DOS / Multimedia / Autodesk
Autodesk Animator Pro 1.0
Utility to make 2D animation (FLI/FLC) with hability to make automatic transitions.
DOS / Office / Autodesk
Autodesk AutoCAD 11_c1 for Apple Macintosh
This is an M68k native port of AutoCAD for the Apple Macintosh. It was one of only three versions released for early Macintosh computers. The Macintosh platform port was plagued with problems and lagged behind the DOS and Unix versions. Version 11 for Macintosh features speed improvements, better UI integration, compatible with System 7.0 and Apple Quadra Macintoshes This version requires at least an 68881 FPU. To run on a 68k Macintosh without an FPU, obtain and install the product "Software FPU". To try running on a PPC Macintosh obtain and install the product "PowerFPU". This application has poor compatibility. If it freezes up while starting at the configuration window, try disabling extensions. Was able to run it under MacOS 7.1. May not run properly on MacOS 8 or later. Not copy protected. No serial key needed. Includes 11 3.5" 800k floppy disk images.
Autodesk AutoCAD 12_c3 for Apple Macintosh
This is an M68k native port of AutoCAD for the Apple Macintosh. It was one of only three versions released for early Macintosh computers. The Macintosh platform port was plagued with problems and lagged behind the DOS and Unix versions. Version 12 for Macintosh features vastly improved UI integration and more speed increases. Release 12 was the last version for early Macintosh computers. AutoCAD was not revived on the Macintosh platform until Apple started using Intel CPUs and Mac OS X. This version requires at least an 68881 FPU. To run on a 68k Macintosh without an FPU, obtain and install the product "Software FPU". To try running on a PPC Macintosh obtain and install the product "PowerFPU". Not copy protected. No serial key needed. Includes seven 3.5" 1.44mb Macintosh formatted floppy disk images.
Autodesk AutoCAD r10_c5 for Macintosh
This is an M68k native port of AutoCAD for the Apple Macintosh. It was one of only three versions released for early Macintosh computers. The Macintosh platform port was plagued with problems and lagged behind the DOS and Unix versions. Version 10 for Macintosh was the initial release. It features a user interface identical to the DOS version, including its command line usage. It was slower than the DOS version on comparable hardware. Requires a minimum of Mac II, IIx, or IIcx with 4 megabytes of RAM, hard disk with 40 megabytes free, monochrome or color monitor, and Macintosh System 6.0.2 or later. This version does not require an FPU. Not copy protected. No serial key needed. Includes a hard disk volume that may be mounted in an emulator.
DOS / Other / Autodesk
Autodesk AutoCad 2.02a for DEC Rainbow 2.02a
This is Autodesk Autocad 2.02a (11/28/84) for the DEC Rainbow computer. This version is specifically configured for the graphics ability of the DEC Rainbow, and will not run on anything else.
Windows 3.x / Other / Autodesk
Autodesk Boppers 1.0
Autodesk Boppers 1.0, a scientific program to run tests on life-forms within given parameters - installed files
DOS / Multimedia / Autodesk
Autodesk Chaos 1.0
James Gleick's "Chaos: The Software", version 1.0, from Autodesk, fractal-drawing program - installed files
DOS / Utility / Microsoft
AutoMac III Macro Package 3.02
This is a macro and tool disk supplied with Microsoft Word 3.02 for Macintosh. Includes AutoMac III Macro Package and Word Finder Electronic Thesaurus. For Mac 512Ke, Plus, SE, or II.
DOS / Utility / Nextbase
AutoMap Europe 2.04
Route planning map software of Europe from 1992. This product was eventually bought out by Microsoft.
DOS / Utility / Nextbase
AutoMap for DOS 1.00
Route planning map software of the United States from 1988. This product was eventually bought out by Microsoft. It then became Microsoft Streets. Microsoft Streets then became Microsoft Trip Planner, which is now Microsoft Streets & Trips. Disk images created with CopyQM (included), a respected DOS-based disk imager that works well under DOS and Win9x but a little finicky under WinXP.
Unix / Utility / gpl
Autopackage 1.4.2
Autopackage was an alternative Linux software installation system. Its purpose was a simple installation of software, regardless of the used Linux distribution. It was designed to make life easier for both users and developers by allowing them to create a single package that can be installed and deleted by the user on any Linux system with a single click. The ability to distribute software directly gives the application vendor more control over product upgrade cycles. It has been used successfully by established open source projects such as AbiWord, Inkscape and Gajim.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Autodesk
AutoSketch 1.02 for Windows 1.02
German language 2D vector drawing program for Windows-3.1. Installed files and folders. This version works well also on Windows-XP.
