The complete list of software

DOS / Games / Impressions


Caesar n/a

Caesar full game.


DOS / Games / Not specified


caesar 2


Windows 9x/ME / Games / Sierra Entertainment


Caesar 3 High Quality MP3s

MP3 Support Bianca van Schaik edited this page 15 days ago · 1 revision Julius supports the playback of MP3 files instead of the original, low-quality wav files. If you have the high-quality MP3 files that were once available from the Sierra Website, you can play them instead of the original files. Alternatively, you can play any MP3 file you like instead of the original music. The original five city background MP3 files can be downloaded here. Requirements In order to play the files, you must have the library libmpg123-0 installed. If you installed Julius using one of the official releases, libmpg123-0 is already installed. When building from source, libmpg123-0 is usually installed with SDL_mixer. If not, you can install it using your package manager. Where to place the MP3 files Create a folder named mp3 in the main folder where your Caesar 3 data files are. In this folder, place some or all of the following files: ROME1.mp3 - City background music, population 0 to 1000 ROME2.mp3 - City background music, population 1000 to 2000 ROME3.mp3 - City background music, population 2000 to 5000 ROME4.mp3 - City background music, population 5000 to 7000 ROME5.mp3 - City background music, population 7000+ Combat_Long.mp3 - Battle music, 32 or more invaders on the map Combat_Short.mp3 - Short battle music, 1-31 invaders on the map setup.mp3 - Main menu music For each file that is missing, Julius will play the original .wav instead.


DOS / Games / Sierra On-line


caesar II

Tried and tested in DosBox-X running under a Windows 10 Host. *.iso File located in the downloadable *.zip file.


DOS / Games / Sierra On-Line, Inc.


Caesar II 3.758

The game takes place in 200 BC. in the Roman era. Your mission is to help the Caesar to expand the Roman Empire, by conquering territories on the outskirts of the map. --- DosBox-compatible


DOS / Games / Iimpressions


Caesar II unknown

Build an empire while repelling barbarians.


Windows XP / Games / Impressions Games


Caesar III/3 1.0

Caesar III is a video game that was released on September 30, 1998, developed by Impressions Games and published by Sierra Entertainment. It is the third installment of the Caesar series of games and is part of Sierra's City Building Series. Players take on the role of a Roman governor, tasked with building up a grand Roman city, in which they must ensure their citizens have their needs met, that their city is safe and profitable, while meeting various goals set for them and dealing with various disasters, angry gods and hostile enemies.+++This game works perfectly with all 32bit-windows versions including Windows 7 x32 AND Windows 7 x64 (Windows 8 and 10: not tested). NO installation needed. This should work just by unpacking and clicking on c3.exe.+++


DOS / Games / Impressions Games


Caeser II


DOS / Multimedia / Twelve Tone Systems


Cakewalk 3.0 3.0

Sequencing Software


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Twelve Tone Systems


Cakewalk 3.01 for windows 3.01

Cakewalk MIDI sequencer for Windows 3.1


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Twelve Tone Systems


Cakewalk Apprentice 1


Windows XP / Utility / Twelve Tone Systems


Cakewalk Guitar Studio 2 Guitar Studio 2

this is a old version of cakewalk and i think that it is easy to use and that i am apart of a small group so i think we need to expand it so i hope you like it.


Windows XP / Multimedia / Cakewalk, Inc.


Cakewalk Guitar Studio 2 Guitar Studio 2

sorry i did not test the file first i hope this will work this time


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Cakewalk


Cakewalk Pro Audio 4.5

Midi-Sequencer; Serial (while Installing) doesn't need.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Cakewalk


Cakewalk Pro Audio 5.0

Midi-Sequencer; Serial (while Installing) doesn't need.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Cakewalk Systems


Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.0

CakeWalk Pro Audio v6.0 May 02, 1997 Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. CD rip, non-ISO. Includes Jammer, QSound, Techniqs, and extra Panels. With Cakewalk, you can record, edit, and playback music, using a MIDI instrument or a compatible sound card. Cakewalk also lets you record audio to your hard disk and add it to your songs. You can edit and play back digital audio data as easily as MIDI data. Yous songs can have multiple, simultaneous tracks of digital audio and MIDI data, all of which remain in tight synchronization during playback. Cakewalk Professional is a pro MIDI and digital audio sequencer with 8 tracks of digital audio along with 256 tracks of MIDI. It has built in effects such as Reverb, Chorus, Delay/Echo, and flange, as well as support for DirectX plugins, notation printing, real-time markers, Real Audio format support, and more. Just follow the directions in Legends.nfo and CB16.nfo and you will have success. SN: E85E-43C2 AppleSeed '96


Windows NT/2000 / DBMS / Twelve Tone Systems


cakewalk pro audio 7.0


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Cakewalk, Inc.


Cakewalk Pro Audio 8.0

Cakewalk Pro Audio 8 is full-featured MIDI and digital audio sequencer with 256 tracks of digital audio along with 256 tracks of MIDI. It has built in effects such as Reverb, Chorus, Delay/Echo, and flange, as well as support for DirectX plugins, notation printing, real-time markers, Real Audio format support, and more. The 8.0 version adds video support, 18/20/22/24-bit audio and 96 KHz sample rate, easier mixdown menu, stereo effects sends, snap to zero-crossing, envelopes, Direct SoundFont support, etc! Congrats to XMAN98 who worked on this. Just extract ALL files in archive to a folder, and click cwpa8.exe to run. Use userreg.reg to input user info


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Cakewalk


Cakewalk Pro Audio 4.5 4.5

Sequenzer f?r Midi


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Cakewalk


Cakewalk Pro Audio 5.0 5.0

Sequenzer f?r Midi-Schnittstelle


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Steinberg


Cakewalk Professional 4.5 for WIndows 3.1 4.5

Cakewalk Professional 4.5 for WIndows 3.1


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Twelve Tone Systems, Inc.


