Ichitaro 5 for PC-98 5/R.1
Ichitaro is the most famous word processor for dos, images are 1.23fd format.
Ichitaro dash for DOS/V 1.0
Ichitaro is the most famous word processor for dos, this FD image is 2.88MB bootable.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Moon Valley Software
Icon Hear-It 1.0
Animate the icons Features hundreds of new sound effects, icon and cursors designs. A sound recorder and text-to-speech module have also been added to allow users to alter existing sound bits or create their own. The text-to-speech module enables users to type in phrases and attach them to any Windows event, including dialog boxes, push buttons or icons. Users can record sound clips in their own voice or augment sound clips already available in Icon Hear-iT Too to create original sounds. Pretty wallpaper is one thing, but Moon Valley's icon-customization programs give your Windows desktop some real pizzazz. The company's latest icon editor, Icon Hear-It, adds sound capabilities and animated icons and cursors to its playful Icon Do-It utility. The center of Icon Hear-It is its 10-button control panel. From here, you navigate your way through the utility's features by clicking on appropriate buttons. A display bar across the bottom of the panel guides you through Icon Hear-It's functions, including change icon, change cursor, animate icon.
DOS / Office / Thinner Herds
Icons for GEM 1
Icons for the GEM OS (AKA, graphical shell for DOS, contenda' to Windows in 1986, Mac on a 8088 PC). A more 3-d look.
IDA 4.1 (Freeware)
IDA is an Advanced Interactive Disassembler that allows you to disassemble 80x86/Pentium III, Z80 and I51 binaries. Today, it is widely used by the security industry in the analysis of hostile code and validation of COTS. This versions also offers FLIRT our Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology that identifies the standard library calls of many 80x86 compilers. Supported processors: Intel 8080, 8085, Z80, HD 64180 Intel 8086/87 Intel 80286/287 real & protected Intel 80386/387 real & protected Intel 80486/487 real & protected Intel Pentium real & protected Intel Pentium II and III extensions Intel 8051 series Zilog Z80 and derivatives
Windows XP / Utility / Hex-Rays
IDA Pro 7.0
IDA Pro v7.0 2017 Incl. All Hex-Rays Decompilers (LEAKED) [Ny2rogen] - Install using this password PassWord:qY2jts9hEJGy - Don't run IDA(Q) Pro yet! - Run the "PatchDrop.exe" which will drop the patcher file to "YOUR_SYSTEM_DISK\Program Files\IDA 7.0" (Your x64 Program Files) - Patch away! - That's it remember to firewall IDA(Q) or at least disable it from automatically updating itself, but I highly recommend you to block both IDAq.exe and IDAq64.exe using a third-party firewall software or with your Windows firewall cause sometimes disabling updates won't do the trick, tho the patcher will block Hex-Rays website in your hosts file. - Run the "RemoveTrace.exe" to remove the patch.exe from IDA installation directory so this won't cause any antivirus alarms (IT WON'T DELETE PATCHDROP.exe DON'T WORRY!) My antivirus didn't raise any alarm for running the patcher so if yours did then disable it for a while until you finish patching.
DOS / Games / Scott Coleman and Jay Cotton
iDOOM 1.1
iDOOM v1.1 is a TCP/IP network driver for id Software's DOOM. iDOOM allows up to 4 players to play DOOM over the Internet using the TCP/IP protocol suite. A drop-in replacement for TCPSETUP, iDOOM is also fully compatible with the Internet FRAG SERVERS. New in this version is a Client/ Server mode with built-in chat facility, online game parameter changing, a player directory, and much more.
BeOS / System / Jun Suzuki & Takayuki Ito
IF-SEGA Driver 1.1.1
"IF-SEGA" Series is the Gameport Card for Windows 9x, thats have two SEGA SATURN's controller port. This driver make recognize "IF-SEGA" to BeOS, attach IF-SEGA's port to Preferences/Joysticks menu.
DOS / Communication / Not specified
iFrag 2.1
iFrag is a TCP/IP network driver for id Software's DOOM. iFrag allows up to 4 players to play DOOM, DOOM II, or Heretic over the Internet using the TCP/IP protocol suite.
DOS / Communication / Scott Coleman and Jay Cotton
iFrag 2.2
iFrag, a TCP/IP network driver for games based upon id Software's DOOM game engine. iFrag allows up to 4 players to play games based on the DOOM engine (DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, and now Hexen) over the Internet using the TCP/IP protocol suite.
IGC VM/386 Multiuser OS V1.22 - 1.2mb 1.22
An earlier multiuser operating system for 386s developed by IGC Corporation, San Jose, CA. It allowed one PC to serve as a central computer to multiple workstations, each capable of running several DOS and Windows programs simultaneously. Use the readme file for installation. oldgeek
IGC VM/386 Multiuser OS V1.22 - 1.44mb 1.22
An earlier multiuser operating system for 386s developed by IGC Corporation, San Jose, CA. It allowed one PC to serve as a central computer to multiple workstations, each capable of running several DOS and Windows programs simultaneously. Use the readme file for installation. oldgeek
DOS / Multimedia / Adobe
Illustrator 3.0
This is Adobe Illustrator for the NeXT platform. One of the few applications that made to the jump to NeXTSTEP. At the time this was an incredibly powerful program. 68000 only!
BeOS / Office / unknown
Image Mapper 1.1
This is a bare-bones tool that gives you an easy way to create Image Maps for your Web Pages. You open the target image file by dragging it onto the tool, and then drag rectangles that delineate the 'live spots" directly onto the displayed picture. The tool will generate a skeleton HTML text that represents your map.
Image Pals 1.2
ULEADs Nachfolger f?r "iPhoto". WINE-kompatibel. --- Album, Capture, Collect, Enhancer --- Seriennummer: RCDX4-40366-09181
Image Pals 1.2
Successeur d'ULEADs "iPhoto". WINE-compatible. --- Album, Capture, Collect, Enhancer --- Num?ro de S?rie: RCDX4-40366-09181