Stacker 3.0
Hard disk compression utility
DOS / Utility / Stac Electronics
Stacker 2.0 2.0
Stacker 2.0 Compatible with MS/PC-DOS 5.0 and DR DOS 5.0/6.0 You don't need a Stacker Coprocessor card to use it.
Stacker 3.1 Windows & MS-DOS 6
Nearly doubles disk capacity
DOS / Utility / Stac Electronics
Stacker 4.0 Patch when using QEMM386 v7.5 and above s4up.exe
This Stacker 4.0 Update (S4UP.EXE) contains everything you need to update your system. It includes: --Reduced memory footprint if you are using QEMM 7.5 [or above] --Complete Windows for Workgroups, 32-bit file access compatibilty --Improved Stacker Optimizer uses extended memory while defragmenting. Note: If your system doesn't have extended memory, the Optimizer uses conventional memory. See your User's Guide for more information about the Stacker Optimizer. You must already have Stacker 4.0 [Included with PCDOS and other DOS versions] installed on your system to use this update. If you are using QEMM 7.5, Multimedia Stacker, or Windows for Workgroups, please perform the steps following the installation instructions.
OS/2 / Utility / Stac Electronics
Stacker 4.0 for OS/2 4.0
This is Stacker 4.0 for OS/2 ... It *ONLY* works on FAT drives!. Stacker volumes can only be 2GB max..! works with OS/2 2.0 and higher, but must have the latest fixpack (6100 for 2.00, 6200 for 2.1) to install and work. And did I mention your OS/2 must be on a dualbooting FAT disk...???
DOS / System / Stac Electronics
Stacker 4.1 (PINNACLE) 4.1
The PINNACLE scene release of Stacker 4.1 for Windows and DOS from the USA Underground 29 collection. All technical support documentation from www.stac.com is included. This build is unrestricted and unregistered.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / STAC Electronics Inc.
Stacker 4.1 for Windows 95 4.1
Date: September 30, 1995 Media: 3 - 1.44 Diskette image files - Found on a warez CD - no product images, etc. - On first install, setup records user info to STACKER.COM - Stacker 4.1 main diff from 4.0, is LFN (Long File Name) compatibility. Here, read: "IN TIME FOR THE Windows 95 launch, Stac Electronics Inc. will release this week a Windows 95-compatible version of Stacker, its data compression product, that supports the operating system's long file and folder names and APIs. "Existing versions of Stacker that do not support long file names will not be compatible with Windows 95, and Stac warns that users who use older versions risk losing the long file names of compressed files and the contents of Windows... "Version 4.0 was faster, squeezed out better compression ratios, ate less memory, handled bigger drives, and supplied better, easier-to-use tools than Microsoft Corps DoubleSpace or DriveSpace. So no one looked forward more than I did to a Stacker release for Windows 95. "Judging from news groups on the Internet, however, there are plenty of disappointed folks. In spite of Stacker 4.1's superior compression ratios, its performance is much slower than DriveSpace's. "Version 4.1, which also runs under Windows 3.x, is a 16-bit program that uses DOS real-mode compression. "To cope with Win95's long file names, Stacker relies on a secondary executable, SAVELFN.EXE, which works automatically with the Stacker tools, for instance, Defragment and Uncompress, to preserve long file names." And that's a wrap. AppleSeed 2024
Windows 3.x / System / Stac Electronics
Stacker for DOS and Windows 4.0
Stacker 4.0 from IBM PC-DOS 7.0 Complete, unrestricted, no serial or registration input required. Full-featured in every respect to the retail Stacker 4.0 product. It may have shipped with PC-DOS, but is quite happy to run on whatever flavor DOS you are using. Source: Extracted from IBM-PC-DOS 7.0 6-disk package. File dates are April 30, 1998, original as stored in the PC-DOS compressed archives (STAC1, STAC2, STAC3).
Stacker for DOS and Windows 4.0
Stacker 4.00 Version Fran‡aise. Stac Electronics, Carlsbad C.A. Logiciel de compression pour disques durs Copiez le contenu de DISK1 sur une 1ere disquette et DISK2 sur une seconde. Pour la licence d'utilisation entrez vos Nom et Pr‚nom (ou autres...) The files are virgin - meaning that registration info has never been written into the STACKER.COM file. You can personalize them with your name/company. I just recently absconded these from another oldies site. Props to win3x.org viva la France!
BeOS / Multimedia / Freeware
Stadio 1.0 Beta 3
Stadio is a new MidiPlayer for BeOS R4/R4.5 with an equalizer and a virtual piano keyboard.
