Windows 3.x / Office / Corel Corporation
Corel Perfect Office for Windows 3.0
Corel Perfect Office 3.0 for Windows 3.1/Windows 95 - Corel Corporation Mar 25, 1996 *** This package consists of core installation files from the original CD-ROM as distributed by "Scene warez release Group DoD", screen and/or product shots, and this information file. Unpack the archive including folder to the root of hard drive and install. A SERIAL/REGISTRATION CODE IS PROVIDED FOR THE APPLICATIONS IN THIS ARCHIVE. *** Corel Perfect Office SN: 755-1234567 *** Six Powerful Programs. One Powerfully Integrated Suite. Wordperfect 6.1, Quattro Pro 6.0, Presentations 3.0, InfoCentral 1.0a, Envoy, Groupwise. Within weeks of acquiring Wordperfect from Novell, Corel released this edition, with very minor changes to improve Windows 95 compatibility, and to place their own branding on the files - just enough to be able to claim Windows 95 compatibility for a 16bit office suite, and before losing any more market share. - AppleSeed 2017 -
Windows 9x/ME / Other / Corel Corporation
Corel Photo House 1.1 1.1
Corel Photo House 1.1 is part of Corel WordPerfect Suite 8. You can personalize the install and choose from itens below= Corel WordPerfect 8 Corel Quattro Pro 8 Corel Presentations 8 Envoy 7 Viewer Corel Photo House 1.1 Bitstream Font Navigator 2.0 Corel WordPerfect SGML TrueType Fonts Reference Center 8 Desktop Application Director 8 (DAD) During install, any Serial will be accepted. Tested under Win 95 and it's working fully. Enjoy.
Windows 9x/ME / Other / Corel Corporation
Corel Print House Magic, ed Oem 437 3.0
corel print house 3 (spanish), corel Photo house 2 (spanish) y corel family & friends 1.1, use este serial:PH4X0-5325W108LX, las 3 utilidades estan en un directorio copiados del cd, son 3 archivos comprimidos con winrar: 2 de 100mb y 1 de 95mb
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Corel
Corel Wild Ride 1.0
Kid's Driving game for Windows 95. This was made by two companies from Ottawa, Canada: Corel Corporation and Artech Studios.
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Corel Systems
Corel Word Perfect Office 2000
Spanish version of Corel Word Perfect Office 2000. 1. CD saved as "WPO2000ES_CD1.ISO" & 2. Serial Number present in "serial.jpg," both found in "Corel Word Perfect Office"
Unix / Office / Corel Corporation
Corel WordPerfect 7.0
Corel Wordperfect 7.0, probably a "personal edition". This is likely not to work on modern Linux. Try a period appropriate one. The "tgz" archive is not the original. It's a conversion from rpm.
Unix / Office / Corel Systems
Corel WordPerfect 8.0 Personal Edition
The last version of Corel WordPerfect PE for Linux. Requires libc 5 based distro. Or a libc 6 distro with libc 5 compatibility libraries. The last modern distro release that had libc 5 compatibilty libraries in the main repo (or at all) was Mandriva 2011 (32bit).
DOS / Office / Corel
Corel WordPerfect 6.2 6.2
The Last stable version of Word Perfect for MS-DOS. 7zipped .IMG format
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Corel Systems
Corel WordPerfect Office 2000
Corel WordPerfect Office 9.x a.k.a Corel WordPerfect Office 2000 for Windows 98/ME. Both installation CD ISO file and Serial Number text file located in the *.Zip file.
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Corel Corporation Ltd.
Corel WordPerfect Suite 7 OEM 7.0
7z file containing the ISO of the Corel WordPerfect Suite 7 OEM Italian CD-ROM that I got with my first PC. At the time, I found this office suite more visually pleasing than Microsoft Office 95, but maybe it was only because I got used to this, as it was my first office suite ever. I did only a brief experiment with this under Windows 10, the installation seems to work only if the ISO is mounted as a virtual CD-ROM, it didn't work if extracted in a folder. Some software doesn't seem to work with Win10, so it's better using a virtual (or real) machine with Win9x/NT/ME (probably will work with Win2000/XP too).