Cakewalk Professional 7 for Windows 95/NT 4.0 7.0


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Twelve Tone Systems


Cakewalk Professional for Windows 2.01

High end music production program. Disk images of two 3.5" floppy disks.



Cakewalk Professional for Windows 3.01

High end music program for Windows 3.1. Floppy disk image of one 3.5" floppy.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Cakewalk, Inc.


Cakewalk v6.01 6.01

Cakewalk Professional is a pro MIDI and digital audio sequencer with 8 tracks of digital audio along with 256 tracks of MIDI. It has built in effects such as Reverb, Chorus, Delay/Echo, and flange, as well as support for DirectX plugins, notation printing, real-time markers, Real Audio format support, and more. The 6.01 version adds native Windows NT4.0 support, RealAudio, mixdown audio, stereo effects sends, snap to zero-crossing, mixing audio effects, Direct SoundFont support, etc! Congrats to J@ker and Pterra who both worked on this fine. Requirements : Win95 or NT4, P75 or higher, 16 MB, soundcard


Windows NT/2000 / Multimedia / Cakewalk, Inc.


Cakewalk.Sonar.XL.v1.01 Sonar.XL.v1.01

this is a older version of cakewalk and i don't know how many people have this and i think it is easy to use (DO NOT USE WINDOWS 11 OR 10 YOU HAVE TO HAVE A OLD COMPUTER TO USE THIS!!!!! IT WILL CRASH YOUR COMPUTER!!!!)


DOS / Utility / Summit Microtech Corp.


CAL 96.09

Scheduling software (free for home or office, needs mouse and VGA).


DOS / Other / Timothy Harris


CAL 'Confusion and Light' 4.00

Maths/Fractals. "This program draws a large number of "fractals" which has appeared in popular mathematics literature. Known for the quickness of the drawing of the Mandelbrot set." (Free)


Windows 3.x / Office / Flow Simulation International Ltd.


Calc 95 3.3h

Calc95 A replacement for the calculator program which is included with Windows, with many additional features and advantages. There is a 32-bit version as well, it comes with a special font that improves the look of the function buttons.


Windows 3.x / Utility / Microsoft


Calculadora de Windows 3.1 3.10

Calculadora corregida para windows 3.1 y para Windows For Groups 3.1 y 3.11


Windows 3.x / Utility / Microsoft


Calculator 1-5.1

8 versions of Windows Calculator, from Windows 1.01 to Windows XP, all packaged in one ZIP file. Enjoy seeing how far we've come in just 16 years!


BeOS / Office / R3 Software Ltd.


Calculator 2.0

collection of different calculators for BeOS - DeskCalc 2.0 - ProCalc - HS Euro Mini


DOS / System / dos


Calculo de datos 1.0

Calculo de datos topograficos


DOS / OS / Caldera


caldera DOS 7 7.03

an update of Novell Dos 7 (the former DR-DOS)


DOS / OS / Caldera Systems


Caldera DR-DOS 7.03

DR-DOS Caldera Systems, archive contains 5 disks (.ima)


DOS / Other / Bernd Albaum



CALENDA ist ein Kalender- und Terminprogramm, das Monats-, Wochen- oder Tageskalender wahlweise mit allen Feiertagen, Jahreszeiten, Mondphasen, Finsternissen, Bauernregeln sowie persönlichen Terminen erzeugt. Die persönlichen Termine werden in zwei Dateien verwaltet; und zwar in der Jahrestermindatei sowie der 'Ewigen Datei' für periodische Termine.


DOS / Utility / Foley Hi-Tech Systems


Calendar 1.33

DOS Calendar Display


DOS / Office / Power Up!


Calendar Creator Plus 5.0

Create your own calenders in DOS. This version supports color and extended fonts as well as networks. Has new user interface, On-line help and Print Preview. Check it out for yourself. Install by unzipping to disk and running SETUPCC.EXE!......Enjoy! - AppleSeed 2017 -


Windows 9x/ME / Other / C.H.P. Software


Calendar Explorer 1.86.129

Calendar dates/convertions/Liturgical, etc


Windows 3.x / Other / Eurosoft Ltd


Calendar Magic 8.0

Educational: Calendar related facts, conversion, liturgical calendar,etc.


Unix / Multimedia / Open Source


Calibre 0.7.15-8.1

Calibre is a powerful and easy to use e-book manager by Kovid Goyal (remove ".gz").


DOS / Games / Epyx


California Games

A collection if 6 different games


DOS / Games / Epyx Inc.


California Games II

California Games II is the sequel to the smash hit 1988 game. This time you compete in: hang-gliding, jetski, skateboarding, body boarding and snow boarding.


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Caligari


Caligari trueSpace 1.04 1.04

1994, trueSpace, powerful, usable 3D graphics and animation for Windows is released. It changes the landscape of the 3D market with the first integrated 3D animation and modeling package. ---- Pulled from Caligari Timeline


Windows XP / Multimedia / Caligari


Caligari trueSpace 6.6 6.6

Caligari Truespace 6.6 for Windows XP with Crack and Plugins.



Calmira 2.0


Windows 3.x / Other / Brian Johnson


Calmira 2.2

Graphical interface for Win 3.1 (is the version before calmira II)


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