The complete list of software

Windows 3.x / Communication / Pacific Image Communications,Inc


SuperVoice & Fax 2.0b

Install from diskette (2) SuperVoice 2.0 is a popular software package that enables users to receive voice-mail, faxes and data files from a single telephone line, giving them an inexpensive way to use their computer as a complete communications system. In addition, users can configure advanced features such as fax-on-demand, pager notification of messages, distinctive ring, and built-in support for voice, fax, and data messages.


DOS / Games / Entrex Software


Supreme Command Demo 1.0

Simulation program for the World War 2 European Theater. Awesome program will only run for a few plays without code to unlock demo.


Windows 9x/ME / Other / Surfware, Inc.


SurfCAM v7.0 7.0

SurfCAM Version 7.0 CAD/CAM for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Fully functional 2 to 5 axis milling and lathe.


Windows XP / Other / Surfware, Inc.


SurfCAM Velocity 4 Velocity 4

SurfCAM Velocity 4 + Crack. Fully functional works on Windows XP.


DOS / Other / Golden Software


Surfer 4.0

Tool to create 2D and 3D maps.


DOS / Office / Apian Software Inc


Survey Pro 1.00

Survey Pro is a tool for creating and managing easy to use surveys on desktop computers.


DOS / Games / Infocom


Suspect Release 14

YOU'RE GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT You have walked into a hotbed of deceit and trickery. And now they're accusing you of something you couldn't have done. But they have proof that you did it. "You're a killer," they say.And until you can prove them wrong, you're guilty as charged - murder. Among society's upper crust, murder is the kind of nastiness that must be cleaned up quickly. So isn't it convenient that you, a struggling journalist looking for a good time and a good story, end up the scapegoat? The evidence is stacked against you, and you're being forced to prove your own innocence. And someone else's guilt. But, no one wants to help you. You're an outsider. And only an outsider could be so rude as to accept an invitation to the social event of the season. Then spoil it all.


DOS / Games / Infocom


Suspended Release 8

They said you would sleep for half a millennium -- not an unreasonable length of time, considering you'd be in limited cryogenic suspension. Your body would rest frozen at the planet's nerve center, an underground complex 20 miles beneath the surface. Your brain, they told you, would be wired to a network of computers; your mind would continue to operate at a minimal level, overseeing maintenance of surface-side equilibrium. And you would not awake, so they promised, until your 500 years had elapsed -- barring, of course, the most dire emergency. Then, and only then, you would be awakened to save your planet by strategically manipulating six robots, each of whom perceives the world differently. But such a catastrophe, you have been assured, could not possibly occur. Good morning.




Sutter-YUBA PCMLS V2.006

Multiple Listing System.


Windows XP / Games / Not specified


Suyper Solvers 3-en-1

3 Super Solvers games ready to play with dosbox and selection menu


Windows XP / Utility / unknown


Svchost Viewer


DOS / Office / Borland International, Inc.


Svend Broholm

Full source code compiles with TP 3 and above. The numerical procedures are for education only.


BeOS / Multimedia / Michael Lotz


SVG Pack 0.3 Beta

library, editor, viewer collection for svg


BeOS / Multimedia / Michael Lotz


SVG Pack Lite 0.3 Beta


Windows 3.x / System / MS / S3


SVGA and S3 Drivers 3.1

The S3 drivers allow Windows 3.1 under DOSBox 0.74 a 1024x768 pixels and 65,536 colors display! Write in the config file 'machine=svga_s3', put the driver files on the virtual drive A: and run Windows 3.1 Setup! The SVGA drivers were not included in all Windows versions 3.1, so also attached. I get so accurate results for vector graphics and CAD under DOSBox 0.74, using the 1024x768 / 256 color display and the entry 'machine=svga_et4000' in the config file.


Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft


Svga driver for windows 3.x 800x600

Driver SVGA monitor installed in the system installation. Supports 256 colors! ___ Драйвер SVGA монитора устанавливается в папку инсталляции системы. Поддерживает 256 цветов!!!


