The complete list of software

DOS / Office / Applied Business Technology Corporation


Project Manager Workbench 2.20 Advanced

"The Workbench is a decision support system designed specifically for a project manager's own use when planning and controlling projects in which resources are a major consideration. Its primary goals are to - increase your productivity by automating lengthy and tedious calculations associated with balancing of resources, networking, costing, etc., - enhance your responsiveness to changing conditions by allowing you to modify and reconfigure plans quickly, and - improve the quality of your planning by enabling you to produce plans that are both detailed and current. The Workbench helps you achieve these goals The Workbench integrates Gantt charts, dependency networks, resource spreadsheets and text. Therefore, you have all the tools required to plan and control projects." Project Workbench comes in both a Standard an Advanced edition and an optional communications module. Important: This software is copy protected, and no unprotect is known to exist. To run it, you must either recreate a copy protected disk with the images provided, or run in an emulator that supports copy protected disks such as PCE. Note: This software checks the DOS version at startup and refuses to run on DOS 5.0 or later. To work around this, add an entry to setver with the command "SETVER PMW.COM 3.30".


BeOS / Games / Parallel Realities


Project: Starfighter 1.1

Project: Starfighter is an old school 2D shoot 'em up. In the game you take on the role of a rebel pilot called Chris, who is attempting to overthrow a military corporation called Weapco. Weapco has seized control of the known universe and currently rules it with an iron fist. Chris can no longer stand back and watch as millions of people suffer and die. He steals an experimental craft known as "Firefly" and begins his mission to fight his way to Sol, freeing key systems along the way. The game opens with Chris attempting to escape a Weapco patrol that has intercepted him.


DOS / Other / Inmax Publishing Limited


Project:VISION 1.5

Project:VISION--Planning Made Easy. Full version. I use this DOS project management program on an HP 200LX Palmtop. You can use Project:VISION to create Project Plans then export the graphic results to Printers and Graphics files or export the Project to MS Project. Critical Path PERT Charts, Four types of Logic Links, Lags.


DOS / Other / Politechnika Wroclawska Herlender Lagonski


Projektowanie Elektroenergetycznych Odbiorczych Instalacji Niski 1

Projektowanie Elektroenergetycznych Odbiorczych Instalacji Niskiego Napiecia


Windows XP / Other / Sokkia


ProLink 1.15

This is a download tool for Sokkia total stations. It has COGO features for land surveying as well.


Windows 3.x / Utility / Kobayashi Software / Eric Shreiber


Prolix (16-bit) 2.1

Prolix is a Windows text editor, useful for a wide variety of situations. Its strengths are its ease-of-use, handy, powerful features, and clean interface. For Windows 3.1x It is far better than the standard Notepad.


DOS / System / Arity


Prolog Interpreter 5.1


DOS / Utility / Ian King Software


Promenu 1.0

A simple menu system allowing easy access to any of your software. Includes customisable colours, screensaver and a calculator tool.


Windows 3.x / System / Promise Technology


Promise EIDE2300PLUS 3.31

Promise EIDE 2300 Disk Accelerator/ Host Adapter Device Drivers for DOS thru Windows 95


DOS / Games / Procyon Products


ProPilkki 1 1.40

Finnish ice fishing game. Newest version here:



ProPilkki 1 1.41

A Finnish ice fishing game. You can download newest version here:



ProPilkki 1 1.42

ProPilkki is a Finnish ice fishing game. You can download the newest version here:


DOS / Utility / Mcafee


Proscan 1.4


DOS / Other / Not specified


Prosolver 1.1

D?compacter l'archive et lancer PS.EXE ProSolveur est un outil de mod?lisation (par r?solution de syst?mes d'?quations)tr?s performant. Il vous permettra, si vous savez mod?liser vos probl?mes par un syst?me d'?quations (lin?aires ou non), d'explorer totalement ce mod?le en red?finissant : * les variables qui sont des inconnues et celles qui sont des param?tres, * les valeurs des param?tres (qui peuvent ?ventuellement prendre une liste de valeurs), * les valeurs de d?but d'it?ration des variables, * les ?quations elles-m?mes gr?ce ? l'?diteur inclus. Pour les matheux : diff?rences finies (i.e. convergence lin?aire) => m?thode num?rique basique.


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Not specified



Prosound - Edit and manipulate MIDI files. Sound card required.


DOS / Utility / Sophco, Inc.


Protec 2.20

Protec is a DOS menu shell that restrict access to files and programs to specific users. It hides files so they can not be easily seen by unauthorized users, includes encryption tools, and features access audit logging.



Protec 3.0

Protec is a DOS menu shell that restrict access to files and programs to specific users. It hides files so they can not be easily seen by unauthorized users, includes encryption tools, and features access audit logging.


