The complete list of software

DOS / Games / Brøderbund Software, Inc.


Prince of Persia 1.4


DOS / Games / Borderbund Software


Prince of Persia 4d-prince v1.Moscow94

It is an interesting but no so easy game. Its story comes from "Arabian Night". Try it more, and you will find it exciting.


DOS / Games / Broderbund


Prince of Persia 2

Prince of Persia 2


DOS / Games / Seidel


Prince of Persia for DOS 1.00

Spiel besteht aus 12 Levels,in Level 12 bekämpft man sein eigenes Spiegelbild,welches in Level 4 infolge des Sprungs durch den Spiegel entsteht ein Kampf ist zwecklos,aber wie wäre es mit Einstecken des Schwertes,das Spiegelbild tut dann selbiges nach erfolgreicher Wiedervereinigung rennt man dann ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste nach links unsichtbare Platten werden sichtbar),der Rest ist dann ein Kinderspiel.


DOS / Games / Jordan Mechner


Prince Of Persia for MS-DOS

Prince Of Persia. Work in DOSbox.


DOS / Games / GAINAX


Princess Maker 2


DOS / Games / GAINAX


Princess Maker 2 (DOS/V)

Princess Maker 2 is a simulation-type parenting game in which the player experiences being the father of a daughter given to him from the stars, and raises her for eight years, from age 10 to 18. The daughter gains various experiences in the game and grows up to be an adult. Her dream is to become a princess, but depending on how she is raised, a thousand different futures await her. Now, what kind of dream will you weave with this daughter?......


DOS / Utility / Micheal Muniko


PrinHackEd 1.0

My .exe editor for Prince of Persia I 1990.


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Sierra On-Line, Inc.


Print Artist 3.0

ein relativ ?berfl?ssiges Programm f?r Pics, Visitenkarten, Briefk?pfe, Urkunden, Gru?karten, Spruchb?nder, Postkarten, Kuverts, Kalender + Bastelb?gen


Windows 9x/ME / Office / Sierra


Print Artist 8

Print Artist 8 is a card and sign generation application. It is the successor to AutoDesk/Pixellite Group Instant Artist. This version is significant, as it appears to be the first fully 32-bit version and supports Windows 9x and NT. This archive contains the Print Artist 8 CD ISO. Due to size, the extra clipart CDs are not included.


Windows 3.x / Office / Sierra On-line


Print Artist 3 Classic 3

Print Artist 3 Classic is a Windows 3.1 card and sign generation utility. It is the successor to Instant Artist. Initially released in 1995, this is an updated version dated 1997.


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Corel Corporation


Print House 1.1

Corel Print House 1.1 for Windows - Corel Corporation September 19, 1996 This archive consists of one CD-ROM ISO created using WinImage 9.00, several screen and product shots and this information file. NO SERIAL/REGISTRATION CODE IS REQUIRED FOR THE APPLICATIONS ON THIS CD A printing program for creating over 20 types of printing projects including cards, banners, signs, certificates, calendars, brochures, business forms, labels, membership cards, coupons, tickets, bookmarks, and doorknob hangers. It uses the 32-bit CorelDRAW 6 mini-engine. - - AppleSeed 2017


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Corel Corporation


Print House & Photo House 2.0 & 1.0

Print House 2.0 (2.1)& Photo House 1.0 (1.1) for Windows - Corel Corporation RTM Date: October 29th, 1996 This archive consists of one CD-ROM ISO created by combining 2 separate Scene WAREZ (Base package plus Add-On) releases from 1997, several screen and product shots and this information file. A SERIAL/REGISTRATION CODE IS REQUIRED FOR THE APPLICATIONS ON THIS CD *** S/N: PH2-J931745321 *** Corel® Announces Corel Print & Photo House™ Corel’s New Graphics Tool Perfect for Home or Small Business Design Projects Ottawa, Canada — November 19, 1996 — Shipping now for Windows® 95 and Windows NT® 3.51 or higher, Corel Print & Photo House™ is an easy-to-use graphics package designed to help home or small business users create greeting cards, certificates, banners, business forms, signs, calendars and more. Corel Photo House, a brand new photo-editing and bitmap creation application, has been developed to make it easy for users to scan in their own photographs, touch them up, and add fun special effects or create bitmap images using the painting tools. - AppleSeed 2017 -


DOS / Multimedia / Epyx Inc.


Print Magic 1.0

A page, card and banner design program similar to Print Master.


