Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Macromedia
Macromedia xRes 3.0 3.0
Macromedia xRes is a raster image editor that works with selections, layers, channels and paths. Includes some filters to transform images. It can open and edit PSD Photoshop 3 files too, including layers structure and blend modes. Also, includes a special collection of brushes, gradients and textures to paint.
BeOS / Games / New Breed Software
Mad Bomber 0.1.5
The Mad Bomber is loose in the city and he's dropping bombs everywhere! It's your job to catch them before they hit the ground and explode. Luckily, you have a set of trusty buckets to extinguish the bombs with. "Mad Bomber" is a clone of Activision's classic Atari 2600 console game, "Kaboom!," by Larry Kaplan, with spruced-up graphics and sound effects, and music.
DOS / Games / American Lazer Games
Mad Dog Mc Cree 1.0
A port of the popular arcade game, this was one of the first FMV-driven games for PC. You must track down and kill Mad Dog Mc Cree, an outlaw who is wreaking havok on the old west. A short game, but a lot much fun.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Small Rockets
MAD: Global Thermonuclear Warfare Full 1.0
DirectX 7 based 3D video game designed for Windows 95/98. Full version. Strategically defeat the computer (or another web player) with an arsenal of nuclear missiles and satellite stations. Mutually Assured Destruction is inevitable with the Dooms Day Device, but can you acquire it?
DOS / System / Panasonic
madmaxUSB - USB support for DOS 2.06
USBASPI.SYS Panasonic(TM) USB to ASPI Mass Storage Driver. Support for USB 2.0 as well as USB 1.1. Compatible with many USB chipset implementations. Automatically obtains configuration parameters from Motherboard PnP/ PCI BIOS. CPU/Ram: Pentium 400MHz & UP.
BeOS / Games / Sam Lantinga
Maelstrom 3.0.6
GPL port of the Macintosh game. It is a fast-action, high resolution (640x480) asteroids-like game, with detailed graphics and original sounds. (
DOS / Utility / Lotus Software
Magellan 2.0 2.0
Lotus Magellan war ein unter MS-DOS laufendes Desktop-Suchprogramm, das von Bill Gross entwickelt worden war und von der Lotus Development Corporation in den 1980er Jahren veröffentlicht wurde. Trotz seiner gerühmten Effektivität konnte sich Magellan auf dem Markt nicht behaupten, was möglicherweise auch an den zu dieser Zeit noch sehr kleinen Festplatten lag. Magellan durchsuchte alle Dateien und Verzeichnisse eines Speichermediums (Festplattenlaufwerk oder Diskette) und erzeugte eine zentrale Indexstruktur, die es ermöglichte, die Dateien anzusehen ohne die einschlägigen Anwendungen zu starten, weil es die meisten zeitgenössischen Dateiformate lesen und interpretieren konnte.
DOS / Utility / Bert Greevenbosch
Magic Assembler 1.10
Simple 8086 assembler, which can produce as well as COM files as boot sector programs, and print the sources including correct addresses.
DOS / Games / Blue Turtle
Magic Boy
Little Hewlett is an apprentice Wizard. He is top of his class in Sorcery School and has passed all of his Magic Exams. One evening Hewlett stayed behind after his classmates had gone home in order to finish off some work. As he rummaged through the spell cupboard he tripped over the trap door that leads to the basement where the Grand Wizards' crazy assortment of magic creatures are kept, and they all escaped into the magical landscape surrounding the Sorcery School. Hewlett must scour the area and return all the creatures to the basement. This will involve searching through different terrains apprehending all the creatures and returning to the school via the back door; all this before the Grand Wizard returns in the morning! Good luck, it's going to be a long night!
Windows XP / Utility / Binary Magic
Magic CD DVD Burner 1.21
This caught my eye because it is what Corel used to master "Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 Ultimate". Full-featured ISO Builder and burner, geared towards developers. (You could order it with libraries for either VCL, ActveX, .NET). Company is gone, wayback links don't have any recent binaries, found this one with the usual bit of sniffing around. No installer, supposed to be the FULL version. Also included "help.chm" from the newer trial edition, because this one shipped with the old style "MCDBurner.hlp". BTW, seems to run fine on Windows 10, x64. AppleSeed 2024
DOS / System / Virtual Magic Software
Magic Desk 3.22
"Previously ToyBox II" MAGIC DESK: Windows-style graphical DOS menu. Uses standard Windows icons to represent your programs. Perfect for schools, businesses, or home users. All the features you expect in a powerful menuing system, but so simple and safe, even young children can use it to start their own programs without assistance. Built- in icon editor. Superb EGA/VGA graphics. DOS 3.3, HD, 640K, mouse optional.
DOS / Multimedia / Predictive Management International
Magic Mushroom demo
This is the (legendary) Magic Mushroom demo. This program plays a digitized advertisement on the PC speaker with quite high quality. This demo shows what an onboard 1-bit (on/off) speaker is capable of if programmed very cleverly.
