DOS / Office / Star Division GMBH
StarWriter 7.0
Die letzte DOS-Version der Textverarbeitung mit grafischer Benutzeroberfläche. Die Software kann mit den mitgelieferten Schriften auf jedem Matrixdrucker skalierbare Schriften und Symbole ausgeben. Eine ausgereifte Top-Software aus Deutschland! Läuft bestens in DOSBox.
DOS / Office / Star Division GMBH
StarWriter Compact 2.0
Light-Version von StarWriter 7.0. Zusammen mit StarBase 2.0 und StarDraw 2.0 als Office Pack 2.0 vertrieben.
DOS / Games / Infocom
Stationfall Release 107
What a trotting krip! Since your incredible heroics in Planetfall, where you risked life and limb to save the planet Resida, things have hardly changed at all. Sure, you were promoted to Lieutenant First Class, but this only meant that your dull life of cleaning grotch cages was replaced by an equally dull life of paperwork. Now you've got another assignment tailor- made for a grotchbrain: pilot a spacetruck to a nearby station to pick up a load of trivial forms. Trot and double trot! But all is not lost. By a happy twist of fate, your companion for the journey is your old pal Floyd! That's right, it's the same mischievous little robot, crayons and paddleball at the ready, who was your helpful buddy in Planetfall. Getting to the space station is easy. But once there, you find it strangely deserted. Even the seedy space village surrounding the station is missing its ragtag tenants. A spooky alien ship carrying only an empty pedestal rests in a docking bay. An ostrich and an Arcturian balloon creature are found, abandoned but in perfect health. The commander's log describes the mysterious breakdown of machinery, demonstrated by a roving hull-welder who seems bent on your destruction. And finally even Floyd begins acting oddly...
Windows 3.x / Office / StatSoft
STATISTICA 4.3 for Windows
(Netware release up to 48 Workstation)
Like EXCEL but more powerful and professionality.
DOS / Other / SAS
Statistical Analisys Software 6.04
High performance statistical tool
DOS / Other / Wadsworth Electronic Publishing
Statpro Statistics 1.1 for Apple II
Statpro is a comprehensive statistics system for Apple II computers. Note: These use the PASCAL Runtime system, rather than Applesoft DOS or PRODOS.
DOS / Office / Cricket Software
StatWorks 1.2
StatWorks is a very powerful statistics software package for the Macintosh designed for a wide variety of applications. It all who work with numbers to do statistical computations without spending hours learning "high level" languages or going through several stages to compile analysis. StatWorks 1.2 includes statistical routines for: simple, multiple and polynomial regression; a full range of descriptive statistics, t-test, cross tabulations normality tests. Kolmogorov - Smirnov test, one-way and two-way ANOVA. Nonparametric routines include Mann-Whitney U Test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Spearman's correlation coefficient, Kendall's correlation coefficient, Krustkal-Wallis and Friedman tests Archive contains one 400k disk image for use with VMac.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Diamond Multimedia
Stealth 64 Video drivers for Windows 3.1- disk 2 of 2 2.12
This is only disk 2 of 2 so you need to find the other one online somewhere as I gave away a pile of floppies a few years ago with the first disk sadly
DOS / Games / Silicon Knights
Steel Empire 1.0
The game has two basic components. The first requires the player to engage in Risk-like strategic decision-making with the goal of conquering the given land mass. The player raises cyborg armies to accomplish this goal. During the second basic component of the game, the top-down battle mode, players can choose to assume manual control of one cyborg in their army during offensive or defensive battle sessions, or let the computer simulate the battle behind the scenes to much more predictable outcomes. This allows players to play only the Risk-style board game component of the game. The opposite, battles only, is also possible
DOS / Games / DynamiX
Stellar 7
Gir Draxon, Supreme Overlord of the evil Arcturan Empire, is preparing to launch an attack on Earth. As Commander of Terran Forces assigned to protect the planet, your mission is to reach the Arcturan star system and destroy Draxon before he can assemble his forces and capture Earth. To help combat the powerful Arcturan Armada, Terran High Command has placed you at the controls of the Raven, Earth's most sophisticated fighting machine. From the command seat of the Raven, you must face Arcturan forces in seven different star systems. If you sucessfully destroy enough of the enemy forces in one star system, a Guardian will appear. If the Guardian is battled and defeated a Warp Link will appear. Drive into the Warp Link to transport yourself into the next star system. Upon reaching the seventh system, Arcturus, you must locate and destroy Gir Draxon's flagship. Should you succeed, Earth will be saved. Failure will leave your home planet defenseless against Draxon's assault and guarantee Earth's destruction!
