DOS / System / Apple
Apple Network Administrator Toolkit 1.0
The Apple Network Administrator Toolkit is a set of tools for aiding centralized network management on early Macintosh computers. Includes Apple At Ease 4.
Apple Network Administrator Toolkit 2.0
The Apple Network Administrator Toolkit is a set of tools for aiding centralized network management on early Macintosh computers. Includes At Ease 5.
Windows XP / Communication / Apple / Microsoft
AppleTalk / Services for Macintosh
These is the AppleTalk protocol for Windows XP / 2000. It's necessary for connection to Macs via some Programs like MacServerIP or ExtremeZ-IP. Just run the .bat file and install via "Network Connections/LAN Connection/Install/Protocol/AppleTalk" and enjoy.
DOS / Utility / Mylife Software
Application Label Generator 2.2
The sole function of the Application Label Generator is to print labels and brand software. This package will most likely replace several applications or methods you currently use to label, serial number, provide product labels and brand your shareware applications. If you presently do not use any of these labels in your business then it will be easy to implement them with the Application Label Generator.
Windows 3.x / DBMS / Lotus Software
Approach 2.1
2 floppy version. Not totally sure of the details, e.g. year and so on. Haven't tried to install it, but disks were imaged fine.
Windows 3.x / DBMS / Approach Software Corporation
Approach for Windows 2.01
Approach is a relational database management system. Approach promises "instant productivity" with its WYSIWYG form and report designer, and is compatible with many existing database formats. Approach started off as an independent product, was purchased by Lotus, and later IBM. This version, 2.01, is prior to the Lotus buy-out.
Unix / Office / FreeBSD
Apsfilter 5.1.4
Apsfilter is an input filter suitable for most of the printer spoolers found on many UNIX-like operating systems.
OS/2 / Games / by Paul Stanley
Aquanaut for OS/2 1.0
Aquanaut for OS/2. Aquanaut, a fast-paced submarine arcade game. Source Code. Aquanaut Game Source Code. Released as open source under the GNU GPL License. Runs on: OS/2 Warp 4, eCS 1.0 or later
DOS / Games / Paul Stanley
Aquanaut is a fast paced arcade-type game for OS/2. It makes full use of MMPM/2 for extensive sound effects and background music. The idea of the game is to control a submarine over the ocean floor, to save treasure chests which are being looted by a variety of underwater monsters.
DOS / Multimedia / Ron Gray
Aquarium 1.045
A nice configurable aquarium screensaver. Choose the number of fish, seahorses, jellyfish, snails, plants etc.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Arcada Software, Inc. (Seagate(c))
Arcada Backup for Windows 95 1.1
Arcada Backup works well with the following tape drive types: QIC-xx, DAT-DDS[1-4], Exabyte, Archive Pyton. Great for restoring old formats. Plus Windows 95/98 will auto-detect the correct tape drivers for you. It is compatible with Colorado Formatted backups. Arcada merged into Seagate Software subsidiary in 1996.
Windows 3.x / Games / Not specified
Arcadia is a fun kid's game that is actually 6 games in one! Learn to spell and recognize words, and get treated to great arcade games as a reward. Requires Win 3+, 256 color monitor, 4 Megs RAM. Meant for kids 8 up. Shareware from ASL.
DOS / Other / Archimedes Software Inc.
Archimedes 8051 C Compiler 4.10B
Archimedes's ANSI standard, optimizing C compilers are based on a modern architecture and generate ROM-able code for Intel and Motorola 8, 16, and 32-bit microcontrollers.
DOS / Other / Archimedes Software Inc.
Archimedes 8051 C Compiler Kit MD2
Compiler kit for the Intel 8051. Includes the following programs: Archimedes 8051 Assembler V1.80/MD2, Archimedes 8051 C Compiler V2.20A/MD2, Archimedes Universal Linker V3.12A/MD2, Archimedes Library Manager V1.80/MD2.
Windows 3.x / Utility / New-Ware
ArcMaster for Windows 1.5
"AMW is a Windows (v. 3.1 only) program designed to make the management of file compression systems and the files they produce much easier." Shareware, displays 10 secs. delay at the opening. Deals with ZIP, LZH, ARJ, SFX, etc.
Windows NT/2000 / System / Cheyenne
ARCserve for Windows NT DEC Alpha 6.0
This version appears to be for DEC Alpha CPUs. ARCserve is a backup program for Windows NT 4. Includes an ARCServe Service Pack.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / ArcSoft
Arcsoft PhotoStudio for Windows 3.1 2.0
CD *.iso image found in the downloadable *.zip file. Tried and tested on a virtual Windows 3.11 system, running under DosBox-X on a Windows 10 Host. Should probably also work on genuine vintage hardware running Windows 3.x/9x natively. Kindly note: Win32s is required (if not already installed) if running on a Windows 3.x system and is found in the installation CD.
DOS / Utility / Cheyenne
ArcSolo for DOS 2.20c
Cheyenne ArcSolo for DOS Tape Backup Software for DOS/Win3x Version 2.20c english, 1995. Original Install Disk as ZIP.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Cheyenne software
Arcsolo for Windows 95 2.0
Cheyenne's Arcsolo for Windows 95/98/Me. Supports QIC tape and SCSI tape drives as long as the correct drivers are installed. Reports 'Live Trial' but seems the full edition. Included are a heap of software patches and updates.
DOS / Games / Micro F/X Software
Arctic Adventure should run on all computers with CGA or better graphics, and about 350K of free memory. You may need to unload some TSR programs if you are low on memory.
DOS / Games / Apogee Software
Arctic Adventure vol 1-4 vol 1-4
Nice platform game from Apogee. The sequel to Pharaoh's Tomb. All 4 volumes included.
Windows XP / Utility / ARDI
ardy4usb 4.39
build diskette and USB flash drive images write diskettes and USB flash drive from images build ARDI self and non-self restorable images convert existing images to ARDI self and non-self restorable images graphical user interface version (GUI) Flash drive support up to 40 Gb Can restore all files created by EMT4WIN/EMT4PM Can restore self-restorable ARDI files without using the included program. Can restore non-self restorable ARDI files. Cannot build ARDI files for DOS or OS/2. Can verify image file int?grity before trying to restore them.