DOS / DBMS / Aker
Magic PC 3.5f
Magic PC is a non-procedural database system. It is rule driven and essentially a table driven rule based system, Btrieve is the underlying records management system.
Windows 3.x / System / Dynamic Information Systems
Magic ScreenSaver 1.02
Magic ScreenSaver is a shareware screen saver for Microsoft Windows 2. Magic ScreenSaver is the predecessor to the famous AfterDark. The screen saver itself looks like the "Mystify Your Mind" Windows 3.1 screen saver, but with many more options. Source:
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Microprose
Magic: The Gathering 1.25
Magic: The Gathering é um jogo de PC publicado pela MicroProse em abril de 1997 com base no jogo de cartas colecionáveis Magic: The Gathering. É frequentemente chamado de Shandalar devido o plano de Shandalar, onde o jogo se realiza. O jogador deve percorrer a terra e lutar contra inimigos aleatórios para ganhar cartas, e derrotar cinco feiticeiros que representam as cinco cores.
DOS / DBMS / Aker
MagicPC v3.50f Help Screens 3.50f
This is a pseudo manual for MagicPC v3.50f from Aker. I extracted all of the Help screens and combined them with text based screenshots. This is not the full manual that came with MagicPC. But it is enough to get you started. If anyone has the manual please leave a comment below. There are three files in the zip. DOSMAN.TXT is a normal text file, but I created it on Linux so it cannot be read in DOS. Use a standard MONOSPACE font to view. PDFMAN.TXT is formatted so the new pages appear correct when printing. I used PLUMA editor to create. MANUAL.PDF is the PDF manual so should be easy to print out. Magic PC is a non-procedural database system. It is rule driven and essentially a table driven rule based system, Btrieve is the underlying records management system. The version on Vetusware says it is from 1986, but it is actually the 1990 version according to the screens in the program. MagicPC The Visual Database Language (Note if this isn't the kind of thing that is supposed to be on this site please let me know.)
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Magix Corporation
Magix Music Studio v2000 v2000
For those people who have been unsuccessfully looking for Magix Music Studio v2000 (Windows 95/98) to access old *.SNG files created with the program. (Instructions in accompanying text file)
Windows 3.x / Utility / Quarterdeck
MagnaRAM 3.0
A memory compression utility for Windows 3.1, Windows For Workgroups, Windows 95. It makes Windows and apps use less RAM and run faster.
DOS / Other / BlueView Software
MagniPaint 3.3
Creates and manipulates small graphic images (PCX, BMP and ICO). Requires VGA/SVGA and mouse. (Shareware, 10 seconds delay at the beginning)
Windows XP / Other / High-Logic
MainType is the font manager for graphic artists who demand high-end functionality such as network support, font activation plug-ins, easy font collection backup, advanced categorizing, searching fonts capabilities, and more.
DOS / Games / Apogee Software
Major Striker 1.4
In the not-so-distant future, the calamity of World War III led to eventual world peace. But, it did not last.... Earth was invaded by alien marauders--the Kretons. Earth's united military force, still depleted after the mighty onslaught of WWIII, was not nearly sufficient to repel the numerous Kreton attacks. It was discovered that the Kretons had used a wormhole to invade our region of space from their home worlds. And with that knowledge Earth called into action Major Harrison Stryker, hero of WWIII, to travel back through the wormhole and destroy the Kreton's home world headquarters. With almost no chance of success, you accept the mission... Major Stryker is the first Apogee game with "triple-parallax scrolling", adding to the illusion of depth and danger. Your mission is to pilot a high-powered, armored space ship through dozens of stunning scenarios, such as space stations, lava caves and alien cities. EXCITING FEATURES * Adlib music and Sound Blaster digitized effects. * EGA high-speed animated graphics (VGA compatible). * Cinematic sequences. * Unlike any other Apogee game up to the game's release. * Full of bonuses and secrets to discover. * Save and restore up to 10 games. * Play with joystick or keyboard. * Exciting demo mode. This is the legit freeware edition of the full game not the shareware file.
DOS / Communication / Galacticomm
MajorBBS 5.31
The Major BBS was developed by Tim Stryker and launched in 1986 by Stryker's company, Galacticomm, Inc. Because it was one of the few multi-line bulletin board systems, MBBS software was known for fostering online communities and an interactive online experience where users were able to interact with each other via Teleconference (chat rooms) and multiplayer games.
DOS / Utility / Improve It Technologies
Make-It 486 Software
Setup utility, help file, Information Utility and cache enabler for both the 286 and 386 systems. (When using the Make-It 486 clip in accelerator.)
DOS / Utility / Echidna
MakeCFG 1.5
MakeCFG is a utility that greatly facilitates managing and switching between different system configurations. With MakeCFG you can manage all your system configurations from within a single text file. Shareware
DOS / Utility / EasyTools
Subset of the EasyTool Utilities. Able to create batch file that provides a menu of commands.