Windows 3.x / Games / Inline Design


Swap Gas Visits the USA 1.0

an educational game designed to assist students with their knowledge of United States geography, for up to four players.


DOS / System / Nico Mak



SWAPDOS provides an application independent method for one PC/MS-DOS application to run another, even if both would normally not fit in memory at the same time. A typical use is to temporarily swap out dBASE to make room for your text editor, or to swap out a text editor so that you can run memory hungry compilers, linkers, or even debuggers without losing your place in an editing session. SWAPDOS works by copying conventional memory used by the currently running application to expanded memory, extended memory, or to a disk file, thereby freeing conventional memory used by the application. SWAPDOS then runs the desired program before restoring the original environment. Shareware.


DOS / Office / Danut Pornkul


Swapfont for CU-Writer

Change the font for CU-Writer (CW). Extract to the CU-Writer folder.


DOS / System / SCM Microsystems



Flash/Compact Flash drivers and utilities (formatting) for DOS (Win3). (Abandonware. SCM Microsystems).


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Roni Music


Sweet Little Piano 1.82

Sweet Little Piano 32-bit v1.82 Roni Music December 09, 2000 Sweet Little Piano for Windows 95 - Allows the computer keyboard to act as either a piano, an accordion keyboard or a chromatic wave bank trigger. Pressing a computer key will generate a MIDI note and send it to the device selected (a sound card or any other MIDI device). AppleSeed sez: Works pretty darn good! 1. Unpack and/or install; run the program. 2. It will ask for your passcode - enter something you like. AppleSeed '96


DOS / DBMS / Cosmi Software


Swift Database


DOS / Office / Pacific Tri Micro inc.


Swift Desktop Publisher 2.1

SWIFT DESKTOP PUBLISHER is an easy to use, introductory desktop publishing system. It is used to create high-resolution graphic pages containing both text and graphics. The program is keyboard driven, and therefore requires no external pointing devices such as a mouse. A bar menu at the bottom of the screen makes it easy for you to enter commands. --- Run DTP.EXE


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / StarLife Software


Swift Draw for Windows 1.0

Graphics editor for Windows 3.1. Runs also on Windows 9x. Not tested on 2k/XP.


DOS / Office / Michael Finnegan


Swift Editor

Similar to in MS Dos. Featuring pull down menus & working with plain text files. You can customize colors & cut & paste. Swift is freeware.


DOS / Office / Alexander Safonenkov


Swift Editor 4.4


DOS / Utility / Alexander Sakonenkov


swift programmer editor 4.4


DOS / Office / COSMI/David Middleton


Swift Spread Sheet 4.12

The Swift & Easy Spread sheet is a very low end, very low cost spreadsheet targeted at budget conscious users. It features ease of use, general purpose functions, split screen, automatic calculations, and programmable macros. It was written by David Middleton of Metamorphosis developments LTD and published by COSMI/Celery Software


DOS / System / Sytron Corporation


SY-TOS 1.00 (IBM 6157)

SY-TOS is a powerful backup program for DOS, and other operating systems. It was commonly customized for and bundled with OEM backup hardware. SY-TOS Plus was the first retail standalone version. This release is designed only for use with an IBM 6157 Streaming Tape Drive.


DOS / System / SYTRON Corp


Sy-TOS 2.01

Tape backup software


DOS / Utility / Systron Corporation


SY-TOS Tape Operating System V3.11

SY-TOS is a backup and restore program for DOS that supports tape drives.


Windows NT/2000 / DBMS / Sybase


Sybase SQL Anywhere v5.5 Professional v5.5

Sybase SQL Anywhere v5.5 for multiple operating systems, including Windows 3.1, WinNT, Win95, DOS, QNX, and OS/2 4.0. Professional edition. Serial# SNPRG0010574.


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Norton Computing


Sygate Personal Firewall 5.0

Symantec discontinued Sygate personal firewall.


