OLDSKOOLED Programmer's Text Editor 1.17 1.19
version 1.19
DOS / System / Olivetti
Olivetti PCS-46/C User Diskette
Olivetti PCS/46C User Diskette is required to set CMOS in PCS-46/C series computers.
DOS / System / Olivetti
Olivetti PCS-46/C User Manual Diskette
User manual diskette of Olivetti PCS-46/C computers.
DOS / OS / Olivetti
Olivetti PCS86 system disks (es)
Discos de sistema del Canon Navigator. Incluye MS-DOS 3.30, tutorial y diagnósticos.
DOS / Office / Olivetti
Olivetti PLUS 1.0 Suite (Italian Language) 1.0.l
Olivetti PLUS Office suite composed by 1 - OliCalc 2 - OliDB 3 - OliDAT 4 - OliMenu 5 - OliText 6 - OliDemo
DOS / DBMS / Blythe Software Ltd.
Omnis 3 Plus 3.11 for Mac
Omnis 3 Plus is a database application for the Apple Macinotsh 512K or higher that enables users to view, enter, and print data using the Macintosh's GUI. Omnis also features a built in GUI form and report editor. The application may be run from a floppy disk, or copied to a hard drive. Archive includes two 400k 3.5" disk images.
Windows 3.x / DBMS / Blyth Software
Omnis 5 r1.01
Omnis 5 is a GUI database product for Windows 2.x. It features a GUI builder for data, forms, and reports and includes CL/1 database server connectivity. Version 5 is a follow up to the earlier Omnis Quartz product, which was for Windows 1.0x, and Omnis 3 for Macintosh. Omnis 5 was also available for the Macintosh and OS/2. Minimum Requirements: IBM AT 286 640K RAM Microsoft Windows 2 (Includes a Windows 2 runtime version) This archive contains both 3.5" 720K and 5.25" 1.2MB floppy disk images. Installation notes: -If you already have Windows 2.x, run INSTALL from the Program Disk. -Otherwise, run SETUP from the bundled Windows 2.10 runtime disk 1. -The runtime disks are not need if you already have Windows 2. -You use a 6-digit number such as "123456" for a serial. -Don't forget to load setver.exe for DOS 5 and 6.x. -This version is not compatible with Windows 3.0 protected mode.
Windows 3.x / DBMS / Blyth Software
Omnis Quartz r1.13
Omnis Quartz is a GUI database product for Windows 1.x. It features a GUI builder for data, forms, and reports. Omnis "Quartz" is port of Omnis 3 for Macintosh to Microsoft Windows.
Windows 3.x / Communication / Caere Corp.
Omniscan SE 1.0
Requires: 386 or higher; 4Mb RAM; Windows 3.1; 8Mb hard drive space; FAX/modem to use FaxMaster. With plug 'n' play suites of software and hardware on the rise, it should come as no surprise that Caere has paired a hand-held scanner with a suite of its own imaging software. The entire bundle, called OmniScan, offers a smooth transition into the world of image scanning, FAXing, and optical character recognition.
Windows XP / Utility / xtort.net
omziff 3.3
"Straightforward encryption utility that uses various cryptographic algorithms to encrypt and decrypt textual files." Stand-alone, no dependencies.
DOS / Games / Epic MegaGames
One Must Fall: 2097
Fighting video game involving robots controlled by humans. Installation instructions are in the "Readme_IMP.txt" file in the zip file.
DOS / Games / Ark Multimedia Publishing
Onesimus - A Quest For Freedom 1.5
You are Onesimus, a slave of Philemon. You want to escape from slavery and be free. For freedom you must go to Rome. There you must find the apostle Paul. He will teach you how to become a Christian. Only then will you discover true freedom. This game uses the Jill of the Jungle engine. Just like in that game you must find keys to open doors, apples to maintain your health and knifes to ward off dangerous animals. Included is the full installation folder as well as the CDROM image if you want to view the installation setup.
DOS / Other / Online Bible Ministries
Online Bible for DOS 6.21
Online Bible for DOS version 6.21/6/22. 4 disk set; Installation Disk AV (Authorized Version) 1&2 LEXICON Disk. Tested on Compaq EVO Desktop PC. Works on Regular DOS, but not on FreeDOS.
DOS / Utility / Ontrack
Ontrack Data Recovery for Netware 4.04
Novell Netware 4.x Data Recovery and Protection software. NLM/Netware Loadable Module.
DOS / System / Ontrack
Ontrack Disk Manager 5.10
Ontrack Disk Manager is a tool bundled with hard drives that automates the process of formatting, partitioning, and installing BIOS overlay software if needed.
DOS / Utility / Ontrack software
Ontrack Disk Manager 5.22
Ontrack disk manager is a tool for formatting and setting up hard drives. It includes a BIOS "overlay" program that works around drive size limits in older BIOSes.
DOS / System / Ontrack
Ontrack Disk Manager 6.02 (Connor OEM)
Ontrack Disk Manager is a tool bundled with hard drives that automates the process of formatting, partitioning, and installing BIOS overlay software if needed.
Ontrack Disk Manager 6.03 (Western Digital OEM)
Ontrack Disk Manager is a tool bundled with hard drives that automates the process of formatting, partitioning, and installing BIOS overlay software if needed.
DOS / System / Ontrack
Ontrack Disk Manager (Fujitsu OEM) 7.07
This is the Fujitsu OEM Ontrack Disk Manager 7.07 and LifeGuard Tools for DOS, NT, and OS/2. It is used to work around limitations in early BIOS to use larger drives.
DOS / Utility / Ontrack
OnTrack Disk Manager 10.46 10.46
OnTrack Disk Manager 10.46 for MSDOS. ZIP file contains an EXE that will format and write the floppy image to a floppy disk.