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Corel Systems
Corel XARA 1.1
OTTAWA, Nov. 13 1995 /PRNewswire/ -- Fall COMDEX attendees will be treated to a public showing of CorelXARA tomorrow at 9 a.m. at the Flamingo Hilton in Las Vegas. The breakfast event marks Corel Corporation's official launch of the object-oriented drawing program, which is based on technology previously called Xara Studio. Shipping in late November, CorelXARA carries a suggested retail price of $289 US. The program will be available on CD only. "CorelXARA is a lightning-fast vector and bitmap drawing program that will complement any user's graphics or DTP package," said Dr. Michael Cowpland, president and chief executive officer of Corel Corporation. Runs on Windows 95/NT or Win3.1 if you have Win32s installed. No key needed. Included a screenshot of it running on an XP machine.
Unix / Multimedia / Corel
CorelDRAW 3.5 for Unix 3.5
CorelDRAW for Unix. Versions for AIX 3.2 (POWER), HP-UX 9.01 (PA-RISC), IRIX 5.2 (MIPS), OSF/1 V3.2 (Alpha), and Solaris 2.3 (SPARC) are included.
Windows 9x/ME / Other / Corel Corporation
CorelDRAW Essentials (PT-BR) 9
Suíte gráfica que contém os seguintes programas: CorelDRAW 9 (desenho vetorial e diagramação de anúncios, jornais e revistas), Photo-Paint 9 (edição de imagens) e Capture (captura de telas). OBS.: Durante a instalação, pede-se um número serial, que pode ser encontrado no arquivo Serial.txt.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / 2VG
CorelDRAW! 2.0
Dutch version of CorelDRAW! 2.0. Three installation disk (images) and four optional clip-art disks. Made all with WinImage and have the *.img extension.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Corel
CorelDRAW! 3.0
Version 3.0 of the CorelDRAW! suite for Windows 3.0 and 3.1. Includes Corel Photo-Paint, CorelSHOW, CorelCHART, Mosaic, and CorelTRACE.
Windows 9x/ME / Other / Corel Corporation
CorelDRAW! 6
7z-compressed ISOs of the CorelDRAW! 6 Italian CD-ROMs. The software resides in the first CD-ROM, the second CD-ROM contains only cliparts and tutorials. The second CD-ROM doesn't seem to have any Italian localization, confirmed also by the second CD-ROM label that ends with "US", instead of the "IT" present on the first CD-ROM.
DOS / Multimedia / Corel
CorelDRAW! By Example
Interactive Computer Based Training software for learning how to use CorelDRAW! 2 (but also mostly applicable to later versions). Supplied originally with the book "CorelDRAW 2", published by Webster & Associates, 1991. Program is a DOS program, and requires a Microsoft or compatible mouse with driver, however program runs OK under Windows XP without the need for starting with a DOS Prompt in a console.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Corel Corporation
CorelDraw7 v7
CD image *.iso file and serial number (in text file) located in the downloadable *.zip file Tried and tested on a Virtual Windows 98SE machine running on VMWare under a Windows 10 Host. Should probably also run on genuine vintage systems running Windows 9x.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Corel Systems
░░ CORELXARA 1.1 to 1.2 upgrade patch ░░ This upgrade patch creates a fully working version of CorelXARA 1.2 when installed on top of version 1.1. This will only work with English versions of CorelXARA 1.1. The upgrade patch does not include the updated help file packaged with version 1.2. It was available as a separate download. Now it is included in same archive, but as separate installment. ░░ CorelXARA ░░ Professional vector graphics editor known of advanced features, high speed and accuracy under extremely low system requirements. Although intended for Windows 95/NT, with this patch CorelXARA still runs on Windows 3.1x if you have Win32s installed. It is probably the latest version that still works at 16-bit Windows, although there are rumours about v1.5 which was (if ever existed), replaced with v2 shortly after that. ░░ VERSION 1.2 RELEASE NOTES ░░ CorelXARA version 1.2 extends bitmap handling options. These new options are especially useful for creating graphics intended for publishing on the World Wide Web (WWW). Also included are some additional functions requested by users. ░░ NEW FEATURES OF THIS RELEASE: ░░ • importing color palettes (Adobe, Paint Shop Pro etc add-on) • RGB colors can be specified as 0-100% or 0-255 (CMYK, HSV as 0-100%) • new Pixel measurement unit (useful for web design) • new optional default document (e.g. colors identical to Netscape and MS IE) • optimized palettes and bitmap dithering • new "Convert to bitmap" menu option • improvements to GIF import (easier handling of transparency) • more options for exporting in GIF format (including animated GIFs) • optional on-screen dithering (useful in 256 color screen modes) • changes to the keyboard shortcuts • new "print text as shapes" print option • change to snapping
