Multiplan Version 2
Complete set of install disks for Multiplan version 2.0 for DOS.
Multiplan Version 4
Complete set of install disks for Multiplan version 4 for DOS.
DOS / Office / Microsoft Corporation
Multiplan 3.0 1.0
Multiplan was an early spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft. Known initially by the code name "EP" (for "Electronic Paper"), it was introduced in 1982 as a competitor for VisiCalc. (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
DOS / Office / Microsoft
Multiplan 3.0 3.0
La aplicación se encuentra en un fichero .ima, creado con WinImage, para su ejecución en Virtual PC
DOS / System / Microsoft
Multitasking "MS-DOS Version 4.00" 4.00
This is the multitasking version of MS-DOS that Microsoft originally planned to release as MS-DOS 4. This archive contains two 360k disk images that have been slightly modified. Note that although it calls itself "MS-DOS Version 4.00", it is a different product than the MS-DOS 4 that actually shipped. Source: http://jsmachines.net
DOS / OS / Digital Research
Multiuser DOS 5.10
Digital Research's Multiuser DOS is a true multi-tasking, multi-user operating system with a DOS like environment. It is based on Concurrent CP/M, and Concurrent DOS. (3.5-1.44mb) - (unprotected version).
DOS / OS / Digital Research
Multiuser DOS 5.0 5.0
This is the first known version of DR-Multiuser DOS Version 5.0. This is a 5.25" 1.2mb File Format.
DOS / OS / Concurrent Controls, Inc.
Multiuser DOS Gold 7.22 7.22 r4
Multiuser DOS Gold Version 7.22 Release 04 from Concurrent Controls Inc. (this is NOT a demo) 3 Disks 1.44meg. Raw images zipped.
DOS / Utility / Soft WareHouse
muMATH ?
muMATH is a Computer algebra system, which was developed in the late 70s and early eighties by Albert D. Rich and David Stoutemyer of the Soft Warehouse in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was implemented in the muSIMP programming language which was built on top of a LISP dialect called muLISP. Platforms supported were CP/M and TRS-DOS (since muMATH-79), Apple II (since muMATH-80) and MS-DOS (in muMATH-83, the last version, which was published by Microsoft). The Soft Warehouse later developed Derive, another computer algebra system. The company was purchased by Texas Instruments in 1999, and development of Derive ended in 2006.
Windows 3.x / Games / Brighter Child Interactive
Muppet Kids Preschool 1.0
1999 compilation release of educational games featuring Jim Henson's Muppets for Windows 3.1/95/98, originally released as separate titles in 1997. Imaged using ImgBurn on Windows 10.
DOS / Games / MECC
Museum Madness
Museum Madness is based on an American natural history museum and aims to teach the player many aspects of history such as technology, geology, space, American history, and prehistory.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / TANDY (Radio Shack) - Designed and Developed by Audio Light, Inc
Music Sudio 3 - Deskmate 3
You'll need to copy the runtime drivers fmm the DeskMate Runtime disk onto another floppy or your hard disk. However, the lOOOSL version of DeskMate does not recognize the fie extension of the runtime drivers. Before runniig DeskMate from the D: drive, insert the DeskMate Runtime disk into drive A . At the A: prompt, type in one of these commands: If you're using a floppy disk (have a formatted disk on hand) use this command: Copy A:*.RRS B:*.RES If you're using a hard drive, you can copy the extensions to the C: drive using this command: Copy A:*.RRS C:*.RES Now you're ready to load DeskMate and The Music Studio 3.0 as described in steps 1 through 7 above.
DOS / Other / Temporal Acuity Products, Inc
MusicPrinter Plus 1.1
MusicPrinter Plus, from Temporal Acuity Products, Inc, is a musical notation program for MS-DOS. It supports CGA, EGA, and VGA video as well as MIDI playback. Will run on an IBM PC (5150), and was supported up to IBM PS/2 models around 1988. Important: This software is copy protected. An unprotected version is supplied in the "Unprotected" folder. This archive contains kryoflux dumps of a new, untouched floppy disk. For whatever reason the copy protection is * extremely * picky about the drives that read and write these images. If it does not like your drives, you will see a "no keydisk" error message at startup. This archive includes a dump of disk 1 using a 360k floppy drive, and another using a 1.2mb floppy drive. I've only had success writing the 1.2mb image. The copy protection is timing sensitive, and may fail on fast computers. It was supported up to ~1988 IBM PS/2 computers.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / DMV Daten und Medien-Verlag
Musik-Trainer 1.5
Ein (selbst nach 25 Jahren noch ziemlich cooles) interaktives Programm zum Noten lernen und zur musikalischen Gehörbildung. Intervalle, Dreiklänge, Septakkorde, Tonleiten, Kadenzen usw. Inkl. Unterstützung von MIDI-Keyboards. Screenshot im ZIP-Archiv. Folgende Möglichkeiten gibt es, dieses 16-Bit Windows-Programm zu installieren und auszuführen: - Installation unter Windows 3.1 (nativ) - Installation unter Windows 3.1 auf DOSBox, VMware, VirtualBox, etc. - Installation unter Windows 32 Bit-Systemen im Kompatibilitätsmodus bzw. mit aktivierter NTVDM - Installation unter winevdm auf 64-Bit Systemen (Windows 7, 10), https://github.com/otya128/winevdm/releases
DOS / Other / Saudisoft
Mussaid Alarabi 2.01
Arabic Localization System for DOS which allows the user to read and write in arabic, all DOS Application could read and write in arabic using this software.
