Windows 3.x / Other / Willmann-Bell, Inc
(aka AstroWin and AstroMeeus). Accurately calculates solar system phenomena (rise and set times, lunar phase, calendars, eclipses, twilight, etc.). It is an implementation of selected algorithms from Astronomical Formulae for Calculators by Jean Meeus. Excellent.
Windows 3.x / System / Chicago-Soft
Winmiser Pro 1.2
is a unique system monitor and problem resolution tool for Windows. It provides information on critical resources such as Windows DOS memory usage by module, windows local memory usage by module, and memory leakage by module. It can also help identify module load failures, memory allocation errors, and more.// THIS IS THE SHAREWARE VERSION
Windows NT/2000 / OS / Microsoft
WinNT 3.1 3.1
Windows NT3.1 Intel (JAPAN) - CD-ROM Setup \I386 ------------------------------------------------ This program is from the April, 1994 Microsoft Developement Network CD#4. 29 files Arj archived in a zip. Use arj to uncompress to the directory of your choice. Example: arj x -v -y win31jap.arj c:\winnt will extract the files to the c: drive winnt directory. To install this version of Windows NT, run MS-DOS on your computer, change to the directory containing the WINNT files and run the WINNT program. This utility willcreate a boot disk for your system and will copy Windows NT to your hard drive for the installation process.
Windows NT/2000 / OS / Microsoft Windows
WinNT 3.1 Japanese (chk) 3.1
This is a re-upload that uses 7-zip instead of ARJ used by original uploader. According to uploader's description, the files are from "\i386" of Windows NT 3.1 Setup CD-ROM (Japan) in April, 1994 Microsoft Developement Network CD 4. To install, one must prepare a clean FAT16 partition, copy all i386 files to a dir like C:\ntsetup, boot with DOS boot disk, run C:\ntsetup\winnt.exe. Eventually it will ask for a blank floppy disk, where boot disk will be created, and you will need to reboot with that boot disk to continue Setup. Since this is a pre-release (not final retail) build, it is very picky on hardware that runs it. So far I only succeeded running it with 86Box (Award 486 BIOS).
Windows NT/2000 / Multimedia / Roxio
WinOnCD 5.03 Power Edition 5.03
Should also work on Windows 9x & Me, probably also XP. Upgrade to service pack 5.05 broke my installation on Windows 2000 (Server). So be carefull.
WinPlay3 2.0
Winplay3 v2.0 FINAL for Windows 3.1 October 28, 1996 Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen, Germany From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia WinPlay3 was the first real-time MP3 audio player for PCs running Windows, both 16-bit (Windows 3.1) and 32-bit (Windows 95). Prior to this, audio compressed with MP3 had to be decompressed prior to listening. It was released by Fraunhofer IIS ("Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen"), creators of the MP3 format, on September 9, 1995. The last version (2.3b5) was released on May 23, 1997. Since then, the Fraunhofer Society has removed any trace and mention of WinPlay3 from their web sites. This contains the original distro by the Release Group GLoW. Unpack GLOWWP20.ZIP, double-click wp200.exe to begin installation. 1. Install, using this serial: Serial: 100011-301000-5000 2. Use softs. AppleSeed '96
WinPlay3 2.3 beta5
MP3 Player software
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Eugene Roschal
WinRAR 1.54 beta
More precisely, it's RAR 1.54 beta, but it seems (but does not have) to be the first one with GUI, hence contributed to as WinRAR 1.54 beta. Exact release date unknown. Distribution package includes a single EXE file, which is the whole ready-to-run program itself.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Eugene Roshal
WinRAR 2,00 beta
WinRAR v2.00 beta Eugene Roshal March 26, 1996 32bit application The original warez NFO says it runs on Win3.11, Win95, NT. It is a 32 bit application. No installer, unpack WINRAR20.ZIP and run. Use the included rar.ini by placing it in the program directory, or start WinRAR, from the menu bar choose Options/Registration and enter the information below. name: 96-REGISTERED code: 6C28EEE7D5DFA3 If used unregistered, it will continue to run without limitations, just a nag screen. AppleSeed 2021
WinRar 3.00
Shareware release.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Eugene Roshal
WinRAR and DOS RAR 2.03
Name: 01-registered s/n: c4bf18bbeb Name: 96-REGISTERED s/n: 6C28EEE7D5DFA3 WinRAR203.exe package contains seperate Win95 and Win3.1 executables (WinRAR95.exe and WinRAR.exe). RAR203.EXE package is the DOS only version, and was available from the author seperately and is included for completeness. The Windows version installed and ran without incident on Windows 10 x64. AppleSeed 2023
Windows 3.x / Office / RIX SoftWorks
WinRIX 1.2 OEM
Winrix is a drawing and image editing tool that support both vector and raster graphic editing. It includes a number of image adjustment options, filters, and a screen shot tool. This version is an OEM version, and will refuse to run if you do not have the OEM card it was sold with. To work around this, you can change the bytes in the WR.EXE as follows: 3D 00 00 75 03 E9 17 00 6A to 3D 00 00 90 90 E9 17 00 6A
Windows 3.x / Utility / Not specified
WinSleuth ?
this is a major diagnostic program that can tell you almost all about your systems configuration. it requires Microsoft windows 3.1 to operate.
Winsock 2 for Windows 95 4.71.0030.1
DOS / Games / Psygnosis
Winter Lemmings
A special version of the game "Lemmings" made for Christmas 1992. It was distributed through the journal "Personal Computer World" (Mar 1993). It features 4 levels.