DOS / Multimedia / Broderbund


Print Master


DOS / Office / Hi-Tech Expressions


Print Power Pro 1.0k

An unusual card/poster maker for its time that allows you to transform and overlay the clipart. (Installation note: Copy the files manually to your target folder. It is designed to run from either dual floppies or a hard disk.)


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / American Systems


Print Screen Deluxe 3.0a

Print Screen Deluxe is a tool used to capture the screen, and has a multitude of features that rivals even "Snipping Tool" from Windows Vista and above. It allows auto-saving and binding to a key (PrintScrn key is the default.) You can capture the whole screen, a window, or a custom selection. Works on Windows 95 and above.


DOS / Office / Broderbund Software


Print Shop Companion 1.2

Print Shop Companion 1.2, released in 1987, is an IBM PC version of the original Print Shop Companion. This version heavily resembles the Apple II version. Media: Single 360k floppy disk.


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Broderbund Software


Print Shop Deluxe CD Ensemble for Windows 1.2.1

The Print Shop Deluxe CD Ensemble for Windows - 1993-1994 Broderbund Software - Complete and original CD copied to archive. Contains Print Shop Deluxe Companion V1.0.2, Print Shop Deluxe Graphics Exporter V1.2.1, The Print Shop Deluxe V1.2.1. Tested Working up through Windows XP. Saved with paths using PeaZip 5.8.1 using ultra compression. Hope you enjoy it!


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Broderbund


Print Shop Deluxe Ensemble II 3.02

Classic desktop publishing app, like Microsoft Publisher. To install, extract PSDWIN-1.rar on hard disk, and drag PSDWIN folder from PSDWIN-2.rar to where you extracted the contents of PSDWIN-1.rar. IMPORTANT: files in PSDWIN-3.rar and PSDWIN-4.rar must be placed in PSDWIN\LIBS folder. Run SETUP.EXE and select "no' after its finished when asked to install "in the 1st degree' demo. To register, type in any info, and choose "register over phone"


Windows 3.x / Office / Broderbund Software


Print Shop Deluxe for Windows 1.0

The Print Shop Deluxe for Windows, version 1.0, is a 16-bit Windows 3.1 application that enables you to create and print custom greeting cards, signs, banners, and more.


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Broderbund


Print Shop Deluxe for Windows 2.0


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Broderbund


Print Shop Premier Edition 5.0

Printshop Premier 5.0 for Windows 95 - Broderbund No serial needed August, 1997 Ripped: \Photos \Tutorial \Collexns (about 80%) \Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01 by AppleSeed in 2015


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Broderbund Software


Print Shop Premier Edition v5.0 5.0


Windows XP / Utility / Loseyourmind


Printer's Apprentice 7.5

A great way to manage all your font, installed as well as just stored. Handles nearly all font types. Plenty of display modes: text sample, single character, fonts comparison and more. Easily installs and uninstalls selected fonts or font groups. User name and code in the .rar.


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Printkey


Printkey 2000 4

Printkey version 4 .zip includes printkey.exe


DOS / Office / Unison World, Inc.


PrintMaster 1 for IBM PC

Print Master was another sign and banner creation program similar to The Print Shop. This version got in to trouble for looking too much like the Print Shop. Versions were also made for c64 and Apple II.


DOS / Utility / Not specified


Printmaster 1.0


Windows 9x/ME / Other / Micrologic Software


PrintMaster Gold Classic 2.10.40

versiones en 16 y 32 bits, permite hacer tarjetas y banners, comprimido con winrar




PrintMaster Plus 2.01

PrintMaster Plus 2.01


DOS / Multimedia / Unison World


PrintMaster Plus v3?

One of those banner and card making programs from the 1980's. Ah, the sound of a dot matrix printer making a long banner on those continuous stacks of paper sheets. This version contains more graphics than what came with the original.


DOS / Utility / Unison World


PrintMaster Plus v2.0 2.0

elaboracion de poster en diferentes tamaños y en papel continuo


Windows 3.x / Utility / Unison World


PrintMaster Plus v2.0 2.0

Crea poster en diferentes tamaños, incluso en papel continuo, tambien funciona en windows 2000 con sp4


DOS / Office / Acropolis Software


PrintPartner 1.1

PrintPartner is a rudimentary shareware sign, banner, and calendar printing program similar to the original PrintShop.



