kmp_mysql 1.1.5
You need to have KMySQL properly installed to compile this plugin.
Unix / DBMS / Frédérik Bilhaut
KMySQL 1.1.9
This is a MySql client wich can be used in replacement of the text-mode one, provided by default with mysql. By submiting SQL queries, you can do everithing you would using the standard client. But you can also create forms to provide GUI-driven queries. It also provides a table creating facility.
Unix / Games / Andrew Tridgell & Jon Baxter
KnightCap 3.6
KnightCap is a chess program written for the Fujitsu AP1000+ parallel computer (running AP/Linux). It will also run on most unixes, although you may need to tweak the includes.h file and Makefile.
Unix / Communication / gpl
KNode 0.1.8
KNode is a newsreader for the K Desktop Enviroment. It is a pure online-reader, that is supposed to be used with a local newsserver (remove the ".gz" after ".rpm").
KNode 0.1.9
KNode is a newsreader for the K Desktop Enviroment. It is a pure online-reader, that is supposed to be used with a local newsserver.
DOS / Games / Comad / Knorr
Knorrli - Abenteuer Atlantis
Original-Floppy-Image (IMG) des Knorr-Werbespiels. Original floppy image (IMG) of a German advertisement adventure game for food manufacturer Knorr.
DOS / Utility / Nick Gray
Knots 2.0
DOS based HTML browser, "displays the pages graphically, to give a better idea of the final result". (evaluation)
DOS / Other / unknown
Knowledge Adventure v1.0
Exciting, breakthrough educational software. We have designed Knowledge Adventure to be as clear and intuitive as possible.
DOS / Multimedia / Kodak
Kodak DCS 100 TWAIN driver 1.4
TWAIN driver for the Kodak Digital Camera System DCS 100 from 1991. Driver is V1.4 from 1993. For use with Aldus Photostyler
Windows XP / Multimedia / Kodak
Kodak Imaging
Kodak Image Scan Installer for Windows XP To Install and register Kodak Image Scanning please click the 'install.bat' file
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Kodak
Kodak Photo CD Player for Windows 3.0 and 3.1 2.0.3
This is the last known version of Kodak's Photo CD Player for Microsoft Windows. The application date is June 1994 with a file date of November 1996. It plays all versions of Photo CD discs including Portfolio CDs with sound. This works with all 16bit and 32bit versions of Windows from Windows 3.0 (you read that right!) up to and including Windows XP. I haven't tried it on later OS but if they are 32bit they should work.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Moah
KOF 91 1.2
It's a very old limited and simple fighting game engine where it is very easy to customize and create new characters and backgounds. Will run extremely fast on modern hardware. Best to use virtual machines emulating old Pentium PCs running win98.
Windows 3.x / OS / Amateur OS
KolibriOS v0.7.7.0
KolibriOS — amateur operating system for the PC, fully writed on assembly language, spread by the GPL conditions. __________ ___ KolibriOS — любительская операционная система для PC, полностью написанная на языке ассемблер, распространяемая на условиях GPL. Создана на основе MenuetOS. Система расчитана на использование ассемблера для написания приложений, но есть и программы, написанные на языках Ada, Си, C++, Free Pascal, Forth. Система использует собственные стандарты и не основана на POSIX и UNIX. На данный момент преимущественное большинство разработчиков живут на территории стран СНГ.
DOS / Utility / Ciesiel Soft
Konwert 1.6
This small shareware program converts text between Polish character set standards. It has some simple filtering/string manpulation capabilities slightly documented in readme.
DOS / Games / Apogee Software Productions
KROZ (incl. Turbo Pascal source code)
Caverns of Kroz - 1989 (later updated as Caverns of Kroz II) Dungeons of Kroz - 1988 (later updated to Dungeons of Kroz II) Kingdom of Kroz - 1987 Return to Kroz - 1989 (same as Castle of Kroz and Shrine of Kroz) Temple of Kroz - 1990 (same as Valley of Kroz) The Final Crusade of Kroz - 1990 Kingdom of Kroz II - 1990 (Kind of a "Greatest Hits" of Kroz, includes levels from previous games) The Lost Adventures of Kroz – 1990 /////+ source code released 2009 as freeware
DOS / Utility / Jiangmin
KV3000 KV3000
Famous anti-virus software for DOS in China. It's 3.5" HD floppy disk version come with disk copy-protection, the disk image made by FDC ( a powerful floppy disk copy tools for DOS & Win9X ) from original disk, please use FDC included write back to disk and boot to run it.
