DOS / Utility / Broderbund Software
PrintShop Delux 1
PrintShop Delux provided libraries of clip-art and templates through a simple interface to build signs, posters and banners with household dot-matrix printers.
Windows 3.x / Office / Broderbund Software
PrintShop Deluxe Companion
The Print Shop Companion, developed by Roland Gustafsson and released in 1985, added a calendar feature, an updated graphic editor, font and border editors, and a "Creature Maker" game, as well as an expanded library of fonts, borders, and graphics. Initially, to use the new fonts and borders in The Print Shop, Companion had to modify the original program; subsequent releases of The Print Shop included built-in support for Companion.
DOS / Multimedia / Magnetic Music
Prism 1.5
Prism has all the usual editing features found on software sequencers - quantising, copying, transposing - with two very important pluses: it behaves very much like a Macintosh program, and it has an excellent manual. Prism works on all classes of PCs and compatibles (IBM PC, XT, AT and so on) and also on IBM's most recent offering, the PS/2. It requires at least 384K of RAM within which to run (although 512K is the practical minimum), as well as a graphics card and any available MIDI interface.
Windows XP / Utility / Microsoft
Private Folder 1.0
Microsoft Private Folder 1.0 is a useful tool for you to protect your private data when your friends, colleagues, kids or other people share your PC or account. With this tool, you will get one password protected folder called 'My Private Folder' in your account to save your personal files.
DOS / Office / Chieh Cheng
Pro Labeler 1.32
PRO Labeler is a massive labeling program that let you print the same label up to 99999 times with multi-columns using 3 different printer ports, on 3-1/2" x 15/16" mailing labels.
Windows NT/2000 / System / Colorgraphic
Pro Lightning Series NT Windows
Colorgraphic Communications Corporation Pro Lightning V+ Pro Lightning V2 This diskette contains drivers for Windows 3.1, 3.11, Windows NT 3.5, 3.51, 4.0 and Windows 95. For installation information check the README files in each subdirectory. In the W31 directory are the drivers for Windows 3.1 and 3.11. In the NT35 directory are the drivers for Windows NT 3.5 or 3.51. In the W95 directory are the drivers for Windows 95. In the NT4 directory are the drivers for Windows NT 4.0. The Mover software is a window placement utility for Windows, it is not the multi-screen video driver. The MOVER16 directory contains the Window placement utility for Windows 3.1, 3.11. Use the INSTALL program for installation. The MOVER32 directory contains the window placement utility for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Use the INSTALL program for installation.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / digidesign
Pro Tools Free 5.0.1
Multitrack audio recorder/editor. While the full version could run around 128 tracks simultaneously (Mac Quadra or equiv running Nu-Bus slots and proprietary hardware), this free version was software only and limited to 8 tracks, but otherwise fully functional. It was an early example of "try for free before you buy".
BeOS / Utility / Georges-Edouard Berenger
Process Controller 3.1
ProcessController is a deskbar-friendly replicant to screen & control the activity and resources of your system "Live", such as CPU activity & Memory usage.
Processador de Texto Fácil 7.0 7.0
Processador de Texto Fácil 7.0 para MS-DOS. Software Brasileiro que fez sucesso de 1989 até 1993.
DOS / Communication / PIL Software Systems
Procomm 1.1 1.1
Not "Procomm Plus", just Procomm 1.1. The very first release of the once popular shareware terminal program. Version 1.00 of this product was released under the name TERMULATOR.
Procomm Plus 1.1a
An early version of Procomm Plus for DOS, a once popular serial telecommunications program used to communicate with BBSes.
Procomm Plus 1.1B
Procomm Plus was a popular telecommunications program used for accessing BBSes under MS-DOS. This archive contains two 360k floppy disk images.
Procomm Plus 2.01
Procomm+ v 2.01 comm program (with added Texas Z-Modem external Z-Modem transfer protocol, Snipper screen capture utility, & Tinyedit editor from a prior installation) - run pcsetup first to configure modem.