PrintPartner 2.0

PrintPartner allows you to make printed banners, signs, calendars, greeting cards and letterheads. Banners can have a graphic on either end and use any font you select. And may be either one or two lines. Signs may have any number of two graphics you select and may be placed anywhere on the page you wish. Each line of text can use a different font and be sized to your specifications. Calendars with user-entered text can be printed for any month in any year from 1980 to 2098. Greeting cards are much like two small signs that are printed so that you can fold the paper into a greeting card. Letterheads: Create your own letterhead using a variety of fonts and graphics. The letterhead may be placed at the top, bottom or top and bottom of your page. Pictures: you can edit pictures and create new ones. You can directly load Printmaster+ and Print Shop graphics (old Print Shop only, not the New Print Shop) into PrintPartner. Shareware.



PrintPartner 3.04

PrintPartner allows you to make printed banners, signs, calendars, greeting cards and letterheads. Shareware.


DOS / Utility / Broderbund Software


PrintShop Delux 1

PrintShop Delux provided libraries of clip-art and templates through a simple interface to build signs, posters and banners with household dot-matrix printers.


DOS / Multimedia / Broderbund


PrintShop Deluxe


Windows 3.x / Utility / Broderbund


PrintShop Deluxe 2.0

Graphic Soft. install from floppy (4) or HD


Windows 3.x / Office / Broderbund Software


PrintShop Deluxe Companion

The Print Shop Companion, developed by Roland Gustafsson and released in 1985, added a calendar feature, an updated graphic editor, font and border editors, and a "Creature Maker" game, as well as an expanded library of fonts, borders, and graphics. Initially, to use the new fonts and borders in The Print Shop, Companion had to modify the original program; subsequent releases of The Print Shop included built-in support for Companion.


DOS / Multimedia / Magnetic Music


Prism 1.5

Prism has all the usual editing features found on software sequencers - quantising, copying, transposing - with two very important pluses: it behaves very much like a Macintosh program, and it has an excellent manual. Prism works on all classes of PCs and compatibles (IBM PC, XT, AT and so on) and also on IBM's most recent offering, the PS/2. It requires at least 384K of RAM within which to run (although 512K is the practical minimum), as well as a graphics card and any available MIDI interface.


Windows XP / Utility / Microsoft


Private Folder 1.0

Microsoft Private Folder 1.0 is a useful tool for you to protect your private data when your friends, colleagues, kids or other people share your PC or account. With this tool, you will get one password protected folder called 'My Private Folder' in your account to save your personal files.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Cakewalk


Pro Audio 9 9.03

Midi and Audio DAW and Sequencer


DOS / Office / Chieh Cheng


Pro Labeler 1.32

PRO Labeler is a massive labeling program that let you print the same label up to 99999 times with multi-columns using 3 different printer ports, on 3-1/2" x 15/16" mailing labels.


Windows NT/2000 / System / Colorgraphic


Pro Lightning Series NT Windows

Colorgraphic Communications Corporation Pro Lightning V+ Pro Lightning V2 This diskette contains drivers for Windows 3.1, 3.11, Windows NT 3.5, 3.51, 4.0 and Windows 95. For installation information check the README files in each subdirectory. In the W31 directory are the drivers for Windows 3.1 and 3.11. In the NT35 directory are the drivers for Windows NT 3.5 or 3.51. In the W95 directory are the drivers for Windows 95. In the NT4 directory are the drivers for Windows NT 4.0. The Mover software is a window placement utility for Windows, it is not the multi-screen video driver. The MOVER16 directory contains the Window placement utility for Windows 3.1, 3.11. Use the INSTALL program for installation. The MOVER32 directory contains the window placement utility for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Use the INSTALL program for installation.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / digidesign


Pro Tools Free 5.0.1

Multitrack audio recorder/editor. While the full version could run around 128 tracks simultaneously (Mac Quadra or equiv running Nu-Bus slots and proprietary hardware), this free version was software only and limited to 8 tracks, but otherwise fully functional. It was an early example of "try for free before you buy".


DOS / Other / Matthew Probert


Probert E-Text Encyclopaedia 16.0

Reference. Text-only encyclopedia - Edition 16.0. (not a program)


DOS / Office / Parsons Technology


ProCalc 3D 1.5a

ProCalc 3d is a low-cost spreadsheet created by Formalsoft and sold by Parsons Technology.


BeOS / Utility / Georges-Edouard Berenger


Process Controller 3.1

ProcessController is a deskbar-friendly replicant to screen & control the activity and resources of your system "Live", such as CPU activity & Memory usage.




Processador de Texto Fácil 7.0 7.0

Processador de Texto Fácil 7.0 para MS-DOS. Software Brasileiro que fez sucesso de 1989 até 1993.


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