DOS / Games / Accolade
Star Control n/a
Star Control is a science fiction video game developed by Toys for Bob and published by Accolade in 1990. It was originally was released for DOS and Amiga in 1990, followed by a Mega Drive/Genesis port in 1991. Simple ported versions were also released for the Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum. A sequel was released in 1992.
DOS / Games / Legend Entertainment
Star Control 3
Run setsound.exe and set digital audio to none - it was removed for the rip and must be set to off for the game to work. sc3.exe to play the game.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / SSI
star general
Very good game with the same graphics engine of Panzer General, but with improved graphics. This time, you must choose between seven races of aliens and complete their missions and battles in space. Very good for those who like the genre!
Windows XP / Games / Small Rockets
Star Monkey 1
Star Monkey is a shareware space shooter game that follows the legacy of such classics as Raiden, Aero Fighters, etc. The plotline is inconsequential, and involves aliens that try to do something bad and which you must blow up. You'll battle waves after waves of enemy ships and monsters and confront huge end-level bosses while collecting power-ups and raking up points in your little but powerful ship. The game uses a 3D engine which boasts several graphical gimmicks like 32-bit color depths, colored lighting, dynamic shadows, etc. There's no multiplayer support, but you can upload your scores to Small Rocket's website and have them ranked against other fellow star monkeys
Windows 3.x / Office / Star Division
Star Office 3.0 3.0
Office-Suite StarOffice 3.0 (for Win 3.x) readme file in german StarWriter 3.0 StarCalc 3.0 StarDraw 3.0 StarImage StarMath StarChart OfficeManager
OS/2 / Office / Star Division
Star Office 3.0 for OS/2 3.0
Office-Suite StarOffice 3.0 for OS/2 readme file in german StarWriter 3.0 StarCalc 3.0 StarDraw 3.0 StarImage StarMath StarChart OfficeManager
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Star Division
Star Office 3.0 for Win9x 3.0
Office-Suite StarOffice 3.0 for Win 9x and NT readme file in german StarWriter 3.0 StarCalc 3.0 StarDraw 3.0 StarImage StarMath StarChart OfficeManager
DOS / Games / Star Trek Fans
Star Trek
Super Star Trek is quite possibly the best of the "Star Trek" games from the 1970's. Of course, it does not make use of graphics, or even assume a video display, but it still an interesting game to play, particularly for those of us who don't have the reflexes we used to and prefer a more cerebral computer game. Of course, Star Trek and it's characters are trademarks of Paramount Studios, Inc. And just like the original game, written by Star Trek fans who were also the, back then, rare breed of computer geek, isn't used with permission but with admiration of the show. The DOS version requires a 80386 or better. Since source code is available, Super Star Trek can be compiled for virtually any system having a C compiler and sufficient memory for execution (which isn't much by today's standards!) I would suggest using the linux.c file as a starting point for customizing to any given operating system, including Microsoft Windows. The Windows Console has been recompiled using Visual Studio and now works better. All versions have an executable program as well as a documentation file, SST.DOC. The SST.DOC file must be in the same directory/folder as the program is run from in order to view the documentation from within the game with the HELP command.
OS/2 / Games / Star Trek Fans
Star Trek OS/2
The OS specification would not allow me to post this as an OS/2 program, so I put it under DOS. Super Star Trek is quite possibly the best of the "Star Trek" games from the 1970's. Of course, it does not make use of graphics, or even assume a video display, but it still an interesting game to play, particularly for those of us who don't have the reflexes we used to and prefer a more cerebral computer game. Of course, Star Trek and it's characters are trademarks of Paramount Studios, Inc. And just like the original game, written by Star Trek fans who were also the, back then, rare breed of computer geek, isn't used with permission but with admiration of the show. The DOS version requires a 80386 or better. Since source code is available, Super Star Trek can be compiled for virtually any system having a C compiler and sufficient memory for execution (which isn't much by today's standards!) I would suggest using the linux.c file as a starting point for customizing to any given operating system, including Microsoft Windows. The Windows Console has been recompiled using Visual Studio and now works better. All versions have an executable program as well as a documentation file, SST.DOC. The SST.DOC file must be in the same directory/folder as the program is run from in order to view the documentation from within the game with the HELP command.
DOS / Games / Interplay Productions, Inc
Star Trek 25th Anniversy
Space... the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its 5-year mission: To seek out new life and new civilizations, to explore brave new worlds, to boldly go where no one has gone before. Based on the 1960s Star Trek TV Series, Captain Kirk and the USS Enterprise are representatives of the United Federation of Planets. Their role in space is that of explorers as well as a military presence. The Enterprise routinely encounters strange adventures and bizarre situations, each laid out as a separate "episode" which must be played in order. The first episode involves the USS Enterprise being called to a world to investigate strange "demons" have appeared from the mines and begun attacking the settlers. - Moby Games