DOS / Multimedia / Autodesk
AutoSketch 3.0 for MS-DOS 3.0
German language 2D verctor drawing program for DOS. Four WinImages taken from the original 720KB diskettes. Installed application files and a SVGA DOS real mode ADI driver included.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Autodesk, Inc.
AutoSketch 5 5.00
AutoSketch is a 2D vector program sold by Autodesk. Unlike artistic drawing programs, AutoSketch is specifically geared towards engineering applications. Although not as powerful as AutoCAD, it can work with 2D AutoCAD files.
Windows XP / Office / Avery Zweckform
Avery Zweckform Assistent für Microsoft Word 5.0
Avery Zweckform Assistent für Microsoft Word - enthält zahlreiche Vorlagen für alle Avery Zweckform Produkte - Funktioniert mit folgenden Word/Office Versionen: 2003 bis 2010 - Funktioniert nicht mit Office 365
DOS / Utility / Grisoft
AVG 5.0
The brand AVG comes from Grisoft's first product, Anti-Virus Guard, launched in 1992 in the Czech Republic. In 1997, the first AVG licenses were sold in Germany and the UK. AVG was introduced in the US in 1998
DOS / System / Cirrus Logic
AVGA3 GD542x Display drivers 1992
Driver disks for the AVGA3, a Cirrus Logic based video card. Includes drivers for Windows 3.0
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Microsoft
AVI Hotspot Kit ??
It is something else. Came as a set of archives. No installer, nothing. It is the only way to use it would be copy to disk c and create new program group in Windows Manager. The disclaimer says everything: " COMMENTS ON HOTSPOT VIEWER by Wayne Radinsky, Multimedia Developer Relations Group The hotspot viewing code runs in three environments: as a standalone, as a VBX control, and from within the Multimedia viewer. To allow this, and at the expense of readability, there are lots of #ifdef's for VIEWER or VB_VERSION... watch for these if you cut and paste. As a standalone, the hotspot viewer works fine, but under viewer it has some problems: you can advance to the next topic, but the video won't go away, for example. Instead, it keeps playing merrily along. A more elegant way of handling this might be to change it from a DLL that shares the Viewer's window to a Viewer embedded pane, and have the embedded pane respond to any messages that indicate when the video should go away. Under the Visual Basic development environment, the VBX works fine, however, when you tell VB to "Make EXE", the resulting EXE GP Faults. The cause of this is unknown, we suspect some initialization code that VB runs in the development environment is needed to make the EXE work. Unfortunately this means the VBX can't be used unmodified for VB development. In all environments (VB/Viewer/Standalone), a minor but annoying problem we ran across is that there is no way to stop the video. You could, of course, include a hotspot that jumps to the last frame of the video -- that would stop it, all right, but leave the wrong frame on the screen and cause a delay as well. All in all, we thought that you would benefit from having the code as is, in spite of such imperfections; there is plenty here that can be reused. "
DOS / Utility / Chris Buijs
Aview (NCAV) 4.8 Beta-D
Multi-archive shell with pack, unpack, add, delete, convert and file view functions.
DOS / Office / Armin Winkler
AW-Faktura/Kassenbuchprogramm 2.0
Das AW-Faktura/Kassenbuchprogramm ist ein hochwertiges und leistungsstarkes Software-Produkt, mit dem Sie die laufend anfallenden Buchungen tätigen und auswerten können. Die Installation und Programmbedienung wurden so einfach wie möglich gehalten, um auch dem EDV-Laien oder Gelegenheitsanwender die Möglichkeit zu eröffnen, die Vorteile seines Computers zu nutzen. Das AW-Faktura/Kassenbuchprogramm ist auf allen IBM-kompatiblen Personal Computern mit mindestens 512 KB Hauptspeicher unter den Betriebssystemen MS-DOS/PC-DOS ab den Versionen 2.11 lauffähig. Wegen des großen Programmumfangs ist ein Einsatz nur in Verbindung mit einer Festplatte sinnvoll.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Myriad SARL
Awale 4.0.0
Jeux africain très ancien qui se joue avec des graines. Cette version permet d'exécuter le jeux en Français et en Anglais. Very old and interesting African game. This version allows to use as well French as English.
DOS / Office / Baudville, Inc
Award Maker Plus
An app just for printing "awards" to a printer. Choose from number of a pre-defined layouts and borders.