DOS / Multimedia / Not specified
Stereoworld 3D imaging
3D imaging software, Stereograms and optical effects //The memory managers HIMEM and EMM386 need to be installed on your computer for STEREOWORLD to function correctly.
DOS / Multimedia / Bill Buckels
STIX - Sticker Draw 2.0
STIX is a Children's Sticker Art System and Drawing Program. It allows the child to create "Sticker Art" by combining a library of 148 "Stickers" and "Big Letters" onto a selection of "BackGrounds". (STIX comes with a variety of "Backgrounds" which can be used as a "Canvas" for the young artist's "MasterPiece".)
Windows NT/2000 / Other / Gogesch Micro Systems, Inc.
Stony Brook Modula-2 4.0
The development system consists of the following primary programs: - Development environment, with built in source code editor - Compiler - Linker - Debug packer - Object librarian - Debugger - Resource editor - Execution profiler
BeOS / Multimedia / Stefan Aßmus
StopMotion 0.6
StopMotion is a tool that was written to capture still images from the video-in stream. It is based on the CodyCam sample code, but offers functionality that is useful when animating stop-motion movies.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Adobe
Streamline 3.0
Adobe Streamline is a line tracing program by Adobe Systems. A test of the trace function by Creative Pro in 2002 concluded: "The premier tracing utility is Streamline, which is infinitely controllable and very accurate. Installation from diskette and/or HD SERIAL.TXT inside
Windows 9x/ME / Other / Delorme
Street Atlas 3.0 3.0
Street Atlas 3.0 from Delorme. Good map program. Works on Windows XP as well as previous versions of Windows back to at least Win95. I just installed it to test it. Burn image to CD and then run setup. I have in the past copied the entire CD to the hard drive and found a way to tell it to look for the data files on the HDD instead of the CD rom. I think I had to change an INI file in the program folder. Works as intended, with the CD. Enjoy.
DOS / Games / Capcom
Street Fighter
You are Ryu, a Street Fighter. Your goal is to travel to 5 countries (Japan, USA, England, China and Thailand) and beat 2 enemies at each of them. Many of these characters, such as Adon, Gen, and Birdie, are later seen in the Street Fighter Alpha series. After each country you will have the chance to get additional points in a little bonus round, a feature seen later in most Street Fighter games. The final boss in the game is Sagat, who is the second to the last boss in Street Fighter 2. The goal is to become the greatest fighter in the world. As with most tournament fighting games once you have defeated the boss the game will reset and start from the beginning with a harder difficulty level. It is possible to start a two player game but there will be only one fight (between the two players) which will determine who will travel the globe to fight the computer controlled opponents.
DOS / Games / P.Z.Karen Co. Development Group and Logical Design Works
Street Rod
Street Rod was released in 1989 and takes place in the year 1963. Equipped with a garage and a small amount of cash ($750), you buy a used car from the classifieds in a newspaper and embark on a journey to rise through the ranks by winning races against other racers. Using money you earn through races you can modify your car and eventually winning enough races earns you the right to challenge The King for his position.
DOS / Games / P.Z.Karen Co. Development Group and Logical Design Works
Street Rod 2: The Next Generation
nterface is thankfully the same as the first but that's where the similarity ends. More is the name here, more cars and parts to buy giving you every edge to regain your crown. Gameplay is it's most significant thing that you will ever remember in this classic. Gameplay control is really tight. You're given 3 venues to race your blood thirsty opponent, betting for money and pink slips. The drag race tests how fast you can engage 1st gear. You're ultimate goal is to beat the new king on these three courses that if you do you get to regain your long lost crown and take home his girl, again.
DOS / Office / MultiSoft/VisiCorp
StretchCalc 1.3
StretchCalc is a software package from MultiSoft that enhances the functionality of VisiCalc. It adds integrated graphing, sorting, column rearranging, and key macros. This version was OEMed by VisiCorp and sold alongside VisiCalc. Note: This disk is formatted for DOS 1.x, and will not open in tools like WinImage. Does not appear to be copy protected. Requires VisiCorp VisiCalc Extended Memory Version or IBM VisiCalc 1.10, IBM PC-DOS 1.1 or higher, 128K (or 192K with DOS 2.0), IBM CGA. Printing requires an IBM/Epson printer with GRAFTRAX.
DOS / Games / Rage Software
"Awful" looking football (i.e., soccer) game, so fun it was hard to resist. Must load "polka" settings to get the right squad colours. Choose keyboard settings and play!
DOS / Games / Rage Software
Striker `95 is a sports game (football) released by Time Warner Interactive Ltd. Friendly gameplay, graphics and sound.