Windows 9x/ME / Games / The 3DO Company
Crusaders of Might and Magic
Old third-person action/RPG video game. CD present in the *.rar file in the "*.bin/*.cue" format, along with pdf Manual file. Tried and tested on a virtual Windows 98 SE system under VirtualBox on a Windows 10 Host. Does not appear run on VMWare. Also kindly note, music from the CD does not play during gameplay. OST saved in "Soundtrack" folder of the *.rar file, in *.m4a format. Possible that such problems won't be encountered on genuine vintage hardware.
Windows 9x/ME / System / Nick Payne
Cryptext 2.54
Cryptext is a freeware Windows 95 / NT4 shell extension that performs strong file encryption. It uses a combination of SHA-1 and RC4 to encrypt files using a 160-bit key.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / CrystalGraphics, Inc.
A great and simple tool to create stunning 3d graphics:make web buttons, images, videos, presentations, and many other objects. Everything is simple and very easy to use. Make pictures worthy of 3dsmax with the simplicity of Photoshop.
DOS / Games / Apogee Software
Crystal Caves 1 Last Version
CRYSTAL CAVES version 1.00 (November 1991) Copyrighted and Published by: Apogee Software Productions P.O. Box 476389 Garland, TX 75047 USA Telephone: (214) 278-5655
DOS / Games / Apogee Software
Crystal Caves 2 1
CRYSTAL CAVES version 1.00 (November 1991) Copyrighted and Published by: Apogee Software Productions P.O. Box 476389 Garland, TX 75047 USA Telephone: (214) 278-5655
DOS / Games / Apogee Software
Crystal Caves 3 Full Version
CRYSTAL CAVES version 1.00 (November 1991) Copyrighted and Published by: Apogee Software Productions P.O. Box 476389 Garland, TX 75047 USA Telephone: (214) 278-5655
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / ComponentSoftware
ComponentSoftware Diff (CSDiff) is a powerful text file difference analysis tool for Windows 95/NT. Use it to analyze what have changed between two revisions of the same file. CSDiff is usually used to analyze program source files and HTML documents.
DOS / Other / Turtle Software
Csillagkepek 2.7
A Csillagképek nevû program az égbolton található 88 csillagképet, az ezekben található fontosabb objektumokat és a Naprendszer adatait tartalmazza; az ÅTVÅLT segédprogrammal pedig csillagászati mértékegységek között végezhetünk átváltásokat.
BeOS / Multimedia / gpl
Csound 4.23
Audio and music synthesis; in addition to the core csound itself, there is a CsoundServer that connects csound to BeOS audio and MIDI, and a CsoundShell which provides a convenient environment for running csound.
Windows 9x/ME / Communication / White Pine Software
CU-SeeMe 3.1
CU-SeeMe (also written as CUseeMe or CUSeeMe depending on the source) is an Internet videoconferencing client. CU-SeeMe can make point to point video calls without a server or make multi-point calls through server software first called a "reflector" and later called a "conference server" or Multipoint Control Unit (MCU).
Cubase 1.01
The first Windows version of the groundbreaking music sequencer. It contains advanced editing features still NOT found in major DAWs today. This one lacks a score/notation editor, though.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Steinberg
Cubase 1.0 1.0
Steinberg Cubase 1.0, OS : Win 3.11 / 95 / 98, full version working without serial or crack, it may start also on Win 2000 but it will crash on exit, it runs OK on VMware.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH
Cubase VST 32 5.1 VST 32 5.1
Cubase is a digital audio workstation (DAW) developed by Steinberg for music and MIDI recording, arranging and editing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VST 32 5.0 - Large update to the Windows product bringing it in sync with the Macintosh product which had included more features such as: 15,360 ppqn internal resolution, Folder Tracks, Marker Tracks, Long Track Names, Transport Bar display options, User-definable Toolbar and key commands, Extended Inspector, Improved drag and drop, Enhanced Toolbox (including Range Selection tool), New Controller Editor, Grooves and Logical presets, Window Sets, Dedicated MIDI Track Mixer. The last version still compatible with windows 95. Applying the update to 5.1 is said to require windows 98. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VST 32 5.1 - Was available individually and as part of a Producer's Pack featuring Recycle loop editor and Rebirth virtual instrument (non-VST format), programs developed by Propellerheads but distributed by Steinberg. The Propellerheads products came on Mac and PC compatible CDs, but the disc and serial hasp for Cubase were PC-only. Primarily was introduced to run on the new Windows XP operating system.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Steinberg
Cubasis AV 1.0
Steinberg Cubasis AV 1.0, OS : W95/98, this version was bundled with a Roland keyboard and doesn't need any serial or crack it's fully working out of the box and runs fine on VMware.
DOS / Other / John Wiley & Sons, INC
CUPS Quantum Mechanics ?
Developed by john r. hiller (university of minnesota), ian d, johnston (University of Sydney) & danel f. styer (Oberlin College, Ohio) is a set of computer simulations. Programed in Borland Turbo Pascal for MS-Dos, they demonstrate the various aspects of Quantum Mechanics. The floppy came with a book "Quantum Mechanics Simulations Consortium for Upper level Physics Software" Which is Part of series of books on physics containg software just like this, for a wide selection fields. THE FULL LIST: astrophysics, classical mechanics, electricity and magnitism, modern physics, nuclear and particle physics, thermal and satistical physics, waves and optics. The book makes for some dry reading and third eye rupturing. As for the software itself, even if you dont know what your doing, its still fun to play with.
DOS / Other / John Wiley & Sons, INC
CUPS Quantum Mechanics SETUP DISK John Wiley & Sons, INC
On the version uploaded before, all the files have been extracted and installed in one folder. This was confusing to some people. This version is how it actually appears on the floppy disk, simply run the setup program and there should be no further trouble. Have fun
DOS / Other / IMTEC
Curve fitting program written in MS-DOS GW-BASIC. Fits values of X/Y data pairs to 25 different equations.
DOS / Utility / Nagy Daniel
Cute Mouse Driver 2.0
"CuteMouse is a DOS based, open source mouse driver, which supports many protocols of serial and PS/2 mice".
Windows XP / Utility / Acro Software, Inc.
Cute PDF Writer 2.71
PDF maker that will work with XP and Vista. Installs and is accessed just like a printer connected to your system - just print from your application, select the CutePDF Writer in the printers list, and tell it where to save your PDF file to - done!
Windows 9x/ME / Communication / GlobalSCAPE
CuteFTP 2.0
Version 2.0 of the very popular CuteFTP has been released. CuteFTP 2.0 is a Windows-based FTP client that allows users to utilize the capabilities of FTP without learning much about the protocol itself.