Windows 3.x / Games / Philips Media
Danny Glover tells Aesop's Fables 1995
Educational storybook CD-ROM for ages 6 and up, imaged as a hybrid Macintosh HFS/Windows ISO9660 disc image created with ImgBurn on Windows 10
DOS / Multimedia / Interstellar Research
Daqarta 1.15
DAQARTA is Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis program which turns any real-mode DOS PC into a real-time waveform / FFT spectrum / color spectrogram analyzer system. Daqarta includes signal averaging, complex signal generation, advanced triggering options, and many other features.
BeOS / Other / Nyef
DarcNES 9b0313
DarcNES is the rather neat emulator written by Nyef, originally written for Linux, and ported to BeOS using the SDL library. It has basic mappers, and runs NES, Sega Master System, Game Gear, and some Turbo Grafx 16 games.
DarcNES 9b0401
DarcNES is a multi-system emulator ---
Windows 3.x / Games / Epic MegaGames
Dare To Dream: Volume One: In a Darkened Room
From Wikipedia: The game centres on a ten-year old boy named Tyler Norris. He has developed quite a stress from school, his paper route and the recent loss of his father. Because of this he has vivid dreams until on a very bad day, he dreams of landing in a deserted alleyway in an unfamiliar city. He sets off in hopes of finding the source of this evil haunting him.
Windows 3.x / Games / Epic MegaGames
Dare To Dream: Volume Three: Christian’s Lair
From Wikipedia: The game centres on a ten-year old boy named Tyler Norris. He has developed quite a stress from school, his paper route and the recent loss of his father. Because of this he has vivid dreams until on a very bad day, he dreams of landing in a deserted alleyway in an unfamiliar city. He sets off in hopes of finding the source of this evil haunting him.
Windows 3.x / Games / Epic MegaGames
Dare to Dream: Volume Two: In Search of the Beast
From Wikipedia: The game centres on a ten-year old boy named Tyler Norris. He has developed quite a stress from school, his paper route and the recent loss of his father. Because of this he has vivid dreams until on a very bad day, he dreams of landing in a deserted alleyway in an unfamiliar city. He sets off in hopes of finding the source of this evil haunting him.
DOS / Games / Silicon Beach
Dark Castle and Beyond Dark Castle 1.1
This is a single disk image that contains Dark Castle and Beyond Dark Castle for the Mac. The disk has been tested and runs fine with Mini vMac and System 6.0.5
Windows XP / Games / Strategic Simulations Inc.
Dark Colony - The Council Wars
Dark Colony: The Council Wars is an expansion pack to the 1997 video game Dark Colony, published in 1998. New things players can find are crashed flying saucers, Taar fortress markings, and a revisit of Area 51, featuring rattlesnakes. Apart from that, familiar terrain types have a slightly different appearance, and new ambient sounds. Gameplay involves eradicating humans as you play the alien Taar, or to destroy aliens as a human player. THIS UPLOAD RUNS ON WINDOWS XP - is MODIFIED TO RUN ON XP (maybe on Vista, 7 and 8 as well..)! START IT WITH DCEXP.exe or DCEXP16.exe (16bit graphics). Have fun.
DOS / Games / John Carmack / SoftDisk, Inc.
Dark Designs 1
Dark Designs is a dungeon crawler RPG with multi-character party, and first-person perspective that shifts to top-down view in combat. Developed by the now famous John Carmack.
DOS / Games / John Carmack / SoftDisk, Inc.
Dark Designs II 2
Dark Designs is a dungeon crawler RPG with multi-character party, and first-person perspective that shifts to top-down view in combat. Developed by the now famous John Carmack.
DOS / Games / Lucasarts
Dark Forces
Darkforces, LucasArts's answer to DOOM. Be sure to copy the file 'CD.ID' to the root of whatever disk you are using.
DOS / Games / Cyberdreams
Dark Seed - CD Version 1.5
+++THIS IS THE CD VERSION WITH SPEECH ACTING. PACKED/BUNDLED WITH DOSBOX AND READY TO PLAY ON ANY SYSTEM. VERY EASY: JUST UNPACK IT AND CLICK ON "RUN". NO FURTHER CONFIG NEEDED! ENJOY! TESTED ON WINDOWS 8 and 10!+++ Nothing gives you an unnerving sense of unease quite like a piece of art by H.R. Giger. He's one of the reasons (if not the reason) why the Alien franchise has scared generations, as well as elevating Species from a schlocky b-movie to a nightmare-inducing guilty pleasure. In 1992 Cyberdreams took his large portfolio of art, gave it a story and used it as the driving force to create their first sci-fi horror adventure game; Dark Seed.
DOS / Games / Cyberdreams, Inc
Darkseed.繁体中文.TraditionalChinese v1.0
黑暗之蛊是Cyberdreams于1992年推出的一款恐怖冒险PC游戏,大名鼎鼎H. R. Giger为这个游戏设计图象,同时游戏剧情也以主角在噩梦中被异形往大脑里植入胚胎开头,剧情接下来让主角在黑暗世界和现实世界交替解密。虽然现在看来游戏画面实在简陋,但在20多年前达到10M也算是个不小的容量,除了视觉冲击,游戏的心理恐怖至今让人难忘。
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Dommelsch
Dart'm Up 1.0
Game to promote the Dutch company Dommelsch beer. It became famous for having an Online Rank. Also part of the package are the Games: Pool'm UP and Roll'm UP.
