Windows 9x/ME / System / Not specified
Kernelex 4.5 final
What’s new: Reworked installer (should be more compatible with kernel32 updates) New welcome screen Fixed stability of extended TLS code Fixed hang issues with printers Added Windows Installer compatibility database for MSI files patching Apps fixed / now working: Fixed: Foxit Reader 3.1 drag-and-drop crash Fixed: Qt 4.6+ hotkey issues Fixed: Opera 11 ‘about:’ pages Fixed: Firefox displaying file save dialog twice Fixed: caret not showing on some configurations (Opera) Now working: Google Earth 5.2 (6.0 beta experimentally) This release includes new feature to ease installation of MSI format packages that contain a check for Windows NT system. This feature uses a database which means it won’t magically work for all MSI files at once, it rather needs adding an entry for each and every MSI file. Currently the database includes entries for Microsoft Word Viewer 2003, Microsoft Excel Viewer 2003, Microsoft Office 2007 File Format Converters, Google Earth 5.1, 5.2 and Adobe Reader 7.0 (all english versions only!).
Windows 9x/ME / System / Not specified
kernelex 4.5RC4 4.5RC4
KernelEx is an Open Source compatibility layer with an aim to allow running Windows 2000/XP-only applications on Microsoft Windows 98 and Microsoft Windows Millennium operating systems.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Ketchum Software
Ketchum Media Player 5.0
"The quickest media player made yet!" Fully programmed in Delphi, this media player runs most common format files, have playlist editor, 3D visualizations, and runs best in old computers. Compatible with all Windows versions 95 and up.
DOS / System / Ketman Programs
Ketman ASM Interpreter 1.1
Runs ASM text without pre-assembly. Editor/debugger allows writing and testing of programs by means of step-wise trace - slow, fast, or reverse. Runs from DOS on 8086 or higher.
Windows 3.x / Other / Softkey
Key CAD Pro 1.6
Plans & Dessins Pour pouvoir l'installer, il faut décompresser le fichier ZIP directement dans la racine du disque dur sans créer un nouveau dossier. Après avoir installé, vous pouvez supprimer des dossiers ce que vous avez décompressé depuis le fichier ZIP.
Windows 9x/ME / Other / Softkey
Key CAD Pro 2.0
Plans & Dessins. Pour pouvoir l'installer, il faut décompresser le fichier ZIP directement dans la racine du disque dur sans créer un nouveau dossier. Après avoir installé, vous pouvez supprimer des dossiers ce que vous avez décompressé depuis le fichier ZIP.
Windows NT/2000 / Multimedia / Musclesoft
Key Noise 1.0
Key Noise provides midi playback with customizable instruments (soundfont and wave files), using software synthesis, thus eliminating the need for dedicated sound hardware.
BeOS / Multimedia / Musclesoft
Key Noise 1.0
Key Noise provides midi playback with customizable instruments (soundfont and wave files), using software synthesis, thus eliminating the need for dedicated sound hardware.
DOS / Office / Softkey
Key Publisher 1.21
Key publisher is a desktop publishing program for DOS using the GEM environment. It is similar to Publish-It.
DOS / OS / n/a
Keyboard Drivers
very small keyboard drivers, not more than about 500 bytes: mkeyb BE - belgium mkeyb GR - german mkeyb GRC - german with COMBI's mkeyb SP - spanish (with COMBI's) (codepage 850) mkeyb NL - dutch mkeyb UK - united kingdom mkeyb BR - Brazil (portugese) mkeyb BX - Brazil (portuges) extended mkeyb RU - russian - to be used with codepage 866 mkeyb PL - polish mkeyb HE - hebrew mkeyb FR - french (by snoopy81) mkeyb NO - norwegian mkeyb LA - latin america mkeyb IT - italy mkeyb DK - daenish mkeyb PO - portugese mkeyb SU - finnish mkeyb SV - swedish mkeyb SF - swiss french mkeyb SG - swiss german mkeyb SL - slovenian
DOS / Utility / SergeCpp
Keyboard Language Switcher 1
Tiny utility that switches keyboard input language of DOS or DOS-window (in Windows) to Russian and English. Assembly source included.
DOS / Utility / IBM
Keyinx 1.8X
KEYIN Replacement. Supports the "Enhanced BIOS Keyboard I/O" calls. IBM Internal Use Only
Windows 9x/ME / System / KeyMaestro
KeyMaestro Multimedia Keyboard Driver 1.02.00
Floppy disk image. I'm not completely sure what keyboard this is for but I think it's a PS/2 one. Disk contains both the Windows 9x driver and the Windows NT driver.
Windows 3.x / Other / Pulsedata
Keynote Gold Multimedia 1.1
This is the Keynote Gold Multimedia 15 minute demo made by pulsedata. It will run in windows 3.1 windows95 and windows98. It is a 15 minute demo. I would be greatful if someone could please remove the demo limitations.
DOS / System / Dmitry Gurtyak
KeyRus 7.3
Famous customizable cyrillic screen & keyboard driver. Also included easy to use screen font and keyboard editors. Online help in English and in Russian.