BeOS / Multimedia / KK-Software
KVEC 3.0
Vectorizes images using several graphic formats --- Open a console session, unzip the KVEC archive and type: 'KVEC (input file) (output file) -for (format)' That is all! There is no installation procedure.
Unix / Multimedia / Moritz Wenk
kWinTV 0.7.5
kWinTV is a KDE applications for the bttv - BT848 frame grabber. It allows you to watch TV in a window on your PC screen, has more or less the same abilities as xtvscreen which is included in the bttv-driver package, but it is based on Qt. The bttv driver supports several frame grabber cards based on a Brooktree Bt848 or equivalent cips like the Win/TV series by Hauppauge and others.
DOS / System / Panasonic
KXL-D740 PCMCIA 4x CD-ROM Drivers (DOS, Win, OS/2) 960712
Panasonic (Matsushita) KXL-D740 PCMCIA 4x CD-ROM Drivers for DOS, Windows 9x, Windows NT and OS/2 Warp. Discman-style quad speed SCSI CD-ROM drive, comes with a Panasonic KXLC002 SCSI-II controller (16bit PC Card card), which actually is a Ratoc REX-9530 and should work with every SCSI device. The 3.5" HD (1440K) floppy disk contains drivers for DOS, Windows 9x, Windows NT and OS/2 3.0+.
Unix / Other / Borland Software
Kylix Enterprise 3.0
Kylix includes 2 IDEs, one for the Delphi language and one for C++. These environments include visual Form Designers and debugging tools, the dcc and bc++ compilers, runtime libraries, CLX, database drivers, database components, documentation, and sample applications. Kylix 3 can be used to create software using either the Delphi language, or C++. Kylix 3 is certified on the following Linux distributions: * Red Hat 7.2 * SuSE 7.3 * Mandrake 8.2
DOS / Games / Opera Soft
La Abad?a del Crimen 1.0
La Abad?a del Crimen (The Abbey of Crime) is a computer video game programmed in 1987 by Paco Men?ndez based in the novel The Name of the Rose written by Umberto Eco. The graphics were made by Juan Delc?n. This game is a videoadventure with 3D isometric graphics, where a Franciscan monk, Fray William of Occam (William of Baskerville in the book) and his young novice Adso of Melk have to discover the perpetrator of a series of murders in a medieval Benedictine abbey.
Windows XP / Games / Opera Soft
La Abad?a del Crimen 32bits 1.0
The 32bits version of the game "La Abad?a del Crimen". It requires DirectX 8.1 or higher.
DOS / Games / Epyx
LA Crackdown IBM PC
LA Crackdown is a strategy game where you search for evidence to arrest a drug dealer. Disk is copy protected - archive include a kryoflux dump. (Crufty copy)
DOS / Games / Aventuras AD
La Diosa de Cozumel 1.0
La Diosa de Cozumel es una aventura conversacional. Wikipedia: "Corre el año 1920. Tras haberse aprovisionado en la isla de Cuba y emprendido rumbo hacia la región del Yucatán para desentrañar sus innumerables misterios, Doc Monro, gran aventurero y arqueólogo, ha naufragado en pleno mar Caribe. Totalmente desvalido, sin amigos, sin armas y sin dinero, consigue llegar, de puro milagro, a la isla de Cozumel, donde encuentra unas tradiciones, ritos y mundo espiritual que poco a poco va entendiendo y respetando hasta llegar a dominar su entorno."
DOS / Other / Medialab
La Patente Facile
Italian driver's license study application, features road rules explanation mode and quiz mode.