DOS / Games / Lucasarts
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Il secondo capitolo della saga Monkey Island in italiano.
DOS / Games / Lucasfilm Games
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge
Versión en castellano del juego de LucasArts. Funciona perfectamente mediante ScummVM o DOSBox.
DOS / Games / Lucasarts
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck’s Revenge DOS/CD
Just the game files for use with ScummVM (tested 1.0.0).
DOS / Games / Leisure Genius
Monopoly 1.0
This version of Monopoly can play in the following four graphics modes: 1. CGA 2. EGA 3. Hercules 4. Tandy Choose the mode that is do for you (I select CGA) and start playing it. :-)
DOS / Games / Apogee Software
Monster Bash 1-3
The most FUN and enjoyable platform game from Apogee. You play Johnny Dash who must save pets from the menace of zombies and his own pet, Tex, from the dreaded Count Chuck.
DOS / Games / Not specified
Montezuma's Revenge (DOS) 1
This is Montezuma's Revenge for DOS circa 1984. It runs way too fast on most modern machines!
DOS / Other / Dr. Monzur Ahmed
Moon Calculator 6.0
MoonCalc provides information relating to the position, age, phase, orientation, appearance and visibility of the moon for any given date, time and location.
DOS / Other / Dr. Monzur Ahmed
Moon Calculator 4.0 4.0
MoonCalc provides information relating to the position, age, phase, orientation, appearance and visibility of the moon for any given date, time and location.
DOS / Other / M.R.Power
Moon Manager
AStronomy. Graphics display of the face of the Moon, identify craters, list features, etc.
DOS / Games / Infocom
Mysteries are intriguing enough for a famous young American detective like yourself. But the letter you received from a friend in England was positively irresistable. Tresyllian Cas- tle - the old, dark, hauntingly beautiful castle where Tamara lives - was haunted, and someone was after Tamara's life! So you were hardly suprised to find yourself bound for Britain and a journey to the English moors. But events soon take a turn toward the unexpected when you stumble across a secret panel, and a trail of riddles leads you to a hidden treasure somebody thinks is worth killing for. And if you're not careful, the next ghost haunting Tresyllian castle could be yours.
DOS / Games / Mindscape
Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight
The player takes on the role of a chosen knight who is sent by druids to return the mystical 'moonstone' to Stonehenge. The game supports between one and four players at once, with the computer controlling any knights not controlled by human players as rival NPCs. Gameplay consists of two distinct modes: turn-based exploration and real-time combat.
Mophun SDK 2.5
Mophun SDK allowed creation of games for the SymbianOS platform without the burned of the complexity of SymbianOS.
DOS / Games / Apogee Software
Moraff's DOS Games Collection
A collection of games from Apogee Software featuring the Moraff collection including: Moraff Bridge Version 2.1 Moraff Dungeons of the Unforgiven Version 1.0 Moraff Escapade Version 1.0 Moraff Explorer Version 1.0 Moraff MathTrap Version 4.0 Moraff MoreJongg Version 3.0 Moraff Pinball Version 9.0 Moraff SimpleDOS Version 1.0 Moraff SuperBlast III Version 3.0 Moraff Temptris Version 1.0 Moraff VGA Art Version 1.0 Moraff World Version 6.1 and more... Each and every level for Moraff World and for Moraff Dungeons of the Unforgiven will be full premapped.
DOS / Games / Not specified
Moraff's Super Entrap 2.0
An old puzzle game from a 3rd person perspective. Get your character to the end of the maze without being killed, and fill holes in the floor to make secret passages and make quick escapes.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / SoftTronics
Moray v1.5 1.5
MORAY is a program with which you can design scenes for the POV-Ray raytracer to render. Contrary to normal scene design, with MORAY you design the scenes graphically.
DOS / Office / Micrologic Software
MORE FONTS .three disk set Three disk set
MOREfONTS THREE DISK SET .SETUP DISK .Typeface 1 .Typeface 2 . instructions .insert setup disk into drive a: or b: TYPE HELLO A: OR HELLO B: AND PRESS ENTER KEY .THEN PLACE TYPEFACE 1 AND 2 AS REQUESTED
DOS / System / Sams Publishing
More Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus 1.0
This is the CD that accompanies the book. Includes the source code, and 3rd party stuff from: The Software Factory, Inc., Nexus Software, SciTech Software, Apogee Software, Ltd., Blink, Inc., MVP Software, American Cybernetics. EZ-INSTALL Installation Aid VGA Animate GDK MegaGraph Graphics Library MGL 3D Object File Viewer MGL Demo Programs Makefile Untilities Package MegaToolbox MegaVision Application Frameworks PMLite SuperVGA Kit SuperVGA Kit Test programs Techniques Class Library ZTimer Rise of the Triad Wacky Wheels Raptor Alien Carnage Blinker DiamondWare's Sound Toolkit Multi-Edit for DOS Multi-Edit for Windows
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / unknown
Morespace v4.1 4.1
Morespace Version 4.1 Found on a floppy disk This version includes a CRC checking algorithm that will make sure that the contents of all of your duplicate files are indeed the same. This is much more powerful than simply searching by file size, name or date/time. More Space does more than find duplicate also scans for old files, large files, obsolete and large folders allowing you to delete these files and folders very simply. It includes a unique 'SAFE HARBOR' function that will keep you out of trouble by warning you before you delete special files. Functions include duplicate search, file hog search, and date search. A quick clean feature allows you to quickly identify files by extension for deletion such as '*.tmp, *.old, *.bak, etc. Includes plenty of 3D disk statistics
DOS / Games / Lillogoal
Morra Cinese 2D 1.0
Chinese Morra with graphics in 2D, there had been assigned as a task of the Easter holidays, I tried to do with the graphics library (graphics.h) bgi (borland grafics interface) and is used only with Dev C + + compiler by downloading the library from the internet