Windows 9x/ME / Other / Sygate


Sygate Personal Firewall 5.0

Firewall. Works with Windows 98/Me/2000/XP


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Norton Computing


Sygate Personal Firewall 5.5.2516

Symantec discontinued Sygate personal firewall.



Sygate Personal Firewall 5.5.2525

Symantec discontinued Sygate personal firewall.



Sygate Personal Firewall 5.5.2577

Symantec discontinued Sygate personal firewall.



Sygate Personal Firewall 5.5.2637

Symantec discontinued Sygate personal firewall.



Sygate Personal Firewall 5.5.2710

Symantec discontinued Sygate personal firewall.


Windows 9x/ME / Communication / Netscape Communications


Sylaba Komunikator 4.7

This is in fact Netscape Navigator 4.7 localized to Polish and renamed. For historic purposes I think.


Windows 3.x / Office / Symantec Corp.


Symantec Act! 2.0

Act! 2.0 for Windows 3.x, legendary and world-renowned customer relations management/contact management software for Windows, complete with patch and multi-user network support.


Windows 3.x / Office / Symantec


Symantec Act! for Windows 1.1b

ACT! for Windows 1.1b - Contact Manager/CRM An original PWA Warez Scene release Type in any number for the serial#. It will tell you that you have entered in the wrong one. Just keep going on and it will still work. InfoWorld - Aug 9, 1993 - Page 20 - Google Books Result Vol. 15, No. 32 Symantec acquired the Act product line when it purchased Contact Software International Inc. in May, 1993. Version 1.1, which is being mailed to all registered 1.0 users free, can search large databases as much as eight times faster than the previous version. Requires: Windows 3.0 or Windows Pen Computing, 80386 or 80486, 4MB memory, at least 3MB of free hard disk space. Optional: Mouse or other Windows pointing device, Hayes or 100% compatible modem for dialing.


Windows NT/2000 / OS / Norton Computing


Symantec C++ 7 for Dos/Win31/Win95/WinNT 7.0

The RAR files contain the .ISO of the original CD.


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Symantec


Symantec Cafe for Windows 95 and Windows NT 1.0

Symantec Café March 07, 1996 NOTE 1: This is simply Symantec Cafe. Symantec didn't call it "Symantec Visual Cafe" until version 2. NOTE 2: Mansour Safai led the development of Symantec Cafe, the first Java IDE. His list of accomplishments is long, and his impact was large. He passed in 2006. Symantec Café, released in March 1996, is the first development environment that became widely available for Java programming after the JDK. Symantec calls it an integrated development and debugging environment (IDDE), but the added D doesn't make it different than most IDEs - the others usually include a debugger, too. Café is based on Symantec's C++ environment, but Café is a standalone product that does not require a C++ platform to run. System Requirements: Microsoft Windows 95, Windows NT 3.5x Intel 386 processor and 8M memory; a 486 or better and 16M memory are recommended VGA monitor; SVGA monitor recommended 60M of disk space and a CD-ROM drive Pricing: $299.95 AppleSeed '96 PS: Word on the 'net is this version is extremely rare. Well, not now!


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Norton Computing


Symantec Cafe for Windows 95 and Windows NT 1.51

A visual development studio for JAVA


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Symantec Corporation


Symantec Cafe v1.8 1.8

Symantec Cafe is a graphical development environment for creating Java programs. It is the first stand-alone development environment designed specifically for creating Java programs. It comes with an extensive set of built-in tools that help you learn the Java language and create Java applets and applications easily.


Windows 3.x / Other / Symantec Corporationng Inc / Symantec Corporation


Symantec CPP Pro 6.1 6.1

December 1993, compiler C++ for windows 3.1


DOS / Utility / Norton Computing


Symantec diagnosis


Windows NT/2000 / Utility / Symantec Corporation


Symantec Encryption Desktop Professional 10

Full PGP encryption desktop. Allows full disk encryption, partial file encryption. EMail Encryption. Keygen works great. No Virus, No Malware.


Windows 3.x / Games / Norton Computing


Symantec Game Pack

Symantec Game Pack floppy. 360 KB floppy image.


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