Windows XP / Utility / CDKiller, TippeX



This tool can be used to detect most of CD/DVD copy protection schemes. This software is freeware but no longer developed!


DOS / Utility / Protel Systems Pty Ltd


Protel 3.31 for DOS 3.31


DOS / Other / Labcenter Electronics


Proteus Design Suite 2.20

This is the Proteus Design Suite release for MS-DOS version 2.20 The release contains: - ISIS Designer+ version 2.22 (Schematic capture) - ARES Autoroute version 2.51 (PCB Layout) - COLT Library editor - Useful libraries - Example files Extract RAR file, run. You can setup graphics adapter with: ISIS /R, ARES /R Example: For SuperVGA (800x600) choose SVGA1 If you have a S3 Trio64V+, choose AX=6AH, BX=0


DOS / Office / Markt & Technik



A small but useful German word processor. No installation required. Scroll Lock shows command list. / Eine kleine, aber nützliche deutsche Textverarbeitung. Keine Installation notwendig. Scroll-Lock zeigt die Befehlsübersicht.


DOS / Office / Arnor


Protext 6.7 6.7

What is Protext? One of the most successful British word processor programs, developed by Peterborough-based Arnor Ltd between 1985 and 1995, Protext sold over 30,000 copies. Original written for the Amstrad CPC464, Protext was subsequently released for the Amstrad PCW8256, the PC, the Atari ST, Commodore Amiga and the Acorn Archimedes. Despite being packed with advanced features, above all the latest versions of Protext remain fast and very easy to use. It is a credit to the programmers that the user-friendly qualities of the original CPC version have been maintained through to this latest one while building in more and more useful features. This zip contains another two zips, the program together with German & French dictionaries and thesaurus. It also contains two text files, the user manual and reference manual. Once the first is extracted take the and extract all files to another folder. Open the folder in Windows and then: If using Windows Vista, any other version of Windows except XP, or MS-DOS run INSTALLC.BAT which will install Protext to C:\PROTEXT. Alternatively INSTALLD.BAT will install to D:\PROTEXT. If you want to install to a different location you will need to do this from a Command Prompt by typing INSTALL {any path}. If using Windows XP then run INSTALL16C.BAT which will install Protext to C:\PROTEXT. Alternatively INSTALL16D.BAT will install to D:\PROTEXT. If you want to install to a different location you will need to do this from a Command Prompt by typing INSTALL {any path} 16. Feature Summary (version 6.7) * Edit any size file, limited only by disk size. * Up to 36 documents open for editing * Fast spelling checker with Collins dictionary (over 110,000 words). * Thesaurus with 43,000 entries and 827,000 responses * Auto Correct - learn from your typing errors and next time correct them automatically. Expands abbreviations as you type * Unrivalled printer support including PostScript (over 400 printers supported). * Print Preview shows a full page just as it will appear * Graphics import and viewer, colour graphics printing * Styles with scalable font and colour support (printer permitting) * Flexible find and replace function works across multiple files * Index and contents * Footnotes * Indent tabs and centre tabs * Newspaper column printing * Automatic hyphenation * Add column of figures * Powerful mail merge programming language * Configuration program allowing dozens of options to be set. * File conversion utility for importing and exporting various formats. * File sorting program. * 190 page user manual including step by step tutorial. * 160 page reference manual. Enjoy!


DOS / Utility / Trius, Inc.


ProtoCAD 3D 2.00

3D Modeling and Rendering for DOS. It offers hundreds of drawing and editing commands for both 2D and 3D design.


Windows 3.x / System / ProtoView


ProtoGen Application Code Generator 1.0

Windows 3.x Development tool to help generate code using a GUI. Compatible with Borland C++ for Windows


Windows 3.x / System / McAfee Associates, Inc



Integrated system analyzer and viewer.


DOS / System / McAfee Associates, Inc



PROVIEW is a menu driven program used to analyze, view and edit the basic components of a system, including the system memory, system interrupts, device drivers, and installed disk drive sectors and file contents.


Windows NT/2000 / Communication / Microsoft


Proxy Server 2.0 2.0

Proxy server for NT server 4.0 it requires service pack 3 or later.


Windows 3.x / Utility / Not specified


ProZip 1.3f

ZIP compression/decompression tool, creating self extracting archives


Windows 3.x / Utility / Triptyk Software


PROZip 1.3f

16-bit Zip program.


DOS / Games / unknown


Prsi 1

karetni hra Prsi


Windows XP / Utility / PS2


PS 2 emulator

PS 2 Emulator.




