Windows 9x/ME / System / Intel Corporation
440BX Chipset (AGP) 3.20.1008
Also works with Windows 2000 and XP. For Intel chipset 440DX 440EX 440GX 440LX 440ZX 440MX 430TX 810 810E 810E2 815 815E 815EM 815EP 815P 820 820E 840 850 860 830MP 815G 815EG.
DOS / Utility / unknown
486 Cache Disable
Disabling and Enabling the 80486 Internal Cache// These programs allow you to turn the 80486's internal cache on and off without rebooting. Usually your cache should be left enabled, but some software may not work with caching enabled. In particular, Sierra and Dynamix games will not work correctly with the CMS Sound Blaster if caching is enabled. Also, you can disable the cache to slow down programs that run too fast on a 486. Origin's Wing Commander is a good candidate for this, especially if you have a fast video board. //may also work on Pentium1 and P2
DOS / System / J.P. Software
4DOS 3.01
4DOS is designed to help you get the most out of your IBM PC or compatible system. It replaces COMMAND.COM, the command interpreter that comes with all versions of MS-DOS and PC-DOS. You'll find 4DOS provides a wide variety of capabilities COMMAND.COM can't, ranging from a vastly enhanced DIR command, to point-and-shoot file selection for any command, to the ability to completely redefine your system's commands. Yet 4DOS is fully compatible with COMMAND.COM. 4DOS is a "DOS shell" (a program that gives you access to DOS functions and commands), but it's unlike most DOS shells on the market. Virtually all of these shells are designed to isolate the novice user from the DOS command line. 4DOS, on the other hand, is intended to make DOS easier to use and to make you more productive while working at the command line. It provides enhancements to most of the DOS commands, as well as more than 40 new commands. These improvements make 4DOS a much richer and more powerful working environment than COMMAND.COM, without sacrificing the compatibility, flexibility and control you get from working at the command line. If you're tired of the limitations of COMMAND.COM, you'll love 4DOS! Shareware.
4DOS 7.50
Command Processor replacment for any DOS version 3.0 or higher.
DOS / Utility / JPSoft
4DOS 8.00 8.00
COMMAND.COM drop-in replacement with greatly expanded capabilities from new and powerful commands to advanced memory management to an extremely versatile built-in batch file language. v8.00 is based on the open-sourced v7.50 from JPSoft, with additions, improvements and bug fixes.
DOS / Other / JPSoft
4Dos Command-line interpreter 2.21
4DOS is a command line interpreter by JP Software, designed to replace the default command interpreter COMMAND.COM in DOS and Windows 95/98/Me.
4Dos Command-line interpreter 3.03
4DOS is a command line interpreter by JP Software, designed to replace the default command interpreter COMMAND.COM in DOS and Windows 95/98/Me.
4Dos Command-line interpreter 4.02b
4DOS is a command line interpreter by JP Software, designed to replace the default command interpreter COMMAND.COM in DOS and Windows 95/98/Me.
4Dos Command-line interpreter 5.00f
4DOS is a command line interpreter by JP Software, designed to replace the default command interpreter COMMAND.COM in DOS and Windows 95/98/Me.
DOS / DBMS / Acius, Inc.
4th Dimension 1.0.1 for Macintosh
4th Dimension is a powerful and feature rich multi-user database for the Apple Macintosh. It features graphical creation of forms, reports, and graphs, a powerful programming language, and databases can be multi-user over AppleTalk networks.
DOS / Office / Turner Hall Publishing
4Word 1.0
4WORD is an add-in word processor for Lotus 1-2-3. Unlike TSR programs 4WORD works from within Lotus, using the same menus, using the Lotus printer drivers, and storing your documents inside your spreadsheet. It can copy and paste data between your document and spreadsheet as well link to live cells in to your document. Requires Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.00 or 2.01.
4Word 2.0
4WORD is an add-in word processor for Lotus 1-2-3. Unlike TSR programs 4WORD works from within Lotus, using the same menus, using the Lotus printer drivers, and storing your documents inside your spreadsheet. It can copy and paste data between your document and spreadsheet as well link to live cells in to your document. Requires Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.00 or 2.01.
DOS / Games / Avalon - Hill games
One of the best board-style wargames ever made, 5th Fleet is a great naval simulation based on Avalon Hill board game of the same name. Eleven scenarios are included. Note: You need "DOSBOX" for an optimal utilization
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Software 602, Inc.
602Pro PC Suite 2000
602Pro PC Suite 2000 is a completely free office suite for commercial or non-commercial use for Windows 9x/NT/2000 operating systems. It is composed of three components: 602Text (word processor), 602Tab (spreadsheet) and 602Photo (photo editor).
602Pro PC Suite 4.0
602Pro PC Suite is an integrated office suite compatible with Microsoft Office documents (DOC/XLS format). The suite is composed of four applications: a word processor, spreadsheet, photo editor, and digital photo organizer.
DOS / Games / Electronic Arts
688 Attack Sub 1989-03-04 This is Floppy Disk Image dumped from original disk. (2EA of 3.5" 720KB / Original Release : 1989-03-04)
688 Attack Sub 1989-06-26 This is Floppy Disk Image dumped from original disk. (2EA of 3.5" 720KB / Second Release : 1989-06-26)
DOS / Utility / Alberto Pasquale
800 II Diskette BIOS Enhancer Ver 1.78 1.78
800 II diskette bios enhancer v1.78 is a TSR to add support for diskette format(like format to 1.66 Mb rather than 1.44 Mb).It works with dos 3.30 or more. Use /? after file to get details.
DOS / Other / Avocet Systems
8051/8751 AVSIM 8051 simulator 1.21
8051/8751 AVSIM 8051 simulator v1.21 microcontroller simulator for MS-DOS by Avocet Microsystems
DOS / Other / DomainGenerics
8086 8088 Fig-FORTH 1983
Fig-Forth is a public domain FORTH implementation, originally released in 1981 and updated for use with MS-DOS.
8086 Assembler 2.44
Complete with source code
86-DOS 0.34
Run the included emulator with "altairz80.exe .\86dos_03".
86-DOS 1.00
86-DOS by Seattle Computer Products