DOS / System / unknown
Replacement for "keyb gr"(german keyboard driver) XKEY is a highly-optimized DOS keyboard driver. If you find something like "keyb gr" in your autoexec.bat file, download xkey and things get better! Features: * 150 character type-ahead buffer (dos default: poor 15) * Enables fast key repeat frequency * Visual Repeat: disables key-repeat when keyboard buffer isn't empty * Caps Lock works on alpha-numeric keys only (other than stupid keyb gr) * AltGr+Extended keypad allow you to enter some more ascii-codes * One-Hand-Reset via Ctrl-Shift-Esc (instead of Ctrl-Alt-Del) * Translates keyboard buffer contents to local language (you can write before autoexec was loaded) * Disables pause-key during de video-scrolling screen reprint * Uses less memory than standard DOS keyb-drivers , 100% assembler
DOS / System / David Michael Betz
XLISP.copied of ibm 3.1 formatted disc .AN EXPERIMENTAL .object-oriented language .there is a b file with many sources files in ansii form .this disc was recovered from a usa university archive .with no label on disc so this early version is scarce .david betx lived in Manchester in the uk .and developed this program in 1985 . and requested that it be used in the public domaim .
BeOS / Games / gpl
XLogical 1.0
XLogical is a puzzle game based on the Logical! game that was originally released by Rainbow Arts on the Commodore Amiga computer.
Unix / Multimedia / Pierre-E Gougelet
XnView 0.86
XnView MP/Classic is a free Image Viewer to easily open and edit your photo file. The prog (available for Lin/OSX/Win) supports all major image formats ---
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Pierre-E Gougelet
XnView 1.15
Last version of XnView to work on Windows 3.x. Requires win32s. Also includes DOS image viewer Nview and DOS image conversion utility Nconvert. This was freely available at some point of time on the XnView homepage, but it was since removed.
DOS / System / XOR Data Science, Inc
XOR Memtest 1.25
XOR Memtest is a RAM tester for DOS based systems. It runs in a loop for burn-in testing and works on as little as 128k. If an error is found, it attempts to show you which chip, based on common RAM configurations.
Windows XP / System / Microsoft
XP X86 exFAT Driver KB955074
This is the 32bit version of KB95574 that mysteriously disappeared from Microsoft's website. Requires at least service pack 2.
DOS / Multimedia / Mautschi's Castle
XTC Play 097c
Dos audio player. Can play multiple types of files including WAV and MP3 but not MIDI. Includes sound synchronized screensavers. Soundblaster support means support for ALL Cards, which are able to emulate either SB16, SBPRO or SB-MONO.
DOS / Utility / XTree Company
Xtee Gold 3.0 3.00
Original Installation Files on three 720K Floppies, gathered together in 7z archive format by disk number.
DOS / System / XTree Company
XTGold DOS version 4.0 4.0
XTreeGold for DOS version 4.0. This is a PKZIP of the the XTG program directory on my DOS computer.
DOS / Utility / XTG
XTlink is part of XTG 3.0. Usefull to connect 2 PC with serial or parallel cable with null modem. Usage: write xtlink in dos prompt and pulse enter. Normally no one use it, because there is no link in XTG to this program
DOS / System / The MicroWiz Systems
XTRA MEGA V Thai Driver 2.3.79
Thai Driver for DOS (VGA) Original version has a COPS COPYLOCK II protection. This is the patched version. Include Thai-English Word Processor (WordStar alike) and Lotus 1-2-3 v2.2 patched to support Thai language.
DOS / Utility / Executive Systems, Inc.
XTree 2.00 for Tallgrass Products
This is a special version of XTree designed specifically for use with Tallgrass tape drives. Using this version, you can directly copy selected files between your hard drive and tape drive. This version will not run without the Tallgrass hardware/software.
DOS / System / Executive Systems
xtree gold 2 2.00E
XTree was a file manager software originally designed for use under DOS. It was published by Executive Systems and first released on 1 April 1985, and became highly popular. The program used a character mode interface which had many elements typically associated with a graphical user interface.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Central Point Software
XTree Gold for Windows 4.0
Xtree Gold for Windows 4.0 - Central Point Software August 30, 1994 *** This package consists of 3 - 1.44meg diskette IMG images, product shots and this information file. NO SERIAL/REGISTRATION KEY IS NEEDED FOR THIS APPLICATION *** A Windows File Manager with famous DOS roots. Using two panes, one displays folders and files in a hierarchical, or "Tree" representation while the second one is used to perform traditional file operations like Copy/Move/Delete/Rename. There were exactly two DOS file managers that slugged it out for popularity in the retail space: XTree and Norton Commander. You were either a fan of one or the other - there was no middle ground! This is the one release by Central Point after it acquired XTree Corporation; a year later, Central Point was purchased by Symantec Corporation ("the other file manager" Peter Norton's Norton Commander). No further releases were made by Symantec. Some notable features: Supported long file names - a year before Windows 95 was actually released Over 120 WYSIWYG file viewers PKZip 2.x support for ZIP files Both DOS and standard Windows keyboard shortcuts (user switchable). System Requirements: Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or later 4 MB RAM 6.5 MB disk space 386 CPU - AppleSeed 2017 -
DOS / Utility / Executive Systems
XTreeGold 2.51
XTree Company released XTreeGold v2.51, its award-winning hard disk file management software in 1991. Unzip into a new subdirectory and run XTG_CFG.EXE to configure your PC drive and subdirectory; then run XTGOLD.COM.
DOS / Utility / XTreeGold
XTreeGold 3.0 3.0
hank you for purchasing XTreeGold 3.0, the most powerful file and disk manager available!
XTreePro Gold 1.3
A once popular file manager for DOS based computers.
XTreePro Gold 1.4
Installed copy of Xtree Pro gold
DOS / Utility / Grammar Engine
xv6502 Debugger beta version 0.1
The microview debugger for 6502 processors used with the Grammar Engine PROMICE hardware.