associates, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires DOS 5.0+. Version 3.2.2 (3112) 12-22-98 -- This is a DOS based virus scanner that is useful when dealing with vintage PCs. This is the last scanner 3.x.x version I could find
DOS / System / Modular Circuit Technology
MCT-VGA-16 Video card drivers NA
This archive contains two versions of drivers for the MCT-VGA-16 video card, based on the Paradise chipset. One dated 1991, and one dated 1993. These include drivers for Windows 2.0, GEM, AutoCAD, WordPerfect, and Lotus.
DOS / OS / Microsoft
MD DOS Boot Disk 7.10
Bootable floppy image with MS DOS 7.10 and a lot ou useful utilities
Windows 9x/ME / Other / Rudy Luiken
Measurement Converter 1.0e
This is release version 1.0e of measurement converter. It converts miles to kilometers, mph to kph, litres to gallons etc. There are already some excellent ones out there, but no freeware ones that I am aware of. This particular version is complete. It is hopefully bullet proof. It includes a fuel mileage calculator. Not strictly a number conversion function, but I find it useful. This and it's successors are intended to be freeware. No support, no registration.
DOS / Games / SSI
Mech Brigade
Mech Brigade remains to this day one of the most detailed simulation of modern land battles. As with his later masterpieces, Gary Grigsby took into account a staggering amount of data: combat ratings for practically every weapon type found in the arsenals of the U.S., West Germany, England, and Russia: tanks, helicoptor, missiles, not to mention a huge roster of artillery and infantry weapons. Using a modified version of the popular Kampfgruppe combat system, hit probabilities for every weapon are calculated instantly. Combat is resolved down to individual tanks, guns, and soldiers. Four scenarios are provided, each in a different area of West Germany. With random scenario options, the game's replay value is virtually unlimited. A must play for all grognards and Grigsby fans.
DOS / Games / DynamiX
Mechwarrior 1
MechWarrior is the first in line BattleTech video game of the same name. MechWarrior was the first video game to offer the player a chance to actually pilot a BattleMech from the view of a pilot (a MechWarrior). With this game the player has a great deal of freedom versus many of the follow-up MechWarrior games, which include choosing missions, buying 'Mechs and parts, hiring lance-mates, and traveling throughout the Inner Sphere. Underneath the major game mechanics, the player had the option of following a role playing style story arc that would unfold over a five year (game time) period.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Activision
Mechwarrior 2 Unknown
To Install, take the files in all 6 parts, and extract them to one folder, or burn the extracted files to one disk.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Activision
MechWarrior 2 Ghost Bear's Legacy Expansion Pack Unknown
Expansion Pack For MechWarrior 2. To install extract all 4 parts to a single folder, or burn the extracted files to a single disk.
DOS / Utility / Intersecting Concepts
Media Master Plus 4.02 for IBM PC
Media Master is a disk utility for interchanging files between MS-DOS and certain CP/M or non-DOS systems. Supported disks must be MFM or FM decodable by the computer's floppy disk controller, therefore formats like Apple II or C64 can not work.
Media Rack for Windows 3.1
Willow Pond Media Rack v2.20.0.23 Willow Pond Corporation 56 Winchester Street, Newton, MA May 22, 1997 Windows 3.1 & Windows 95 Media Rack - Full-featured Audio Player Suite. Media Rack provides a CD Player, MIDI Player, WAV Player, Digital Clock, Volume and Mixer controls - all in a vertical stack - just like a high-end stereo component system. No serial keys or registration to enter, no timeouts - just use and enjoy. AppleSeed '96
BeOS / System / f3c
MediaControl 1.0 Beta 7
A command-line interface to the BeOS Media Kit. (Included is "" that other apps may be demand.) ---
BeOS / Multimedia / Various
MediaKit Beta 1
Collection of de-/encoders for many media files for use on BeOS in a comfortable *.pkg. Some may be included already in an installed system, others may be updated or complete new ...
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Willow Pond
Windows 3.x Multimedia software including a volume mixer, MIDI player, WAV-recorder/player and a CD-player. This software requires a sound card.
MediaStudio Pro 2.5b
Album, Control Center, Converter, Video Editor + Capture, Image Editor + Screen Capture, Morph Editor + Audio Editor --- WINE-kompatibel
MediaStudio Pro 2.5b
Album, Control Center, Converter, Video Editor + Capture, Image Editor + Screen Capture, Morph Editor + Audio Editor --- WINE-compatible
Windows 3.x / Utility / Computer Witchcraft Inc
Mega Edit 2.05
Mega Edit (TM)is a powerful ASCII text editor. It is designed specifically to facilitate complex editing tasks involving multiple and/or large files, where such tasks would be difficult or impossible with other editors currently available for MS Windows 3.0/3.1/3.11 .