The complete list of software

Windows 3.x / Other / Books That Work


3D Landscape 1.0

3D Landscape is a computer aided design program specifically geared towards designing and planning landscapes. It includes the ability to view the design from 3 dimensional angles and includes extensive online documentation on landscape design. Archive includes five 3.5" 1.44mb floppy disk images.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / NeoN Software


3D live grafix SE 2.4

NeoN 3D live grafix is a fast, easy to use and fairly powerful raytracing program that offers many possibilities for creating images and animations. The program package consists of two parts: the "Object Editor" where you first design the objects which you then place using the "Scenery Editor" in a virtual scene from which the final image is calculated. Both modules are operated entirely with the mouse, so you don't have to bother with cryptic scene or object description files in text format. Includes NeoN "Text 3D" text generator. Tested under Windows 7 64 bit, may need software compatibility mode and/or administrative rights to run properly. German language version.


Windows 9x/ME / Games / Sierra


3D Minigolf Original

Another one of my cd roms from 30 years ago, just found them, 20 to go


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Microsoft Kids


3D Movie Maker 1.0

The demo of MS 3D Movie Maker


Windows NT/2000 / Games / Paul Varney


3D Solitaire 1.0

"This game is based on a genuine 3D engine, with movable camera. It was written in DarkBasic and runs in a window."


BeOS / Other / Joe Kloss


3D Starchart 1.0.1

Science for BeOS; reminds of the astrolabe in "Star Trek - Generations".


Windows 3.x / Games / Lifestyle Software Group, Inc.



3d stereograms for windows, view and create them


DOS / Utility / Autodesk


3D Studio 3

Number Disks : 8 Copy Protection : dongle Image floppy version



3D Studio 4.0

Image floppy version - Number Disks : 11 - Copy Protection : dongle



3D Studio 4.1

Image floppy version - Number Disks : 11 - Copy Protection : dongle


DOS / Multimedia / Autodesk


3D Studio R3

3D Studio R3 for DOS is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering tool - installed and cracked version without samples.



3D Studio R3.5

3D Studio R3.5 for DOS is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering tool - installed and cracked version without samples.


DOS / Multimedia / Autodesk


3d Studio DOS IPAS and addons collection

Massive collection of nearly all commercial and noncommercial IPAS plugins and other addons for 3d Studio DOS, including the Yost Group commercial IPAS plugins, the Rayman raytracing renderer, People For People 3ds, NURBS Modeller for 3ds, and many, many more. Most have not been tested in 3ds as I simply don't have the time or experience to do it, but all the archives have been confirmed good. This collection was extremely hard to find (it took over a month of research to find the name of a Southeast Asian software collection from the late 90s that it appeared on, locate a set of floppy images in an obsolete format from an abandoned anonymous FTP site via, and then decompile them using an ancient DOS program with no documentation that was the only one able to read the image format. Because of the rarity and obscurity of many of these I am uploading them as-is for preservation.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Kinetix


3D Studio Max



3D Studio Max 2.5

3D Studio MAX, the world's best selling professional 3D modeling and animation software for PCs has once again outdone itself.Now it is even better. Faster. More Powerful. With a list of over 1000 new features and enhancements to add to its already extensive core capabilities, 3D Studio MAX R2.5 incorporates still more advanced capabilities that meet the escalating needs of 3D modelers & animators, broadcast production professionals, and interactive game developers including enhanced NURBS,Displacement and3D Motion Tracking. 3D Studio MAX is production proven, delivering the results you need to win in this business. While every other package is re-tooling to become object-oriented, 3D Studio MAX is already in its second-generation Windows NT release. Its object-oriented architecture is perfect for this fast-changing industry because it enables developers and Kinetix to create startling new features and plug-in applications that quickly integrate into the core package. 3D Studio MAX is fully multi-threaded, harnessing the power of multiple processors and free network rendering for incredible scalability. OpenGL and Direct3D support ensure the fastest hardware-assisted graphics to visualize your ideas quickly. Super-fast and beautiful scanline rendering, with the ability to selectively raytrace any part of the scene, helps you create spectacular images while meeting deadlines. MAXScript, a powerful scripting language for customized control and external communication, accelerates your workflow. Fast drag-and-drop control of materials, maps, and models creates a fluid work environment. 3D Studio MAX software leverages the NT platform for you, providing a solid, cost-effective solution for you to grow your business.


