DOS / Office / Meca Software
Manage Your Money Version 11 11
This was meant to be the only software you'd ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance -- it even had a word processor built in.
DOS / Office / PC-SIG
Managing Money with IBM PC 1.0
PC-SIG Disk No 613: Written by A. Glazer, an economics professor at the University of California, this disk contains all the BASIC programs contained in his book Managing Money With Your IBM PC (Prentice-Hall, 1985). Among other things, the programs can determine the after-tax cost of a loan, demonstrate the advantages of an Individual Retirement Account, compare loans which have different interest rates and different origination fees, and calculate the amount of monthly savings necessary to finance a college education. Each short program is independent and menu driven for ease of use. This archive contains one 360k disk image in raw and ImageDisk formats.
DOS / Office / MECA Software LLC
managing Your Money 10.0
Managing Your Money 10.0 - by Meca software LLC. October 07, 1993 Serial: T 037842 System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed 2017 -
DOS / Office / MECA Software LLC
Managing Your Money 11.0
Managing Your Money 11.0 - by MECA software LLC. August 25, 1994 Serial: N/A System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed 2017 -
Managing Your Money 12.0
Managing Your Money 12.0 - by Meca software LLC. NOTE: This is the last DOS version. November 07, 1995 Serial: N/A System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed 2017 -
DOS / Office / MECA Software LLC
managing Your Money 7.0
Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money 7.0 - MECA Software LLC. February 01, 1991 Serial: HCOO35734 System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed 2017 -
DOS / Office / MECA Software LLC
Managing Your Money 8.0
Managing Your Money 8.0 - by Meca software LLC. November 21, 1991 Serial: HCOO35734 System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed -
DOS / Office / MECA Software LLC
managing Your Money 9.0
Managing Your Money 9.0 - by Meca software LLC. September 01, 1992 Serial: MD3 214496 System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed 2017 -
DOS / Other / Left Coast Software
Mandelbrot Magic 2.1
Mandelbrot Magic generates color displays ("slides") of the Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets on IBM PC-compatible computers with color graphics adapters.
DOS / Games / Lucasfilm Games
Maniac Mansion
Versión en castellano del juego "Maniac Mansion", de Lucasfilm Games (1987). El juego funciona perfectamente mediante ScummVM o DOSBox.
Maniac Mansion
La versione italiana per PC con grafica EGA di Maniac Mansion.
DOS / Office / IBM
Manuscript 2.0
UK English, American spell and thesaurus files in zip, just copy to dir
DOS / Utility / Software Systems
Manx Aztec C86 5.2A
Aztec C is a fast and efficient C language compiler that produced compact, fast code. Its featured support for many platforms including MS-DOS, Apple II DOS 3.3 and ProDOS, Commodore 64, Macintosh, CP/M-80, CP/M-86, TRS-80, Amiga, and Atari ST. Cross compiler hosts also included VMS and Unix. It competed against Microsoft C, Apple MPW C, Lattice C, and many others.
DOS / Other / INGIT
Map Master 4.2 GIS Master 2.0 4.2
MapMaster 4.2 for DOS ,and the GisMaster 2.0 for Windows 9x,with a Russia maps 1:1000000, partially 1:200000,city maps and a World politic map (1994). Without HASP works only from CD.
DOS / Other / IBM
Mapics II Success Presentation 1986
This is a slideshow presentation about Mapics II on IBM System/38 machines
Windows XP / Other / Maplesoft
Maple 9.5 Hybrid Disc (Windows, Linux, Mac) 9.5
Maple 9.5 brings the problem-solving power of expert mathematicians to your computer. It can help you finish your assignments and projects more quickly and accurately. **Works with Windows XP, ME, 2000, 98, and NT 4.0 **Works with Mac OS X v 10.2.3 or later with JRE 1.4.1 Everything needed is in the archive. AppleSeed 2024
DOS / Utility / Waterloo Magic Software
Maple V Release 3 3
Maple V Release 3 allows you to export a worksheet as a complete LaTeX document. Waterloo Maple Software provides two LaTeX style files: maplems.sty and mapleenv.sty. These two style files can be located in the etc subdirectory of the Maple installation. For more information regarding the Export to LaTeX facility
Windows 3.x / DBMS / MapLinx Corporation
MapLinx 1.5
MapLinx for Windows is a geographic database utility that lets business professionals SEE what they're doing by automatically converting database records with zip code fields to symbols on a U.S. map.