Unix / Communication / gpl
Mutt 1.0
Mutt is a Mail User Agent (MUA) for Unix. It is a descendant of ELM, borrowing ideas from other MUAs, like PINE and Mush. Right now it's a text mode application, not an X program. But that might change one day.
DOS / Other / Pawel Wzietek
MV 1.4
Chemistry. Displays and prints pictures of atomic structures. The program first reads a file containing the structure description. The default extension is ".str" (sample files and manual included).
DOS / Multimedia / MVP Software
MVP Paint 2.4 Professional
Many advanced features, such as animation, sunbursting, interpolation, trending, palette manipulation permitting use of 262,144 colors. Created as an in-house graphics program by one of the leading shareware games developers. Supports EMS, XMS, disk-cache; PCX, GIF, BMP, VGA & VGR file formats. Requires 640K, VGA/SVGA, mouse. Ver 2.4 has many new features based on user requests.
Windows 3.x / DBMS / MySoftware Company
My Advanced MailList and AddressBook for Windows 1997
My Advanced MailList is a comprehensive mailing list manager database that supports a wide variety of label formats, embedded graphics, import/export with other databases, and printing POST-NET barcodes.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Unknown/generic
Myformat 1.4.2
This is a low-level format program. Operating System Requirement: DOS ,Windows 95/98/ME. You can use it to format a 1.44Mb floppy. You can also format a floppy with TRACK 0 BAD. You can make this TRACK 0 BAD FLOPPY BOOTABLE using 'sys' command after the format is complete. MyFormat is specially meant for floppies with TRACK 0 BAD. You can use it for normal floppies too. As per our knowledge the program is more reliable than other format utilities.
Windows XP / DBMS / MySQL AB
MySQL Essential 5.0.51b
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). A relational database organizes data into one or more data tables in which data may be related to each other; these relations help structure the data. SQL is a language programmers use to create, modify and extract data from the relational database, as well as control user access to the database. In addition to relational databases and SQL, an RDBMS like MySQL works with an operating system to implement a relational database in a computer's storage system, manages users, allows for network access and facilitates testing database integrity and creation of backups.
Windows 3.x / Games / Broderbund Software
Myst (exploration game) 1.1 (Win3.1), 1.3 (Win95)
Disc dump of CD for Myst, an exploration game. The disc has v1.1 for Windows 3.1 and v1.3 for Windows95. Please read the readme.txt file in the CD root for installation instructions.
DOS / Utility / Systat, Inc
Mystat 1986
MYSTAT is an interactive statistics package for MS/PC-DOS computers. It uses 256K memory and a floppy or hard disk drive. MYSTAT handles up to 32000 cases and 50 variables. Mystat is the free personal version of the commercial Systat statistical software. Requires ANSI.SYS.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Bungie
Myth: The Fallen Lords 1.2
1997. Quatro anos antes da Bungie lançar o primeiro game de sua série de maior sucesso; Halo: Combat Evolved, série que perdura até os dias de hoje e com toda a certeza perdurará por ainda mais tempo. Nesse ano, a empresa lançou o primeiro game de uma série de RTT (Real Time Tactics) que durou até o mesmo ano do lançamento de Halo. Esse game era Myth: The Fallen Lords.
DOS / Utility / Simeon Cran
MYZ80 1.11
Z80 Emulator. "It creates a virtual Z80 computer on which you can run CP/M 2.2, CP/M 3.0 and other Z80 programs." (unregistered but fully functional, only add some extra screens).
N-88 BASIC(86) (DISK ver 6.3)
This is for NEC PC-9801/9821 series.
N-88 BASIC(86) (DOS interpreter compiler runtime ver6.0)