Windows 9x/ME / OS / Microsoft Corporation
Windows 95 Upgrade
These have been uploaded before, but the preinstalled product key was invalid. These are the fixed floppies as well as the ISO with IE. You do not need to download both.
Windows 95 Upgrade for users of Windows (3.5'')
Must have MS-DOS 3.31 or later and Windows 3.x to install Windows 95.
Windows 9x/ME / OS / Microsoft
Windows 95C Bootdisk with NTFS Support 1.0
Same as the previously uploaded image, but this one has ntfs support so now you can view your wnt/2k/xp/2k3/vista/2k8/7/2k8r2 drives from long filename support.
Windows 9x/ME / OS / Microsoft
Windows 98 Boot Disk ISO Images (Non Ram and Ram Drives) 98
Windows 98 Boot CDs. Use these to boot up your system and to be able to install Windows 98.
Windows 9x/ME / OS / Microsoft
Windows 98 bootable diskette
Best bootable diskette of all times and nations. Recognize and auto-mount any CD-drives. Creates virtual disk on start up and loads all auxiliary stuff here. Disk caching utility 'smartdrv.exe', which speeds up Windows NT/2000 setup process in times, included. Diskette image is in DDI format (see 'Disk Dupe Pro' item in 'Utility').
DOS / OS / Microsoft
Windows 98 FE retail Boot floppy IMA
sha1: 95d2a03a9189aacc77ac2d395d71b26586f77729
DOS / OS / Microsoft
Windows 98 Milenium Edition Windows 98 Milenium Edition
Windows 98 Milenium Edition
DOS / OS / Microsoft
Windows 98 SE Boot CD Iso images zipped 4.22.98
Two Windows 98 second edition stand alone boot Cd no more need for using a floppy image. uses Ram drive then No ram drive.
Windows 9x/ME / OS / Microsoft
Windows 98 Second Edition Full - Minimized Setup
This is a bootable Windows 98 SE installation ISO that omits the CD extras for easier downloading. This is a full installation CD - it can be installed on a blank drive or as an upgrade. This version does not ask for a serial. On a real computer with a sufficiently sized hard drive, setup may be quicker if you copy the win98 folder to the hard drive and run setup from there. Also includes a 1.44mb boot disk image for computers that do not boot from the CD.
Windows 9x/ME / OS / Microsoft
Windows 98 Second Editionnd Edition 4.10.2222
Windows 98 SE Deutsch. -ISO auf CD brennen, oder entpacken und setup.exe von MS-DOS starten. Windows 98 SE German. -burn ISO to disc or extract and run setup.exe from MS-DOS
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Microsoft
Windows 98se DVD Player
Microsoft Windows 98se DVD Player This DVD is Hidden On The Install Disk for Windows 98se. Windows does not install feature unless it finds 1 of 2 hardware decoders. this file is for manual installation if you have a different hardware decoder or any software decoder.
Windows Chicago 4.00.99
Microsoft Chicago (Windows 95) Build 99 was released to testers in early 1994.
Windows 9x/ME / OS / Microsoft
Windows Chicago Build 58s
An early Beta from Windows 95. You can't start from CD, use the bootable floppy. Format your Harddisk with this floppy. Run setup by using DOSSETUP.BAT, tested with VirtualBox 4.
Windows 3.x / Utility / PrimaSoft
Windows Collection - Music Catalog 2.0
A simple music catalog organizer that is part of a larger utilitary collection. Shareware.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / C. Ghisler & Co.
Windows Commander 4.51
Windows Commander is a file manager for Windows, a tool like the Explorer or file manager, which comes with windows. But Windows Commander uses a different approach: it has two fixed windows, which makes copying files much easier. Wincmd exists in two versions, 16 and 32 bit. While the 16-bit version runs fine also in 32-bit Windows, the 32-bit version cannot be used in Windows 3.1.
Windows XP / Other / Village Center
Windows Desktop Sheep from the 90's (Scmpoo) 1.0
Anyone who can remember the 90´s can probably identify this tiny sheep. This was a highly popular desktop pet on its time. Scmpoo is an application that will create a cute animation of a little sheep that will wander around the screen, sleep, eat, jump etc. Download this sheep to run around and annoy you while working on your computer :P Everytime you click on the .EXE file a new sheep will be created. Double click on the sheep(s) for individual settings. Works in Windows XP. HINT AND TIPS:
Windows 9x/ME / Other / Microsoft
Windows Desktop Update 4.0
Add-on para Actualizacion del Escritorio de Windows 95 y NT 4.0. Solo para instalaciones de Internet Explorer 5.0 hasta 6.0. Link 1: Para Windows 95 Link 2: Para Windows NT 4.0 Workstation y Server (Terminal Server no se puede instalar)
Windows 3.x / Utility / Barry Press
Windows DLL Investigator 1.4
DLLMAN is a Windows application to help you discover relationships among executable files and Dynamic Link Libraries.