DOS / Utility / Microsoft
himem.sys 6.22
Dos boot disk to replace himem.sys on your system. No option does not work. For dos 6.22
DOS / System / unknown
HimemX 3.29
HimemX is a XMS memory manager. It's derived from FreeDOS Himem(short: FDHimem) with bugfixes, optimizations and extensions. sources(ASM) included
DOS / Games / Digital Integration
Combat flight simulation game for MS-DOS. CD image *.iso file and instruction "README.TXT" text file both located in the *.zip file. Install using "install.exe" in a DOS environment. Tried and tested in DosBOX-X under Windows 10. Should probably work on real compatible vintage hardware.
DOS / System / Hitachi
Hitachi ATAPI Driver 1.06 for DOS 1.06D2
Hitachi HIT-IDE.SYS device driver for IDE ATAPI cd-rom players. Works great with almost all cd-rom units under DOS and Windows 3.XX. 4 small files, one installer easy to use.
DOS / Games / Infocom
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy 1
text based game based on Hitch-hikers guide to the Galaxy
Windows 3.x / Utility /
HJSplit 1.0
HJSplit is a popular freeware program to split and recombine files. The program is available on Windows, Linux and a variety of other platforms.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / H. J. Hagedoorn
HJSplit 1.4
HJSplit is a little Windows95/NT program useful for splitting large compressed or uncompressed files into smaller chunks and joining them afterwards. The smaller chunks are more transportable on disks or data-communications connections. When an error occurs, not the whole large file has to be transported or copied again.
DOS / Utility / Hans de Vries
HMENU is a Dutch menu program for MS-DOS. It is freely customizable to add programs or games to run through the program. It was built to use little to no memory.
DOS / Games / Moonlite Software / Apogee
Hocus Pocus 1
Side-scrolling platform game. Very popular at the time. For more information, see its Wikipedia page at
Holiday Lemmings
4 Lemmings games (1991-1994)
DOS / Games / Infocom
Hollywood Hijinx
As a child, you spent most of your summers with your Aunt Hilde- garde and Uncle Buddy. What memories! Uncle Buddy was a Holly- wood big-shot, Aunt Hildegarde his loving (and very rich) wife. They had no children of their own, but you and your cousins loved their house, their parties, the Hollywood memorabilia, and them. Sure, Buddy and Hildy were a bit eccentric - but that only added to their charm. Aunt Hildegarde kept the house when Uncle Buddy passed away. And now that she's suddenly died, you remember her unusual will. You will inherit the entire estate - worth millions - if you can spend just one night in the house and on the grounds, and find a treasure or two. But if you can't, then you inherit nothing.
DOS / Office / Brad Winslow
Home Accountant 2.1 for Windows
The Windows Home Accountant program allows you to keep track of your household expenses, incomes, bank accounts, and credit cards.
DOS / Office / Continental Software
Home Accountant Plus 1.40
Home Accountant Plus 1.40 is checkbook program written by Mike Farmer, Larry Grodin, Stephen Pollack, and Robert Schoenburg of Continental Software for Columbia Data Products. This release was part of a bundle included with Columbia Data Products computers, the first IBM PC hardware clone. This archive contains one 320k disk image in raw IMG, ImageDisk, Teledisk, and CopyIIPC+Snatchit format. There appears to be no copy protection. Note that this disk is formatted for DOS 1.1x, which WinImage does not support. Important! This requires BASICA in order to run. On non-IBM PCs, this requires Microsoft's BASICA that runs without ROM Basic.
Home Planet for Windows 3.3a
"Comprehensive astronomy / space / satellite-tracking package"
DOS / Office / Real Software
Home-Office Writer 1987
"Home-Office Writer is a word processor with the right balance of professional business features and easy to use design." This software has a copyright date of "1983, 84" and a time stamp of 1985. This appears to be a later 1987 re-release with extra letter templates. There was also a version for the C64. Contains one 180K (SSDD 5.25") floppy disk image.
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Dataplus Solutions
HomeSchool Easy Records 2.0
A full-featured program that allows users to share lesson plans, create long range course planning, create report cards and transcripts, create a school calendar, track grades, track reading lists, track attendance, create awards certificates, and much more. Homeschool Easy Records has received the Practical Homeschooling Award in 2000, 2002, and 2004, while also receiving Homeschool Haven's A+ Software Award. This includes the original install diskettes in vfd (Winimage, or Virtual Diskette) format.
DOS / System / Honeywell Corp
Honeywell Mouse Driver 8.06
DOS mouse driver for Honeywell mice. Version 8.06. Archive contains HMOUSE.COM and HMOUSE.SYS.
Windows 3.x / Other / R. v.d. Pas & P. Bouthoorn
Hoofdwerk voor Windows 2.4
Hoofdwerk voor Windows is een rekenprogramma dat in de jaren '90 op praktisch iedere basisschool werd gebruikt. Uitgegeven in 1992 door Uitgeverij NIB, Postbus 144, 3700 AC Zeist.
DOS / Other / Hesperus & Co.
Horoscopics I
Astrology (natal chart, info, interpretation). One of the best oldies of its kind (shareware but fully functional, 1900 to 1999 AD).
DOS / Utility / W. R. Fehn
HOTC Command Processor 1.04
This COM program is used to establish a secondary DOS Command Processor via a HOT key, allowing the user to execute DOS commands while in an application such as an editor, spreadsheet, et cetera but requiring a limited amount of resident memory so that it may be used in small systems as well as large ones. Marked as "IBM Internal Use Only"
Windows 9x/ME / Other / Sausage Software
HotDog HTML Editor v1.0 1.0
HotDog is an HTML editor developed by Sausage Software in the mid-1990s. At the time of its development, there were only a small number of HTML editors available on the market (such as HoTMetaL) and HotDog gathered significant interest due to their ease of use. Works great with XP as well etc.
Windows 9x/ME / Communication / Sun
HotJava 1.0
From the readme: HotJava is a full-featured, lightweight Web browser with a highly customizable user interface. It is built on the HotJava code base, which provides a secure, platform-independent, scalable, and customizable base for building Web-aware applications and suites that are 100% Pure Java. HotJava can download and execute applets from behind corporate firewalls. You can extend the browser's capability dynamically--without increasing its base memory footprint--by installing new content and protocol handlers for it to use with new media types or protocols. Developers can also embed browser functionality into an existing application with the HotJava HTML Component, a JavaBeans component that parses and renders HTML. The HotJava 1.1.2 release includes the Java Runtime Environment for the Java Development Kit (JDK), version 1.1.4. Minimum requirements: Windows 95/NT