DOS / Office / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS 2.01 (3.5" 720Kb)
This is set was recently found at a yard sale. The System diskette has the 123.COM loader uninstalled using the Lotus program. This makes it ready (I tested it) for the Lotus Value Pack initialization). The Backup System Diskette has regular 123.EXE loader which may be necessary on newer PCs
Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS R4.01
Lotus 1-2-3 is a spreadsheet that was popular for MS-DOS. Version 4.01 offers full compatibility for DOS users. There was also a Lotus 1-2-3 4.01 for Microsoft Windows. Contains five 1.4mb floppy disk images.
Windows 3.x / Office / Lotus Software
Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows 1.1
This archive contains the setup files for Lotus 1-2-3 For Windows Version 1.1. This is the Windows version of the once popular spreadsheet program. It runs on Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later.
Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows 4.0
6 Disks. 1-5 are Lotus 1-2-3 release 4 for windows. Disk 6 is the ATM disk, but it had 4 read errors.
DOS / Office / Lotus Development Corp
Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows R4.01
Lotus 1-2-3 R4.01 for Windows is the Windows port of the popular spreadsheet. Version 4.01 is a stable, well behaved Windows application with many robust features. Contains five 1.4mb floppy disk images.
Windows 3.x / Office / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows Release 5 Installed 5
Works fine in Windows 9x/ME/200/7/8.x (except for 64 bits versions). New version Lotus 123 R5 for Microsoft Windows 3.1 and newer (except for Windows 10 and 64 bits versions of Windows 7/8.x/10). SPANISH 1.- Abra la carpeta llamada "LotusAPP Install" 2.- La Carpeta "LOTUSAPP" debes colocar en la carpeta dentro de "C:\Windows\" 3.- La carpeta "Lotus Applications" debes colocar dentro de la carpeta: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menú Inicio\Programas\" ENGLISH: 1.- Open the folder called "LotusAPP Install" 2.- The folder "LOTUSAPP" must be copy into the "C:\Windows" directory 3.- The Folder "Lotus Application" must be copy into the directory "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menú Inicio\Programas\"
DOS / Office / Lotus
Lotus 1-2-3 Value Pack 1988
This is a set of add-ons and updates for Lotus 1-2-3 2.x sold by Lotus Corp and bundled with later copies of Lotus 2.01. It eliminates the old disk-based copy protection, includes a speedup tool, EGA drives, and postscript printer drivers.
DOS / Office / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus 1-2-3 Version 2.3 (720k Disk Format) 2.3
Works with DOSBox 0.74. Lotus 1-2-3 is a spreadsheet program from Lotus Software (purchased by IBM). 1-2-3 was the de facto standard throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s. System Requirements: IBM PC and Lotus certified desktop and laptop compatibles including IBM PS/2 and COMPAQ models Hard disk with 5MB available VGA, EGA, high resolution CGA or Hercules graphics adapter for WYSIWYG display DOS 2.1 and higher 384K of available system RAM 512K for WYSIWYG display Compatible with Windows 3.0, includes .PIF file and icon
DOS / Office / otus Software.
Lotus 123 3
Lotus 1-2-3 is a spreadsheet program from Lotus Software. It was the first killer application of the IBM PC, was hugely popular in the 1980s, and significantly contributed to the success of IBM PC-compatibles.
DOS / Office / Lotus Software
lotus 123 2.2 2.2
Tried and tested on DosBox-X running under a Windows 10 Host system. Installed program, along with 3.5 floppy images and extracted files located in their individual folders are present in the downloadable *.zip file. Kindly read "Readme.txt" for instructions/information on problems you may encounter.
Windows XP / Office / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus 123 Release 5 For Windows Portable 5
Lotus 123 Release 5 Portable for Windows XP/7/8.x/10 Only 32 bits version. Also fine works run Windows XP SP2 or SP3/7 32 Bits/8.1 32 Bits and Windows 10 32 Bits in Virtual Machines such as: VMWare Workstation or Player, VirtualBOX, Microsoft Virtual Machine SP1
Windows 3.x / Office / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus Amipro 2.0
Lotus Amipro versión 2.0 para Windows 3.x en español. Son ocho disquetes. Falta el disquete de instalación de Adobe Type Manager pero es un componente opcional y se instala usando su propio programa de instalación.
Windows 3.x / Office / Lotus Software
Lotus AmiPro 3.0 Disk Image 3.0
This is a beautiful word processor by Lotus running on Windows 3.x. This software has been inspired microsoft to create ms. word.
OS/2 / Office / Lotus
Lotus cc:Mail 1.01 SmartSuite Edition for OS2
cc:Mail, originally from Concentric Systems, Inc and later Lotus and IBM, is a desktop e-Mail system intended for small LANs. It relies on accessing a shared database file rather than client-sever methods.
Lotus cc:Mail 1.03 SmartSuite Edition for OS2
cc:Mail, originally from Concentric Systems, Inc and later Lotus and IBM, is a desktop e-Mail system intended for small LANs. It relies on accessing a shared database file rather than client-sever methods.
Windows 9x/ME / System / Lotus Software
LOTUS DOMINO 4.52 32bit 4.52
Lotus Notes Release 4.5.2 continues to surpass its competitors by providing users with a network client that integrates tightly with desktop productivity applications, extends the functionality of popular web browsers, and provides a new model for navigation of mail, Web pages, applications and personal calendars - all within one consistent user experience. Release 4.5.2 preludes 4.6's addresses of five key areas: integration with desktop productiviy tools, including Lotus SmartSuite and Microsoft Office; Microsoft Internet Explorer integration; a new task-oriented navigation scheme that vastly accelerates user productivity.
Windows 3.x / DBMS / Lotus Software
Lotus Forms Designer 1.0
LOTUS Designer Release 1 Design Filler #4/4 SERIAL.TXT inside Lotus Forms Designer (part of Lotus Forms) provides a WYSIWYG environment within Eclipse for designing e-forms. Designer is the module for the person actually designing and testing the form; the designer creates the form, specifies the routing order over a network, and can automate the process using LotusScript
DOS / Office / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus Freelance Graphics 4.0 for DOS
Lotus/IBM Freelance Graphics is a vector based presentation and graphing package developed for DOS, OS/2, and Windows. It was intended for use alongside Lotus 1-2-3. 4.0 appears to have been the last DOS version. Archive includes twenty three 5.25" 360k floppy disk images. 21 are Freelance disks, and two are a special bundled version of GrandView.
DOS / Office / Lotus Software
Lotus Freelance Plus 2.0
LOTUS FREELANCE PLUS is the graphics toolkit supplied at extra cost by the manufacturers of LOTUS 1-2-3. It provides for creating and editing charts (pie, bar, column, line) and text displays (sign, form) with a library of about 500 symbols. One may also create freeform drawings with a mouse (MICROSOFT, Mouse Systems) or graphics tablet (SUMMA-SKETCH, Kurta Series One).
Lotus Freelance Plus (SUPP UTIL DISK#2)- two disk images
Documentation supplement contains information about device drivers that are new in Freelance Plus.