Windows NT/2000 / Multimedia / Kinetix


3D Studio Max 1.2 Update Patch 1.2


Windows NT/2000 / Multimedia / Autodesk, Inc.


3D Studio Max pre-Beta 0.10

3D Studio Max pre-Beta 0.10 - Autodesk, Kinetix, Yost Group Inc. September 05, 1995 OS: Windows NT 3.51 1. This is an archive of 3D Studio Max installed. 2. Unpack to c:\3DSMAX so that the path to the EXE will look like C:\3DSMAX\3DSMAX.EXE 3. Keep your fingers crossed and run it! NOTE: I tested this in a Windows 98 VM, and while it did start and exit withou issue, it complained about doing anything else - so consider it a software curiousity, a evolutionary footnote in the long history of 3D Studio. - AppleSeed 2017 -


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / KINETIC


3D Studio MAX R2.5

Образанный 3D MAX Версия 2.5 Без инсталяции и без ключа. Папка просто копируется на диск и запускается 3dmax.exe. Далее в настройках нужно просто поправить пути. Работает на любых версиях windows. Сейчас работает на Windows 10.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Kinetix


3D Studio MAX r2.5.alpha r2.5.a013

KINETIX 3D Studio MAX r2.5.a013 Alpha version a013; - March 16, 1998 Although this is only a prerelease of the upcomming 3dsmax 2.5, it has so many new features and is so stable that we cant do anything else but recommend it in all possible ways. Some of the new features are a finally full nurbs implementation including trimming and different kinds of rails, a new faster more stable boolean for which all old 3ds users have been waiting for a displacement map shader slot in the material editor (Lume where are ya :)) and improved scripting . Whats more all maxr2 plugins will work in max 2.x as well Install: Unzip MAXA013f.ZIP in a clean directory with the -d parameter.


Windows NT/2000 / Multimedia / Kinetix


3D Studio Max R3 3.0

Popular 3D modeling/animation program. Includes Character Studio + CRACK.


DOS / Multimedia / Autodesk


3D Studio R2 2.0

3D Studio R2 for MS-DOS


DOS / Multimedia / Autodesk


3D Studio R3 3.0

3D Studio R3 for DOS is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering tool - installer and crack - version complete with samples


DOS / Multimedia / Autodesk Inc.


3D Studio R3 for DOS v3


DOS / Multimedia / Autodesk


3D Studio R4.1C Installer with Crack 4.1C



DOS / Multimedia / Autodesk


3D Studio R4c1 R4c1

3D Studio R4c1. 10 Floppy disk Images. Uncracked.


DOS / Utility / Autodesk


3D Studio v2.0 2.0

Disk : 8 - Copy Protection : dongle - Image floppy version && Alternate version


DOS / Multimedia / Autodesk, Inc.


3D Studio v3.0 3.0

Autodesk 3ds Max, formerly 3D Studio, then 3D Studio Max is a professional 3D computer graphics program for making 3D animations, models, games and images. It is developed and produced by Autodesk Media and Entertainment. The original 3D Studio product was created for the DOS platform, by Gary Yost and the Yost Group, and published by Autodesk. After 3D Studio DOS Release 4, the product was rewritten for the Windows NT platform, and renamed "3D Studio MAX". Zip file contains 9 images (program disks 1-8 and a crack on disk 9). Install the software using DOSBOX - mount each image file as a floppy drive (copying the files to a USB stick and switching between disks using Ctrl + F4). After the 8 disks have been installed the crack needs to be installed as well (from disk image 9) - the copy protection was based on a dongle which had to be plugged in to the parallel port. 3DS3 also requires a virtual swap drive to work (you will need to mount an additional drive in DOSBOX that houses this virtual drive).