PS/1 model 2121 raw backup 1.0

I just recently acquired a PS/1 model 2121, and I thought I'd 'backup' the thing. This backup works with DOS 4.00 (that is in ROM on this thing), and contains everything that was on this PC. I'm sure some of it is corrupt or damaged, but I haven't seen any install sets for the PS/1 . Note the quad screen only works on PS/1's!! *Microsoft Windows 3.0a *Microsoft Works *Microsoft learning windows *Prodigy *PS/1 Club *Promenade *PS/1 System Tutorial And no doubt other incorrectly installed junk.


DOS / System / IBM


PS/1 ROM Customization Utility

This is the DOS-Based ROM customization utility that came with the IBM PS/1.


DOS / Utility / IBM


PS/2 reference disk model 55sx 55sx

Reference Disk for IBM PS/2 model 55sx


DOS / Utility / IBM

EN 0.22

Essential utility for controlling alot of the functions and settings of the IBM PC110. Much more than BIOS, many functions that can be set no other way.


DOS / Office / PSION Ltd


Psion 4 1

PC port of the Sinclair QL Quill, Abacus, Easel & Archive


DOS / Games / PSION Ltd


Psion Chess

PC port of the Classic Sinclair QL game.


DOS / OS / Физтех-софт


PTS - DOS 2000

Российская ОС от "Физтех-софт". Все на русском языке. Хорошо совместима с MS-DOS. Компактная, надежная, быстрая. Содержит утилиты для поддержки CD-ROM, виртуального диска, сжатия, кэширования дисков, работы с "верхней" и EMS-памятью. Поддержка сети LotLAN и антивирусные утилиты делают PTS-DOS незаменимой для владельцев 286/386 машин, которые желают заменить MS-DОS на что-то другое. Сайт изготовителя:http://www2.PhysTechSoft.comДля установки распакуйте оба zip-архива в одну папку и прочтите файл readme! Поддержите отечественного производителя! :-) ___ Russia OS from "PhysTechSoft. All in Russian. Well compatible with MS-DOS. Compact, reliable, fast. It contains utilities to support the CD-ROM, virtual disk compression, disk caching, working with "top" and EMS-memory. Support network LotLAN and antivirus utilities do PTS-DOS indispensable for the owners of 286/386 machines that wish to replace MS-DOS on something else. Site of the manufacturer:


DOS / OS / PhysTechSoft


pts dos 2000

PTS-DOS is the powerful and fastest DOS with network support, file manager, archiver, internal boot viruses protection and numerous utilities fully compatible with MS-DOS 6.x. It also contains web browser, e-mail client and telnet.


DOS / OS / PhysTechSoft



different version than the one on this site, but not sure if its the full release. //includes tools, games(tetris+snake),bootimage and a russian file commander. pls leave your comments



PTS-DOS 6.5 [German]

PTS-DOS is a Russian MS-DOS clone created by PhysTechSoft. This appears to be a German language version.



PTS-DOS 6.51 [Russian]

PTS-DOS is a Russian MS-DOS clone created by PhysTechSoft.


DOS / OS / PhysTechSoft


PTS-DOS 2000

PTS-DOS is a disk operating system, a DOS clone, developed in Russia by PhysTechSoft and Paragon Technology Systems. Serial Number: 3975-drfi-9683-naqj


DOS / OS / PhysTechSoft


PTS-DOS 2000 German - 2 Disk Images 2000 Pro

PTS-DOS 2000 was distributed as a set of files including a "MAKEBOOT.BAT" that writes two disks. This is a demo, the only drawback is a 4 seconds bootdelay. It is a full blown PTS-DOS. Disk1 is PTS-DOS, is bootable and contains an installer that is auto-executed after boot. Disk2 is ARACHNE webbrowser


DOS / OS / PhysTechSoft


PTS-DOS 2000 patch

patch for PTS-DOS 2k. disables 1min boot delay


DOS / OS / PhysTechSoft


PTS-DOS 32 Build 141

PTS-DOS is a disk operating system, a DOS clone, developed in Russia by PhysTechSoft and Paragon Technology Systems. PTS-DOS 32, formally known as PTS-DOS v7.0 which added support for the FAT32 file system. Serial: 5e2kc 38nbe dfmka n2p24 a6l4c


DOS / OS / PhysTechSoft


pts-dos 32 demo 7.0


DOS / System / Yuri Pankov


PU 1700 4.1

Driver for floppy disks


Windows 3.x / System / DEST Corporation


Publish Pac 2.0

Publish Pac is a set of drivers and a small scanning application for use with DEST scanners. It does not do much without the scanner, but it is interesting as it runs under Microsoft Windows 1. It includes a Windows 1.04 runtime, so DOS users would not have to purchase Windows. It was intended to be used in conjunction with desktop publishing programs, such as Aldus PageMaker. This copy also include TextPac, an OCR tool. Archive includes nine 5.25" 360k floppy disk images.


Windows 3.x / Office / Microsoft


Publisher 2.0


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