DOS / Office / Mapmaster
Mapmaster 5 disc set data of usa population in 1986 and procedin version 6
Mapmaster 1985 version of usa population. used xcopy b:\ a:\ /s /e to copy to discs
DOS / Utility / TurboPower Software
Allocated Memory Map by TurboPower Software Version 2.2. MAPMEM displays a map of DOS memory. It shows the resident programs, how much memory they use, and what interrupt vectors each one controls. MAPMEM also shows information about expanded and extended memory when available.
DOS / Games /
mario & luigi small
This is a small Mario game I made in 1994. I wrote this game to practice VGA programming. My goal was to create a PC game with parallax scrolling layers that would run smoothly on my 25 MHz 486 computer. The game has six levels and the size of the .EXE file is below 64K
Windows XP / Games / gastonmalmsteen
Mario Bros Collection 1.0
Este ejecutable contiene 6 juegos de Super Mario: Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros 2. Super Mario Bros 3. Super Bros 8 (Hack del juego Doko Doko Don 2). Mario and Luigi. Los controles son: A:X B:Z SELECT: R SHIFT START: ENTER Y FLECHAS DE DIRECCI?N
DOS / Games / The Software Toolworks
Mario is Missing
Mario is Missing! is a geography-based game for the PC, Macintosh, Super NES and NES. It was developed by The Software Toolworks and released in 1992 for PC and SNES. In 1993, the NES version was made and developed by Radical Entertainment. All three versions were published by the Mindscape.Bowser sets up a castle in Antarctica, and plans to use many hair dryers from Hafta Havit, a mail order company, to melt Antarctica's ice and flood Earth. He sends Koopas to cities across Earth to steal artifacts to fund his operation. Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi travel to Bowser's castle to stop him. Luigi is hesitant to go in, so Mario goes by himself and is captured by Bowser, prompting Luigi to rescue him.Luigi progresses through the game by completing levels in Bowser's castle; each floor is guarded by one Koopaling and contains a number of pipes which transport Luigi to a city containing Koopas. Once a floor is completed, Luigi must defeat the Koopaling guarding that floor to proceed to the next. The main gameplay consists of moving around a city in side-scrolling manner while jumping on Koopas to collect stolen artifacts (pieces of famous landmarks). Luigi then must take these artifacts to their respective locations and correctly answer three questions about the landmark. Once an artifact is returned, the landmark is reopened. During the quest to return all three artifacts to their proper landmarks, Luigi must determine his location to receive the assistance of Yoshi by using a device called the Globulator. If Luigi takes Yoshi to the correct location, he can ride him for double the walking and running speed. Once the exit pipe is found, Luigi is returned to the castle as long as he has Yoshi with him to scare the Pokey into the pipe; otherwise he will be unable to return to the castle. He can then proceed to another town to do it again. In each city, Luigi is able to question the locals to gain clues as to his current location, the general direction of remaining Koopas, and information about the affected landmarks. He is given a map showing where information booths, people and Koopas are in the city.
DOS / Games / Interplay
Mario's Game Gallery
Mario's Game Gallery is a basic collection of parlour games; Checkers, Backammon, Go Fish, Yacht (Yahtzee) and Dominoes. The games are simple, fun and easy to learn too.
DOS / System / Mark Williams Company
Mark Williams Let's C 3.1.1
The Mark Williams Let's C compiler was powerful C compiler for MS-DOS. Let's C was a subset of the Mark Williams C Programming System, and the first low cost entry-level professional C compiler for the IBM PC. It was also the first compiler to have a C source-level debugger.
DOS / System / Mark Williams Company
Mark Williams Lets C 4.0.12
The Mark Williams Let's C compiler was powerful C compiler for MS-DOS. Let's C was a subset of the Mark Williams C Programming System, and the first low cost entry-level professional C compiler for the IBM PC. It was also the first compiler to have a C source-level debugger.
DOS / Games / Eugene Lin
MARS ver 2-0
Mars is a very high quality space arcade game .With256 quality vga colour grafics . use mouse to move the space ship around .nice quality game .
Windows XP / Other / Bellcraft Technologies
MASH 7.5.0
MASH is an easy-to-use program that lets you record and playback entertaining Microsoft Agent character presentations by simply dragging characters around the screen and directing what they say and do. Behind the scenes, MASH does the hard work for you and can generate your presentations into several scripting languages for use in Websites, Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations, Visual Basic, HTML Email Stationery, Windows Scripting Host, and MASH's own Desktop Scripts and Executable programs.