DOS / Games / Artech Studios
Das Boot
This is an U-Boat simulation from 1990. Most of you will know the movie Das Boot. You will know the atmosphere of the movie, the panic and the claustrophobic environment, and the chances are that you liked it. This is the game Das Boot, and the first thing I’ll say to you is not to expect a reproduction of the movie. Although some of the missions bear some resemblance to the movie, they are not identical. I noticed little of the environment known from the movie. Besides that, this is a simulator: sometimes many activities need to be performed in order to complete your mission successfully. You are the captain of a German U-boat during WW2. There are certain missions available, and it’s up to you to complete them, keeping your ship and crew safe while doing so. You’ll be facing fighter raids, depth charges and cannon fire so you’ve got your work cut out. +++RUNS IN WINDOWS XP AND DETECTS THE MOUSE AUTOMATICALLY. BUT HAS NO SOUND IN XP. +++ IN WITHIN DOSBOX IT's BEST (BECAUSE THERE THE SOUND IS PRESENT)+++ ALL KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS INCLUDED (check out the .TXT file inside the folder). YOU WILL NEED THEM TO PLAY THE GAME+++HAVE FUN.
DOS / Games / attic Entertainment Software GmbH
Das schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge
Klassisches Rollenspiel. An der Westküste von Aventurien, in der Region um Thorwal, rotten sich die Orks zusammen. Der Spieler bekommt den Auftrag, mit einer Gruppe Abenteurern das legendäre Schwert Grimring (die Schicksalsklinge) zu finden, um den Eroberungsplan der Orks zu unterbinden.
DOS / System / BJR
DASD Vision x86 3G
Interactive file-manager; command-line with some GUI elements. Freeware.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Starfish Software
Dashboard 3.0
An alternative program launcher and taskbar. Tested on a 486DX/16MB RAM with Windows 3.11. Might work with 9x and even NT. Does not seem to work with Wine (installation hangs).
Windows 3.x / Utility / Starfish Software
Dashboard 3.0 3.0
Dashboard for Windows 3.00. Developed and produced by Starfish Software. It is a convenient push-button utility for Windows 3.x, that gives you quick access to maximum control over Windows applications. Dashboard includes these features (and many more): Convenient menus and buttons for launching programs. Drag-and-drop support for printing, plotting, and faxing. Miniature screens that make it easy to work with several full-screen programs at once. An alarm clock with a built-in snooze alarm. And "At a glance" feedback to let you know which programs are running and how much memory you are using. This is a .RAR that contains the file in .IMG (floppy image) format. Enjoy!
Unix / Other / GNU
Data Display Debugger 3.1.99
This is the source distribution of DDD, the Data Display Debugger. GNU DDD is a graphical front-end for command-line debuggers such as GDB, DBX, WDB, Ladebug, JDB, XDB, the Perl debugger, the bash debugger bashdb, the GNU Make debugger remake, or the Python debugger pydb.
Windows 9x/ME / DBMS / Data Junction Corporation
Data Junction 5.12
Data Junction 5.12 for Windows April 3, 1997 Data Junction Corporation 2201 Northland Drive Austin, Texas 78756 Dear Data Junction Owner: Welcome to the latest installment of our award-winning data conversion tool - Data Junction v5.12 for Windows! We have now shipped over 80,000 licenses of Data Junction since we started, and are more convinced than ever that DJWin represents the best data conversion technology available on the desktop. Data Junction is a universal data conversion tool. Built with a graphical interface, users can convert nearly any structured, field and record-oriented file format, including PC Databases, SQL DBMS, Spreadsheets, Flat Files, ASCII, Binary/EBCDIC, ISAMs, Text and Reports (see Cambio and DJXL below), Verticals (Acct, Contact Mgrs, Mailing/Printing, ...) Legacy Cobol, Math/Stats, Mailmerge, TextBases, and many others. 1. Install, using S/N: W103-111111 2. Use softs AppleSeed '96
DOS / DBMS / Robert K. Summers
Data Master 3.1
This is the best non-commercial DBMS program for DOS that I have found so far. It was original a shareware program that charged $39 to register. Not bad for a program that is remarkably similar in many aspects to R:Base 3.1 and 4.0 which I know back "in the days" cost $500.00 or more. Comes with limited documentation due to its unregistered status, but I think it is pretty straightforward enough to figure out. Comes with 1 sample DB called "Congress" which lists all of our Congressman from back in the mid 90's. Also, since using it, I see no limitations due to its being unregistered.
Windows 3.x / Other / Kedwell Software
DataBoss for Windows 1.01
Generates a database with Windows interface. Installed on XP and runs fine with Visual C++ 1.5 installed. Set environment variables in system shown in MSVCVARS.BAT. Be sure to select the default icon provided or one you generate or it can easily give you a zero length icon file which will then fail the RC compile.
DOS / Other / Cadkey
DataCAD 5
DataCAD 5 is a full-featured 2D and 3D Architectural/Engineering and Civil design and visualization package. Professionals and amateurs use DataCad 5 to create complete architectural designs, from 2D annotated production drawings to 3D photorealistic rendering. It also includes over 1600 2D and 3D symbols. more information