KeyRus 8.0b16
Famous customizable cyrillic screen & keyboard driver. Also included easy to use screen font and keyboard editors. Online help in English and in Russian.
Windows 3.x / Other / Pulsedata
Keysoft Gold 1.1
This is the Keysoft Gold talking information management system. It works with the Keynote Gold Multimedia Demo. If someone could please remove the demo limitations and re-upload and do the same thing with keynote gold multimedia I would appreciate it, thanks.
DOS / Utility / KeyTronic
KeyTronic Trak 101/102 Keyboard Software 1.0 1
Software and Utilities disk for KeyTronic Trak 101 and Trak 102 keyboards. Version: 1.0, Part Number: 57619-5 KeyTronic Corporation
DOS / Games / Steve Snake, Kode and Muzak Ltd
KGen98 v0.4b
This is an emulator for the Sega Genesis/MegaDrive, one of my favourite consoles of all time, for a Pentium PC in MSDOS. ZIP-File includes emulator and also following ROM's: Sonic The Hedgehog, Another World, Flashback
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Broderbund Software
Kid Pix 1
Bitmap drawing program aimed at children, with sound, color, the mixer tool, more stamps and bilingual menus in English and Spanish Originally created by Craig Hickman, published in 1991 by Broderbund. This product and all of the intellectual property, trademarks and copyrights associated with it are owned by Riverdeep Inc., LLC which bought all of the assets of Br?derbund and The Learning Company in 2003. Work on Xp!!!
DOS / Games / SoftDisk
Kids Game Pack 1.00
A SoftDisk compilation consisting of five games: Commander Keen in "Keen Dreams", Rescue Rover 2, Biodomes, Papu's Odyssey, and Haunted Hi-jinx.
Windows 3.x / Other / APS
Kidware 1.0
Kidware is a collection of 6 educational activities that helps children 9 to 14 years practise skills learned in the classroom. Includes: 1) a word recognition game that lets you guess a jumbled word. Edit the words or add your own words; 2) a math program to practise adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing; 3) a typing tutor; 4) a charting program that lets you understand percentages; 5) a game of logic that helps you develop mathematical reasonng skills; and 6) a logic puzzle game. (Requires Windows 3.1)
DOS / Utility / unknown
Killer 1.0
TSR utility // Killer monitors the processor and activates each time it attempts to execute an invalid instruction. When it happens, Killer displays a message and stops the program
DOS / Office / System One Software, Inc/Kinetic Presentation, Inc
Kinetic Graphics System 1.2G (1988) (5.25-360k) 1.2G
Kinetic Graphics System is a feature rich, high-end DOS based graphing and charting program geared towards desktop publishing. It supports a variety of hardware including the Number Nine graphics card in 256 colors. Outputs to slide makers, plotters, or laser printers. Kinetic also served as a graphics service bureau. Using this software, one could create charts and send the results directly to Kinetic for professionally printed 35mm slides or overhead transparencies. Kinetic Graphics System competed against other high end studio graphics packages such as Execucom Systems Impressionist, and Zenographics Mirage. The program is organized in to separate modules: System - File Management Words - Word charts Art - Drawing Graphs - Data charts Layout - Combination charts These were normally sold separately, however this set appears to contain all modules. This archive includes ten 360k 5.25" floppy disk images. Requires 256k of RAM, DOS 2.0 or higher.
Windows XP / Multimedia / Kinetix
Kinetix 3D Studio MAX 3 (Shiva) Alpha Build 30 Build S030
Looks like an Alpha build version of 3D Studio Max. Tested and working on Windows 10 64bit.
DOS / Games / Dima Bashurov
King 2 1.1 (22.08.1993) FULL Version
Card game KING by Dima Bashurov. Full version. Карточная игра KING от Димы Башурова.
DOS / Games / Sierra
King's Quest 5
King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder. Visually stunning and groundbreaking game for its time. Works in XP, but you need Sound Blaster-compatible card (from 2001 or older) for audio. Otherwise, use DOSBox for full support.
DOS / Games / Sierra On-Line, Inc.
King's Quest 5 (Spanish version)(256 colours) 0.000.162
On a beautiful sunny day, King Graham of Daventry decides to take a stroll in the woods surrounding his castle. When he returns, he discovers with horror that his home, Daventry Castle, has completely disappeared! Graham is at a loss, and wonders how this could have happened, when a talking owl named Cedric appears. He tells him that he saw the whole thing, and that an evil wizard named Mordack whisked the entire castle away, along with Graham's family in it. Cedric offers to take him to his homeland, Serenia, where his master, the wizard Crispin resides. Surely Crispin will be able to help King Graham rescue his family from Mordack's clutches.
DOS / Games / Sierra
King's Quest 6
King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow. Visually stunning and groundbreaking game for its time. Works in XP, but you need Sound Blaster-compatible card (from 2001 or older) for audio. Otherwise, use DOSBox for full support.