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Corel Systems
CorelXARA 1.5
░░ CorelXARA v1.5 (CD FULL DUMP) ░░ released November 1st, 1996 (VOLINFO.TXT) ░░ INCLUDED: Xara Cube screensaver, Xara 2 (?), clipart, fonts, fills, Demo movies, MS IE3 and Netscape Navigator Plug-in (Win95/NT only), Win32s, Video for Windows. ░░ DESCRIPTION ░░ Professional vector graphics editor known of advanced features, high speed and accuracy under extremely low system requirements. It is the latest version that still works at 16-bit Windows. ░░ MINIMUM HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ░░ CorelXARA requires a 486 or better, and at least 8MB of RAM. At least 20MB of virtual memory is recommended. It runs on Windows 95, Windows 3.1, Workgroups 3.11, Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4. It does not run on Windows 3.0.
Windows XP / System / Corman Technologies Inc.
Corman Common Lisp 3.01
Corman Lisp is a Common Lisp development environment for Microsoft Windows operating systems running on Intel platforms. Corman Lisp consists of a Common Lisp native code compiler for Intel processors, 80x86 assembler and disassembler, incremental linker and multi-window text editor. It requires a system running a Microsoft Windows operating system (such as Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows ME or Windows NT). It is fully integrated with the Win32 API, and all the Windows API functions are readily available from Lisp. Corman Lisp incorporates state-of-the-art compiler technology to bring you a Common Lisp system unmatched on Windows platforms.
DOS / Games / MVP / Pie in the Sky Software
Corncob 3d 3.42
an air combat game --- The date is August, 1949. This is not the 1949 that we remember, though. In this 1949 WWII never happened (this is because among other factors, Adolf Hitler was killed at the age of 19 when hit in the head by a thrown beer bottle), but all was not peace in this alternate age. In 1938 aliens swept down out of the skies and began to set up struc- tures. Allthough many attempts were made to communicate, the aliens did not respond. It soon became obvious that these creatures simply were not interested in us, or in any other life on the planet. When human dwellings or sites were in their way, the aliens destroyed them and continued their seemingly random construction plans. So in 1941 the world governments agreed to band together in an alliance for humanity. No attacks were launched until November 1941. The plan was a simultaneous all out blitz against the extraterrestrials in every part of the globe. Your mission is critical in this plan. You must destroy several alien structures, and in the process, many aliens themselves. If you do not succeed the entire human effort will fail.
DOS / DBMS / Infocom
Cornerstone 5.20
The infamous database from Infocom, the text adventure people. This is the product that led to Infocom's destruction.
DOS / OS / Siemens/IBM/Toshiba/Digital Research
CorosLSB FlexOS 3.10 3.10
The original distribution of COROS FlexOS from Siemens is 22 self extracting EXEs. This distribution contains the extracted contents as well as 1.44M ready made floppy images of all 22 installation disks.
DOS / OS / Siemens/IBM/Toshiba/Digital Research
CorosLSB FlexOS 4.01 4.01
COROS LS-B version 4.01 install floppy disk set. Extracted and prepared from self extracting EXEs. Installation should be done on MS-DOS 6.22 (FlexOS is booted from DOS)
DOS / Office / MicroPro International Corporation
CorrectStar 3.31 American
CorrectStar is a spell checker add-on for WordStar. To install and use CorrectStar, you must already have WordStar 3.30 installed. These disks do not contain copy protection.
Windows 9x/ME / DBMS / NovaQuest InfoSystems
Corum VIP 1.0
Short-lived Windows RDBMS intended to go head-to-head with Microsoft Access, Borland Paradox, and Apple FileMaker. Unique for its iconic programming language, English querying, inheritable forms, and other interesting features. Ahead of its time!