Windows NT/2000 / Communication / Symantec Corporation
ProComm Plus 4.8 4.8
ProComm Plus is an integrated, 32-bit communications package offering fax technology, terminal emulation, data communications, and Internet access designed for the Windows 95/98, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 Operating systems. NOTE: This is the LAST version released.
Procomm Plus for Windows 2.11
Terminal emulator plus FAX and other features
Procomm Plus for Windows 3.0
3.00 brings Procomm in to the era of the web with a built in web browser, news reader, mail, and more. To install, extract the zip WITH directories, then run setup from the Disk1 folder. Also, be sure to see the reg.txt before running setup.
DOS / System / Procorp
Procorp Mouse Drivers 1989
This archive contains the mouse drivers and system software for the Procorp Serial Mouse.
Windows 3.x / System / JDS-Software
Profan 5.0b
Programmiersprache für Windows 3.1x ----------------------------------- Der Syntax ist stark an BASIC und Pascal angelehnt. Man hat vollen Zugriff auf die Windows-API. Falls einem der Wortschatz nicht ausreicht, können auch fremde DLLs eingebunden werden. Diese Version ist Freeware. Sie beihaltet einen Compiler, der aus dem Programmcode selbständig laufende EXE-Dateien kompiliert. Einige Beispielprogramme werden mitgeliefert. Erstelle einen Ordner Entpacke den Inhalt der 3 Archive in den Ordner Führe Setup aus
Windows 3.x / Utility / Roland G. Hülsmann
Profan 5.0b
Programmiersprache mit einer Mischung aus BASIC und Pascal. Man hat vollen Zugriff auf die Windows API. Damit kann man z.B. auf die Schnittstellen zugreifen oder auch Drucker ansprechen. Falls einem die Funktionen nicht ausreichen, es lassen sich auch externe DLLs einbinden und aufrufen. Diese Programmiersprache enthält einen Compiler, der die Programme in EXE-Dateien kompiliert. Wenn man ein Programm weitergeben will, das eine externe DLL verwendet, muss man diese DLL auch mit weitergeben.
Windows 3.x / Utility / JDS-Software
Profan 5.0b
Profan - eine Programmiersprache für Windows 3.x. Der Syntax ist eine Mischung aus BASIC und Pascal. Der Compiler erzeugt ausführbare EXE-Dateien. Man hat vollen Zugriff auf die ganze Windows-API. Wenn einem der Funktionsumfang nicht reicht, kann auch externe DLLs einbinden und den Funktionsumfang beliebig erweitern.
Windows 3.x / Utility / JASC, inc.
Professional Capture Systems JasCapture 1.02
Screen capture utility for DOS and Win 3.x from JASC. The DOS utility is a TSR. The Win 3.x utility runs in the background minimized. This is the fully registered version. Does not ask for a serial.
DOS / Office / Software Publishing Corporation
Professional Write 2.11
Professional Write, from Software Publishing Corporation, was a popular word processor for home use during the late 80s and early 90s. It features an easy to use menu system and an integrated spell checker.
Windows 3.x / Office / Software Publishing Corporation
Professional Write Plus 1.0
***install only from floppy*** Copyright 1988, 1991 Samna Corporation, empresa propiedad de Lotus Development Corporation. Digital Typefonts de Xiphias, Copyright 1986-1991. Programa y diccionario de Ortograf?a Soft-Art, Inc., Copyright 1984-1991. Diccionario de sin?nimos Proximity/Merriam-Webster Copyright 1985 Merriam-Webster Inc. Copyright 1988 Proximity Technology Inc.
DOS / Communication / Sharp Corporation
Program Card Basic Utillity (IQ749) for Sharp Organizer 1.0
Driver & Program for Sharp IQ Organizer Series 7xxx & 8xxx with Basic Card (IQ-707, IQ-770, IQ-870, IQ-871) may work with other Basic Cards too...not sure. ASYNC-BC.SYS must be loaded in the CONFIG.SYS...Also ANSI.SYS & COUNTRY.SYS needed.