DOS / Multimedia / Schreiber Instruments



3D SURF is a surface modeling system for 3D Studio Release 2. 3DSURF can generate surfaces from a random data (ASCII file) or from a built-in terrain generator built inside 3D Studio!


DOS / Games / Time Warner Interactive


3d Table Sports


Windows 9x/ME / Games / Sierra


3D Ultra Minitrain Deluxe

Simulateur de train. 1 CD


DOS / Games / Simulmondo


3d World Boxing


DOS / Games / Kartik Sons&Co.


3D-Pool 2.00


DOS / Games / Amtex


3DAGS 1.00

3DAGS Rev 1.00 for Flight Assignment ATP. NOTE: This has a memory test during installation. If you get an error message, install 3DAGS Rev 1.01 instead.



3DAGS 1.01

3DAGS REV 1.01 - INTERNATIONAL RELEASE with EASY installation from your hard drive instead of floppy discs. Type INSTALL ENGLISH or simply INSTALL for another language. See !!! README !!! for S3 - 2MB (800x600) known issues.



3DAGS 1.01 Floppy Discs

Floppy disks for 3DAGS Rev 1.01 INTERNATIONAL RELEASE for Flight Assignment ATP. Copy to floppy discs & TYPE --->INSTALL ENGLISH or INSTALL for another language. See !!README!! for further info, especially if using S3 video cards. - Download to install this program from your hard drive instead of floppy discs for easier, quicker install. - Download to update your 3DAGS to version 1.10.



3DAGS 1.10

3DAGS REV 1.10 UPGRADE - Requires 3DAGS REV 1.00 or 1.01 to be installed first. Minor bug fixes - Tested in 800x600 with Mach 64 with 2MB (1996) & S3 968 with 2MB (1996) video cards


DOS / Games / Nomisoft


3DAGS for S3 cards 1.13

3DAGS update version 1.13 for users with S3 cards


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / ASCII


3DCGツクール95 (3DCG Maker 95)

A 3DCG modelling software for Windows 95. I found the CD-ROM on a Japanese auction and it appears to be quite rare. You will need a Japanese copy of Windows 9x or a program such as NJWIN to read Japanese characters.


Windows 9x/ME / System / Copyright (c) 1995, 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.


3dfx_source_code Revision: 18

# # Copyright (c) 1995, 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.; # the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or # duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written # permission of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. # # RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: # Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions # as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data # and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or # successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - # rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. # # $Revision: 18 $ # $Date: 5/26/99 2:52p $


Windows 9x/ME / Games / James L. Dean


3DMaze 1.0

3DMaze 3DMAZE Version 1.0 (11/4/95) generates mazes under Windows 95. The mazes are displayed in 3D. Use keys to solve them or have the computer solve them. Visual Basic 4.0 source code is included.


Windows XP / System / 3DNA/MSI



3DNA is a 3D virtual environment shell that presents your computer as a series of 3D video-game like rooms. This version was bundled with MSI video cards. This archive contains the original ISO image.


Windows XP / Multimedia / Kinetix


3DS MAX 2.5 2.5

3DS MAX 2.5 - Will work on Windows 9x, 2000, XP. Some report that it can work on 7 or 10 but that will require work or patches, did not try. Crack included in ISO, instruction in the NFO file as usual.


Windows NT/2000 / Multimedia / Kinetix


3ds Studio MAX 1.0

First release 3ds Studio MAX on Windows NT!


BeOS / Multimedia / 3ivx Technologies


3ivx (Codec) 5.0.2

3ivx encoder/decoder for BeOS & HAIKU.


DOS / DBMS / Softshell


3x5 1.00

A tiny and easy to use free form data base system that was my DBMS of choice back in 1985 on my old Sanyo 555. Works just as well today from a memory stick.


Windows 3.x / Other / Not specified


3xStart patch

Patch that allows Windows 3.x to run on MS-DOS 7.10/FAT32.


DOS / Games / Conquest Software


4-In-A-Row v2.02


DOS / Office / Corel Systems


4.0 4

Quattro Pro spreadsheet program with ser


Windows 9x/ME / Games / Softkey International


40 Best Windows 95 Games Unknown

Dozens of the best Windows 95 Games


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