Graphic Impact 2.0

Category: Office
Year: 1992
Description:Graphic Impact is an easy to use charting and presentation tool from Autodesk. It features easy and quick creation of professional looking presentations, a split data entry / chart viewing screen, a slide sorter, templates, clip art, spell checker, transition effects, the ability to create speaker notes and handouts, and supports importing a variety of formats including those used by Autodesk products.
Manufacturer: Autodesk
Localization: EN
OS: Windows 3.x

Files to download

#24347Graphic Impact 2.0 (1992) (5.25-1.2mb) (3.5-1.44mb).7z18.2 MB0x8D94BDB2
#24348Graphic Impact 2.0 Manuals (1992).7z65.9 MB0x1270BDE9

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